Chapter 6
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Sitting in his office, Jor-El, one of Krypton's greatest scientists, was deeply engrossed in his research. Using an array of sophisticated devices, he was investigating a mysterious substance he had recently discovered. He had named it Green Death, intrigued by its peculiar properties and its potential impact on their planet.

His mind occasionally drifted to a conversation he had a month ago with Ethen, a young man who had requested a private chat.


In his lab, Jor-El was absorbed in studying the Green Death, a baffling phenomenon on Krypton. As he scrutinized the Kryptonite, trying to unravel its origins and effects, a call flashed on his hologram monitor.

[Caller: Ethen-Vex]

[Accept] [Decline]

"Isn't this my mother's nephew and my cousin? Why would he be contacting me? I've never interacted with him in the past 10 years. The last time we talked was on the day his father and mother were sent to the Phantom Zone," Jor-El pondered, his curiosity piqued.

he has never been the same since his parents were send to the phantom zone he became.

He hesitated for a moment, contemplating the possible reasons for this unexpected call. With a mix of intrigue and caution, he finally decided to answer.


Jor-El's finger hesitated momentarily over the button, a myriad of thoughts swirling through his mind.

Why now? Why Ethen-Vex, after all these silent years? His curiosity, a trait that had always defined him, won over. He pressed the button, initiating the call.

"Hello, Ethen. What do I owe the pleasure of your call? I don't think we've had any contact with each other," Jor-El spoke, his voice a blend of surprise and intrigue.

On the other end, Ethen's voice came through, tinged with a sense of urgency that Jor-El couldn't ignore. "Hello, Jor-El.

Yeah, I haven't been the same since my father and mother were sent to the Phantom Zone. Sorry about that. But today, I've called you so we can have a private conversation about something you're studying."

Jor-El's mind raced. Ethen knew about his research on Green Death. This was unexpected and potentially groundbreaking. 'He has information about it.

This is getting interesting,' Jor-El thought to himself, his scientist's curiosity now fully piqued.

"Alright, Ethen. When would be a good time for this discussion?" Jor-El asked, his tone now a mix of professionalism and anticipation.

"How about tomorrow evening? Say around 7 PM? you can meet me at my lab. I believe this conversation is best had face-to-face, given the sensitive nature of the information," Ethen suggested.

Jor-El nodded, though Ethen couldn't see it. "Tomorrow at 7 PM it is. I'll be there so we can have face-to-face conversation . This sounds like it could be quite a significant discussion."

Ethen's voice softened a bit. "Thank you, Jor-El. I appreciate this. It's... it's been hard after what happened to my parents. But I believe what I have to share about Green Death could change things for the better."

As the call ended, Jor-El sat back, his mind abuzz. What could Ethen know that would alter the course of his research?

(Flashback end)

the next day 7 pm

As the Kryptonian sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, orange glow over the city, Jor-El piloted his sleek, futuristic vehicle through the bustling streets.

The vehicle, resembling an Earth car yet undeniably more advanced, glided smoothly towards Ethen's mansion. Inside, Jor-El's thoughts were a mix of anticipation and concern. He tapped a button on the console, opening a communication line to his wife.

"Lara, I might be late tonight. I'm heading to Ethen's place for an important discussion," he informed her, his voice echoing slightly in the compact space of the vehicle.

"Be careful, Jor-El. And don't worry, I'll take care of everything here," Lara's voice came through, tinged with a hint of worry but also understanding.

Jor-El nodded, even though she couldn't see it, and ended the call. Arriving at Ethen's mansion, he stepped out of the vehicle, his boots making a soft sound on the polished stone path leading to the entrance. As he approached the grand doorway, a hologram of a butler materialized, greeting him with a polite nod.

"Good evening, sir. We have been expecting you. The master of the house informed us of your arrival. Please, follow me," the holographic butler said, its voice clear and courteous.

Jor-El followed the hologram, his mind now fully focused on the meeting ahead. The mansion's interior was a blend of Kryptonian elegance and technological advancement, reflecting Ethen's status and taste.

As they moved through the corridors, Jor-El's sense of curiosity grew, wondering what revelations this night would bring.

Jor-El stepped into Ethen's laboratory, a room brimming with advanced technology and the unmistakable air of intellectual pursuit. Ethen, seated amidst a clutter of scientific instruments, looked up with a faint smile.

"It's nice to see you again, Jor-El. It's been quite a long time since we last met. I remember how we used to play together quite a lot," Ethen remarked, a hint of nostalgia in his voice.

Jor-El nodded, acknowledging the shared past. "Indeed, it's been a long time, Ethen. Your message was quite unexpected."

Ethen rose from his chair, his expression turning serious. "Before we delve into our discussion, follow me. I've prepared a special room for our conversation. It's shielded against any form of surveillance. No signals or probing devices can breach it."

Curiosity piqued, Jor-El followed Ethen through a series of corridors. They arrived at a starkly minimalist room, its walls and floor a pristine white, save for a round black table at the center. The chairs around it bore the emblems of various Kryptonian houses, a subtle nod to tradition amid the room's modernity.

"Please, have a seat," Ethen gestured, his tone now more solemn. "Let's talk about the green stones, which I call kryptonite."

As they settled into the chairs, Ethen began to unravel a narrative that seemed almost too audacious to believe. "Jor-El, our planet is in peril, closer to doom than anyone realizes. And there's something more – the Council has been meddling with our DNA, making us reliant on kryptonite. It's a chain that binds us to Krypton, weakening us, preventing us from venturing beyond."

Jor-El listened intently, his mind racing to piece together the implications of Ethen's words. "This is grave news, indeed. But there must be more to it."

"There is," Ethen continued, his eyes reflecting a mixture of fear and determination. "Our sun, Rao, is weakening us. We've revered it as a deity, but it's diminishing our strength. And there's a shocking truth behind Rao – he's not a god but a Kryptonian, like us, who sought power beyond our understanding."

The revelation hit Jor-El like a wave. The implications were staggering, reshaping his understanding of Krypton's history and its present predicament. "This... this changes everything, Ethen. How did you come to discover all this?"

Ethen leaned forward, his voice dropping to a whisper. "After my parents were sent to the Phantom Zone, I dedicated myself to uncovering the truth. I've delved into forbidden texts, spoken to outcasts, and analyzed the ancient lore. What I found was a conspiracy of silence and deception."
Jor-El absorbed every word, his scientist's mind grappling with the enormity of the situation. "We need to investigate further, Ethen. If what you're saying is true, we must find a way to expose this to the Council, to the people."

Ethen nodded in agreement, his determination evident in his voice. "That's exactly why I reached out to you, Jor-El. You have the intellectual capability and resources to assist me in revealing this truth. Together, we have a chance to not just save our race but also to rectify our altered DNA. We can leave this planet and terraform another. I already have a planet in mind – Mars. It's a viable candidate for terraforming."

As the two men talked, the room seemed to shrink, enveloped by the weight of their conversation. Outside, the stars twinkled indifferently, unaware of the seismic revelations unfolding within the white walls of Ethen's secure room.

Please let me know if there are any errors, misspellings, or incorrect information. I will be able to fix them