Chapter 78: Once Again, Skipped!
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Chapter 78: Once Again, Skipped!

(Marinkia’s POV)

With Krul and my marriages being public, there really weren’t that many people trying to seduce us. I mean, some tried for Krul, but no one tried to do the same for me. Clare was relatively unknown, but Krul made it a point to explain tons about her cute wife on social media. As such, none of those girls got far at all.

For me, they probably saw Mai and Mercedes and realized that trying to seduce me would be a bad idea. After all, despite marking everyone, the ones I love are far stronger. Anna has no idea why that is, and she still doesn’t.

Ava, on the other hand… Luckily, no one really knows that she is our daughter. Of course, this doesn’t mean that no one has tried to seduce her. Ava is very beautiful, you know. But Mai, Mercedes, me and the rest of our family have high standards.

Currently, she is dating someone right now. As for if they’re good for her… It’s hard to say. Ava especially doesn’t want her to know about us yet. She wants it to be a surprise, I can only guess. Ah, what a cruel daughter I’ve raised…

Anna: “Why are you ignoring me?” She asked with an annoyed tone.

Marinkia: “Oh, because you’ve just asked me to do something crazy.” I reply.

Anna: “It isn’t crazy!” She exclaimed in defense.

Marinkia: “That so? Then please do it yourself.” I reply with a smug expression.

Anna: “…”

Marinkia: “?”

Anna: “I am too valuable to do it.” She denied with a proud tone.

Marinkia: “And I’m not? I am a fucking modern day princess!!” I exclaim.

What crazy thing is Anna asking of me? Well, Krul already asked me about it, and the rest of my family agreed. Of course, I am the last to know about something that they want from me. I feel neglected…

Anyway, Anna has, being the research crazy in pretty much every subject, has discovered space travel. No, really. She already has a spaceship made, too. What they want me to do is to be the first time to use it and explore space for a bit…

Anna: “Please? It’s super safe, I swear! Plus, you will be known as the first space traveler of our people! Think of the achievement!” She pleaded.

Marinkia: “…Even if you try to bribe me with a higher pension, I have an endless amount of Credits in my bank. I don’t really spend much money, after all.” I reply.

Anna: “Please?…” She pleaded once more.

Marinkia: “…On one condition.” I say with a sigh.

Anna: “Whatever it is, I will do it!” She quickly replied.

Marinkia: “I want you to go on dates until you meet your future wife.” I propose.

Anna: “Why?” She said with a confused tone.

Marinkia: “Every damn year, Anna… You have some absurd thing that you want my help with. I want… no need a woman to fuck this research craziness out of you. Or at least dull it somewhat.” I explain.

Anna: “…Fine. I have never had sex before, but I highly doubt that it will stop me from researching things.” She agreed with a shrug.

Marinkia: “Well, we’ll see.” I say with a laugh.

Much Preparing Later.

Now, I was inside the spaceship. What was I wearing? Pervert… Ha! I am still wearing a dress. What? Did you expect me to wear some kind of sci-fi jumpsuit? How foolish. That’s just movie bullshit. Unless it is a military ship, I am sure that most people would be wearing whatever kind of clothes that they want to wear, not some ugly sci-fi jumpsuit.

Anna: “Alright, Marinkia. Please lift off.” She said with an excited tone.

Marinkia: “If I die, I will come back to haunt you.” I reply with a smug tone.

Anna: “Don’t worry. I have all the DNA of yours needed to make an exact clone.” She replied with a serious tone.

Marinkia: “…”

Anna: “Also, don’t worry if it explodes. You will easily survive the blast!” She quickly said before hanging up the call.

What the fuck did she mean by that!? Not even a shuttle would fucking explode… What is this ship made out of? Whatever… if I die, I surely doubt that Anna will have a painless death. Hm… Imagining her being torn apart by each of my family members sure calmed me down quickly.


That wasn’t a real beep, by the way. I made that sound. There weren’t any physical controls on this ship. Instead, everything about it was just controlled via my PC. I would find this to be a very fun toy, if I wasn’t the one inside and driving it…

With a nervous aura, I made the spaceship lift up into the air. There wasn’t any sound, this being a far more advanced vehicle than anything the humans have ever made. Looking at the holographic display, which was showing my family waving at me, I shot up into the sky.

Lots of Upward Flying Later.

Soon, I was in space. If it wasn’t for Grant dealing with all that space debris, I would have to navigate around all of it. Rest in peace, oh AI Grant, who we executed last year. Your legacy will stay tainted and horrible to the very end.


Anna: “Are you alive?” She asked after I picked up the call.

Marinkia: “No? I am Marinkia.” I cheekily reply.

Anna: “I have a self-destruct button for you ship at the ready…” She threatened.

Marinkia: “Fucking why!?” I exclaim in horror.

Anna: “I am not joking. It was needed just in case some evil alien took over your ship.” She answered.

Marinkia: “…”

Anna: “Anyway, all signs for the ship are normal. You should be able to go wherever and still be in communication range with us.” She informed.

Marinkia: “Wow… how fancy. How long can this thing fly for?” I ask with a curious tone.

Anna: “It doesn’t have a normal fuel source. It uses… All of this will just go over your head. Just know that it won’t ever run out of fuel. Before you ask, the weapons are locked until you run into a situation where you would need them.” She explained.

Marinkia: “There are weapons on this ship!? Please, just let me blow up one useless planet.” I plead.

Anna: “I feel like that would be one of the first space crimes of our people if we let you do that…” She replied with a sigh.

Marinkia: “Is that a no?” I reply.

Anna: “Of course it is a no! Just fly around some galaxies. I am sure that they will keep you entertained for a while.” She quickly denied.

Marinkia: “How boring…” I say with a pout.

With nothing better to do, I set course for an entirely different galaxy. Since humans hadn’t explored out to any of them, and with how Grant banned all space research and information, no one knows what I will find. We didn’t bother to invest in a device to look into the far space; you see. I hope that I don’t run into any aliens…