60 – Trouble (2)
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Even though he knew that these bullets wouldn't have much effect on Nemesis, Jonathan still cursed when he realized it didn't leave a single mark.


But cursing wouldn't do anything to Nemesis, who went after both of them. Unlike Alice, who was some kind of superhuman or a hybrid zombie, Jonathan was literally a human with a SHOP, and that wouldn't help much if he was hit by Nemesis.


So Jonathan quickly moved away from Alice and let the two of them battle it out while he tried to distract Nemesis with bullets.




As soon as Jonathan rolled away from Alice, Nemesis and she clashed and, surprisingly, it ended in a draw, with Alice and Nemesis retreating a little.


Remembering that, although she had a LOT of adrenaline in her body, Alice had basically been sleep-deprived for months, so she was still weak.


' How strong is she?' Jonathan thought as he shot Nemesis with a rifle. Although it didn't do much damage, it was still annoying, and who knows, it might work and hurt Nemesis for real.




Just as Nemesis, who had just recovered from the previous clash, turned his attention to Jonathan, a punch hit him and made the behemoth stagger a little and try to fight back.


But, thanks to her smaller size, Alice had more agility than Nemesis and easily dodged his punch. Even so, his fist hit the floor and the impact made the whole room shake.


Jonathan even lost his balance and almost fell over. When he saw the crater left after the punch, he shivered, 'How the hell are we going to deal with this without missiles or a tank?'


With the large arsenal he had, Jonathan was confident of killing the creature, however, the location they were in now was not a good one to use heavy guns, due to the chance of everything falling on them. So Jonathan couldn't use all his 'power' here.


' If we were out in the open, I'd probably hit him with so many explosives that he'd die, but it would’ve still take some time to kill one Nemesis. Now, imagine with several...'


Putting this to the back of his mind, Jonathan turned his attention to the fight.


Alice was using her superior agility to move from side to side and land blows here and there, but they didn't do much damage. Nemesis, on the other hand, didn't land any blows, but if he did, it was game over for Alice.




And in between we had Jonathan, who shot in the same place every time, trying to distract Nemesis and see if shooting in the same place every time did any damage. If Jonathan used explosives, maybe the fight would end faster, but until he can test that, the current situation is the best they have.




Alice landed another punch on Nemesis, who tried to retaliate but missed the target. '' GRRRR.''


The monster growled in frustration and went to chase after Alice, but the shots were irritating him again and taking away his concentration. He turned towards Jonathan and just as he was about to start running towards him, Nemesis felt his body in the air.




The monster didn't understand the situation and the next thing he knew, his head and body were on the ground. Alice, seeing that the strategy wasn't working, since she didn't have enough power to kill the creature now, and with the adrenaline almost gone, decided to change tactics, hitting Nemesis' leg and making him fall to the ground.


Jonathan, finally seeing an opportunity to do some damage, even though it could cause the entire base to collapse, decided to act while the monster was on the ground. '' GET AWAY.''


When Alice turned to Jonathan, she was surprised to see him with a Rocket launcher in his hands, 'Where the hell did he get that from?'


Alice had noticed Jonathan before and didn't see any Rocket Launcher with him, not even in the perimeter, so she thought this was very strange. Regardless, she got out of the way.


As soon as Jonathan saw that she was out of the way, he fired. 








Veronica was keeping to her routine after taking Jonathan to the basement. She was calm, but a while ago, her family sent her an urgent message, telling her to escape.


She thought it was a joke, but she received several messages with the same content. ' Something was going to happen and she had to leave Umbrella now and meet up with them to escape Paris.'


After her mother talked to her so much, Veronica finally left work early, even though she thought it was bullshit.


Until the next moment.




The ground shook. The whole of Paris felt a tremor, albeit small in some areas. However, Veronica, who was near the Umbrella base, felt the explosion very strongly.


After recovering from the shock, she looked down at the ground, ‘ It came from the basement...!'


Finally believing in her family, Veronica immediately started to run, as the message said Paris would probably fall.




Remembering Jonathan and thinking it could be him that caused this, as he was the only variable today, Veronica put that on the back of her mind and continued running to her home.


If she could escape Paris in time, only the future knows.






Knowing Nemesis' history and supposed resistance, he knew that just one missile wouldn't do, so as he reloaded, he threw a few grenades at Nemesis.






The ground shook once more and Jonathan finally reloaded and fired once more.




He threw 10 more grenades and finally stopped firing. But he didn't get any closer and left the Rocket Launcher, which had been reloaded, aimed at where Nemesis was.


And after the dust cleared, he saw that Nemesis was still alive, but weak and unable to move.  Still, surviving 2 missiles plus 10+ grenades was unbelievable.




After the third missile, Nemesis finally stopped moving. Alice approached the monster, "Is he dead?''


Jonathan said cautiously and without conviction, ''Maybe?''


Alice took courage and kicked Nemesis as hard as she could. He didn't move, ''Looks like he's dead.''


'' Okay. Let's get out of here, okay?'' Jonathan knew that the adrenaline was running out and wanted to get out of Paris before Alice fainted.


"Let's go.'' Alice, who saw Jonathan coming down the corridor, went first. 


As soon as Jonathan saw that she had entered the corridor and had no more sight of him, Jonathan touched Nemesis and placed the body in the INVENTORY. He did this to see if he was really dead and luckily for him, the monster was.


After doing this, Jonathan reached Alice. He looked at the woman, who still only had a lab coat over her. '' Here.''


