4. Space Colony
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I woke up with a heavy feeling in my head.

"What happened before?"

I don't remember what happened last night. Satsuki gave me a glass of alcohol to try at the time. I initially refused because of the rules in our country. However, since we were not in Japan, and those rules did not apply in space, I finally drank it in one gulp.

Then the trouble started.

My memory was very blurry after drinking it. So I don't know how time passed afterward. Maybe Satsuki brought me to the room.

"Whatever, we'll ask Satsuki about it later."

I said as I took off all my clothes and put them in the washing machine.

If you think it's the same washing machine as in our time, then I'll say no. This washing machine does not use detergent as a clothing freshener, but a powder called Gnom that can make our clothes smell fresh even if we wear them for 3 consecutive days while sweating. This washing machine can also clean clothing dirt quickly without damaging the fabric. The washing process is also fast, only taking 5 minutes including automatic drying, so I can wear it right away.

"Hmm, no change in my body."

I muttered as I looked at my naked body.

I had stopped caring about myself changing into a girl character in my game.

And it was bothering me. It's as if I was forced to enjoy my current state.

"Well, whatever."

In the end, I stopped thinking about this problem.

I immediately went out after my laundry was done and put them on. I have to say that this is my only outfit, so it's always like this every day, including Satsuki. It looks like we need to buy some clothes when we get there.

There are only 2 hours left to reach the space base area. I need to prepare something for everything to go smoothly when we get there.

But I managed to finish it quickly, especially with Crypto's help, I could tidy it up nicely.

I then went to the kitchen to eat. Although the food tasted a bit bland, there was nothing I could do. I couldn't cook it myself because the ingredients were strange. Let's see if we can buy meat and vegetables there. I hope this is not a universe where a food crisis is happening because if so, my hope of being able to eat delicious food will vanish.

"Ohh, morning, Satsuki- What's wrong with your neck?"

The door opened as I was about to eat, and I found Satsuki standing with a listless face. In addition, I focused on his neck, which had bite marks. What happened to him? Please don't tell me I did it?

"It's nothing. Just a strong stray dog attacked me mercilessly last night."

Satsuki looked at me with a tired sigh before approaching the dining table and sitting down.



I could only remain silent in this situation and couldn't say anything.

Was I that bad when I was drunk?


[Hyperdrive mode will be disabled. Exiting Hyperspace in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

Sitting in the cockpit, our view widened after exiting the tunnel of light.

What we first see are stars scattered behind vast darkness.

[Turn on turbo engine. 1 hour before arrival towards Terra Mains]

We haven't fully arrived at the space station yet, but we have entered its area. There is a rule that the ship cannot exit Hyperdrive mode near the space station as it can be considered a threatening enemy and will be immediately shot down. Moreover, the station we are heading towards is a station near the border between countries.

Terra Mains. It is the closest station from our current location.

This station takes a point in the B star clutser which has a mass 6 times that of the sun and a surface temperature of about 15,000 Kelvin, making it a primary source of energy. In addition, this star has 2 planets, the first planet Gastromus 1, which is simply a gaseous planet with a surface temperature that can melt steel and practically has no value. The other is called Aeris-36, which is a copper mining planet. There is also an asteroid belt around these 2 planets, which is one of the sources of rare metals. And the owner of this star system is the Austine Empire. Even a nobility system exists here, making me feel like there is a touch of fantasy in this world.

With all this information, it is certain that this space station focuses on trading when considering their mining results. Moreover, there is a military base there due to being in a border area, which requires the distribution of weapons and ammunition. And from what I read, this border area is currently tense due to tensions with neighboring countries.

"There it is..."

"Yes, I can see it."

After some time, we can finally see the space station.

We can only amazed at the size of the station. It is shaped like a giant donut that coated with iron. I wonder how long it took to build it.

Besides us, there are also many ships coming in and out of there. But most of them are combat ships, mining ships, and cargo ships. There are not many civilian ships. Well, who wants to be in a war-prone area other than people who can take the opportunity to make money here. The majority of the residents here are miners who works on the planet that I said.

