Chapter 5 – League of Villains
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At first, I hated being reincarnated.

It was biologically difficult to control many of my emotions and I didn't even have the strength to get up to go to the toilet on my own, meaning that I had to do all my physiological needs in diapers, in front of people... 

Yes, it was humiliating for someone like me, a being who once bordered on omnipotence, to have my diapers changed by a person - not that I'm complaining, because it would certainly be worse to be dirty all the time, but it's certainly not pleasurable for me to have someone as beautiful as my mother seeing me in such a deplorable situation.

However, before I knew it, I started to be able to communicate more about my needs with my parents and they also learned to understand what I was wanting just by my expressions and gestures. I never thought I could be a very expressive person, having spent hundreds of years without so much as a smile, but my parents changed my perception of myself.

So I went from "I hate everything here!" to "It's not so bad" in no time at all. Adapting to the new universe I was in wasn't so bad. 

What's more, in this universe of heroes they had something called technology, which allowed them to communicate over long distances without using spiritual energy, to see events that had already happened without retrocognition and many other convenient abilities. Technology was something fantastic and new to me, and it helped me take some comfort.

As the months went by, I realized that the humanity of this world seemed more altruistic than that of the world I was born into, and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that this was because of the heroes. Heroes were like a driving force for goodness and justice, inspiring people to always be better, always strive. They weren't just individuals with extraordinary abilities in colorful clothes as I thought at first, but also symbols of hope and courage for the children.

On a typical day, you could see heroes patrolling the streets, flying through the skies, saving people from natural disasters, or even helping the police solve crimes. They were loved and respected by most people, and their heroic actions were celebrated.

But clearly being a hero wasn't just about having superpowers, it was also about sacrifice, bravery and determination. Some people sacrificed everything to become heroes and, to be quite honest, that was something I could admire. Choosing to be a hero wasn't much different from choosing to be a cultivator, because in the end you had to put in the effort and have the courage to go the extra mile. However, even in this world steeped in the culture of heroes, to my surprise there were still those who chose the path of evil, and when I turned three, I discovered that they used to be not a few until a few years ago.

My father and I were camping in a nearby park, without my mother, because it was the first time my father and I had gone out alone for the night. 

Fuyumi didn't like the idea very much at first, but gave in because she also thought I should have more time alone with my father. Anyway, while my father was arranging the branches around the fire, I finally decided to ask the question that had been on my mind for some time.

"Daddy..." I called out, sitting down at the wooden table in the park - it was degrading for me to call someone that, but as I didn't want to be evicted from my home just yet, I had to be at least a little childish so they wouldn't think I was a bizarre child and throw me into an orphanage.

"What's up, Yu? Hungry already? Calm down, I'll just wait for the fire to get a bit bigger so I can put the marshmellows on."

"It's not that. I want to know about the League of Villains." I'd heard that name on TV a while ago and it had stuck in my mind ever since.

When those words came out of my mouth, I felt my father's spiritual energy flicker. I had almost reached the Foundation Realm, so it was natural to be able to feel things like that, but this kind of sudden flicker was unusual. As a result of the unexpected subject, a few seconds of silence followed the question. 

A cold night breeze blew in, blowing a few leaves off the nearby trees, which made light noises when they touched the grass, and the fire almost went out, but I didn't give in. If there was still an evil in this world that threatened the future of my new family, I had to exterminate it.

"You heard about them on TV, didn't you?" my father asked, returning to the fire. "Uh... at some point you were going to ask about all this, after all, you're a descendant of the Todoroki, it's in your blood to be interested in the heroes' profession, and whether you like it or not, the villains will always be on the same side of the coin. All right, I'll tell you everything..." He blurted out. 

Then Hiroki told me all about what happened six years before I was born, the intense war between the heroes and the League of Villains.