Chapter 50 Everything right now I could feel clearly
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Kneeled there looking down at the stone floor waiting. I saw his feet standing there next to me.

I could imagine him gazing at my naked body hunch over with a cage tied to my belts that wasn't holding up anything since I was bare naked. I could imagine him looking at my curled up tail and my bend back furry ears and my shivering  body that was nervous of being left to be come food for the dungeon.

My chest burned my dead beat brains kept repeating  "I'm sorry.. I'm stupid slave, I'm sorry.."

I heard his bag fall inside I didn't dar lift my head I only hyper sensitively listen to the sounds

Grinding my teeth as they chatter  this moment felt like it took forever.  My everything quivered the moment I felt his hand on my head.

I could feel that he now was sitting next to me. Though I didn't look up I kept my head down on to the floor not daring to move. I felt his hand patting my head. It why was he not hurting me why didn't he just leave me. I didn't deserve this treatment.

My body couldn't accept it no this was just a trick.. yes that was it this man I'm only a test  subject, my tired brain was trying to justify this reaction of his with my little intelligence that I had.

I felt his hand grab my hair as he focused my head off the ground.. he made look into his green eyes.

But I could only make out a blur since tears were pooing out my eyes 

I probably had a pool of filth around my body. I had long lost control of my body. That didn't't matter I had no dignity and it wasn't like I even knew what that word was. So how could I comprehend something I wasn't taught.

Focused to look into his eyes the very one that try to avoid my gaze not but minutes go what had changed. Why didn't he just leave me here. I didn't say anything I had no right to speak, I wasn't human I am an object that is mentally and physically only for others.

He lifted my body off the ground. Seeing the ground below me. It made me I was an over used ragdoll finally being picked off the floor.

Was this his way of throwing me away.  No I wasn't smart enough.. Yeah I was dumb child. I don't care if you don't like me for being this way.

My mind was dizzy from the all of it. Being underground confused me.  The lights the air the everything drove me different and to react in ways I'm not wanting to.

I cried out as he held me his arms as if I was a small baby hell I probably at that point was more a crying puppy.

He patted me on the my back I wrap my arms around him as my tail curled around him too.  The rat in the cage that dangled besides me kept bumping up against my thin upper legs.

I could feel the spider inside me spinning a web  with my womb.

Everything right now I could feel clearly, and that is why it hurt so much when I heard him say it.

"I will not accept your love. Because it would be wrong of me. I am but a lonely scientist that doesn't know what love is and I don't want to fall and mistake your loyalty for loving me."

His words were confusing but it hurt all the same. I don't know what love is...but I know what being loyal meant, yet what does this word love mean. I used it before I said it before though what does it actually mean.