Well, I guess that's enough explanation. For now, let's execute the plan that I have prepared to ensure it goes smoothly.

"Crypto, how is it?"

[I have hacked their information system and inputted the data that the Commander requested after disabling the Hyperdrive mode]

"Good. Thank you for your effort."

I sigh in relief upon hearing that. Having a highly intelligent AI is really helpful. And with this, I can confirm that Crypto's technology is much better with him being able to breach the system here. My ten thousand yen was not wasted here!

"What were you talking to Crypto about?"

Satsuki asks curiously as he continues to pilot the ship.

He clearly doesn't know because I have never told him. Well, even if I tell him, he won't be able to help.

"It's nothing. Just dealing with a small issue."

"At least discuss with me too if that's the case. I feel excluded, you know."

"I'm not sure someone who doesn't even seem to have any life problems and drinks alcohol in confusing situations will help me solve my problems."


In response to that reply, Satsuki could only let out a weak groan, which made me laugh.

"Alright. I'll discuss something if we do have a problem later."

I sent a docking request transmission to the authorities.

And at that very moment, our communication system connected with the station.

"This is the port administration. To the unidentified spacecraft, confirm your identity. If this notice is not responded, we will immediately suspect you as a spy or infiltrator."

I immediately turned on my communication device to give a response. Just hearing that warning made me break out in a slight sweat.

"This is Genesis with us. Captain Kanon speaking. Our data has suffered some damage and cannot be identified. We will immediately proceed with the authentication procedure."

Genesis is a ship created in the game and not part of this world. Therefore, it is clear that this ship is not registered in any data. So I anticipated this by creating a temporary fake ID with Crypto's help and inserting it into the port center data after hacking in.

Well, this is indeed an illegal action, but if I don't do this, there is a high chance my ship will be confiscated. And clearly, I don't want to lose my precious baby.

"Understood. The docking request has been received. Please place your ship in hangar 3, number 27."

We promptly carried out the docking process as requested. Satsuki was a bit nervous when it came to parking the ship because he had to be careful to avoid collisions. But he managed it without any problems.

"You know, Satsuki, you look like a military member wearing that coat. People might misunderstand."

I said when looking at his outfit from top to bottom.

"What can I do? This is the only cloth I have."

He replied with a sigh as he put on his gloves.

I also have the same condition, only having the default clothing from the last time I played. But I might blend in easily because it's not as eye-catching as Satsuki's. I wear a white coat with fur in the same color on the hoodie, while wearing a long-sleeved black shirt underneath. I also wear shorts above the knees and long black stockings to cover the thigh area. With that, I would look like a mercenary that commonly found anywhere.

But still, we need to buy other clothes for leisure and other purposes.

"Let's buy clothes after this. Oh, right. Do you have any weapons, Satsuki?"

There are no restrictions on carrying weapons for self-defense because many things can happen in space. By the way, I also have a weapon arsenal on the ship that still contains the weapons we obtained or bought when we were still in the game. Although technically, all those weapons are mine, it's fine to let Satsuki use them.

In response to my question, Satsuki opened his coat and showed me two laser pistols placed in a special belt between his waist.

"I only have these along with some extra ammunition. What about you? I don't see any weapons behind your coat."

"I didn't bring laser pistols, but I brought this."

I said as I took something out of the waist bag behind me.

"Um, isn't that a laser cartridge? And it looks like you're carrying a lot of them in your bag."

Its shape does look like ammunition with its dull black 15 x 4 centimeter rod-like structure, which makes Satsuki misunderstand that it's ammunition. But it's actually not. And I brought around 30 of them at least.

"I'll show you if we have time."

Satsuki looked very curious, but I answered him like that because we will be quite busy now.

We are going off from the ship. There is anticipation on Satsuki's face as we walk down the hallway. It is clear because we are about to see a civilization far more advanced than anything ever existed on Earth. I am also slightly impatient but I don't show it on my face.

Let's see how this world unfolds.