Alice looked at the clothes in Jonathan's hand and, again, wanted to ask where the hell he was getting them from, but decided to go with the flow, ''Thank you.''


Jonathan turned around and Alice put the clothes on. Then they continued on their way, and Jonathan kept asking questions and chatting.


'' Let me introduce myself again. My name is Jonathan and I came to rescue you.''


'' My name is Alice, but I think you know that.... Can I ask you why have you come for me?'' Alice was basically in the dark about many things. She knew about the apocalypse happening, but that was that. She literally spent months trapped in a water tank, without being able to do anything but listen to the scientists talking here and there.


'' ... You really don't know?'' Jonathan was a little surprised by that. He thought she knew she was patient 0 and the one who was partially responsible for the apocalypse, even if willingly. ' She might not like the truth...'


'' I don't.''


Jonathan thought about lying but soon decided against it, 'Sometimes lying is the better option and sometimes the truth is better. The truth is better in this situation.'


'' Based on what I know ... you're patient 0, the one who caused the apocalypse. You must have heard they calling you that, and if you did it, that explains why.''


Jonathan could see Alice's face changing and she stopped walking. He immediately said, '' It's not your fault, it's Umbrella's.''


'' Can you explain in detail?'' 


So, while walking towards where the hostages were, Jonathan told Alice about everything.


'' So, I think you are the key to the cure. After we arrive in the United States, we will, with your permission of course, run some tests and try to find the cure.''


Jonathan had in his possession a USB with every file Umbrella had on their work on the cure. He could and would use it if the necessity arrives.


'' ... Of course, I'll help. Just... don't lock me up and drug me like they did.''


''Don't worry about it.''


They finally arrived where the hostages were, and it seemed the adrenaline ran out, as Alice stumbled a bit. 


Jonathan held her but cursed a little, ' If she sleeps for more than 5 minutes, the zombies will attack!'


'' Can you hold it?'' Jonathan asked.


Alice said in a voice with no strength, '' I don't think I can... Sorry.''


Jonathan smiled bitterly, '' Don't worry about it, and go to sleep.''


Alice nodded and started to close her eyes, '' I'll wake in a b-'' Then she passed out.


Jonathan carried her and looked around at the scientist/hostages. He spoke gravely, '' We have 6 minutes to leave Paris. She was the one making the zombies around us docile and with her out of the way, they will attack.''


The hostages started to whisper and started to run towards the elevator. Every hostage, numbering to 14, entered it. Jonathan did the same and watched as time passed slowly, ' Let's hope we have time.'


But, fate wasn't so pleasant. When they finally hit the ground floor, they could hear the screams of people dying. Jonathan acted immediately and pressed the button that led to the terrace.


'' Why are we going there?''


'' I put a helicopter there so we could escape. Let's hope it fits everyone.'' It was a lie. There was no helicopter, but Jonathan would pull one out of the INVENTORY when they arrived there.


They soon did so, and Jonathan said, '' Stop. Let me check it first, then I'll call you guys.''


No one was armed, except Jonathan, so they could only accept it.


So, Jonathan went ahead, checked the perimeter, took out a huge helicopter, hoped it would work with 16 people, and called everyone, '' It's safe! We don't have much time, let's go.''


'' What about our families?'' Someone cried out.


'' They should be safe, outside of Paris.'' Jonathan didn't know that, but it was something he hoped for.


After everyone had gone inside the helicopter, Jonathan put Alice on the copilot seat and started the helicopter. As soon as they took flight, they could see Paris.


It was filled with zombies, as they lost their docile status and destroyed the whole city. Jonathan knew Paris had fallen and probably no human would survive there.


So, as his plan A ( loudspeaker) had automatically failed, he took out something that would start plan B ( bombs) and plan C ( C-4).


He didn't hesitate and pressed the button that was connected to those explosions, as the people who should've left had already done so, and clearly, Paris was a city of the dead now.


It was incredible how quickly Paris fell after they lost Alice's protection.


Anyway, a HUGE explosion as they had never seen before hit Paris, instantly killing thousands of zombies, if not millions, around the area.




The shockwave of the explosion made the helicopter shake a little, but Jonathan ignored it and continued flying ahead, as the people inside the helicopter could only be in disbelief about what happened on that day.


Paris had fallen.



After an hour or so, a woman, the same one who passed the phone to Jonathan sometime ago, pulled out her phone after seeing it vibrate.


She immediately answered the call, thinking it was her family, but it was the seller. She took the call, '' Hello?''


'' Finally! Hi, perhaps Jonathan with you?'' Math's voice was basically in a whisper. It looked like he was afraid to make any noises.


'' Jonathan? Yes, he is here, why? ... What do mean you guys are in danger?''


Jonathan, after hearing that, took the phone out of the woman and started to talk, '' Where are you guys?''


He didn't ask for more, as he knew the zombies probably were around. And with the hive mind of the zombies, the survivors couldn't go out, so Jonathan would have to rescue them.


'' Near Paris. I'll send our location.'' Math immediately sends Jonathan their location.


After checking it, Jonathan said, '' I'll arrive soon.'' He then passed the phone to the woman. 


Truth be told, he didn't have to save everyone, as his objective was patient 0. But, he didn't like to have death on his conscience, so he decided to help. 


But he would not endanger everyone here, so he looked at them, '' Anyone know a safe place?''




After going towards a place someone recommended and dropping everyone off, promising to come back for them after leaving them with resources, Jonathan departed along with a sleeping Alice, to save Math and the family of the hostages.


Thanks for the support!