Chapter 19: The King of Gods and The Most Ordinary Human
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Chapter 19: The King of Gods and The Most Ordinary Human

As I settle into a booth at McDonald's, I look out to see the setting Sun color the tree line of what is, for all intents and purposes, my birthplace.


The faint smell of fries invades my nostrils… is what I would say, but Japan has standards. The kitchen is blocked off by a door similar to your average restaurant.


The soft hum of conversation surrounds me as I pull out my brand-new laptop. As it shows the screen to start the set up, I let a cheeky grin slip through.


Two black, spindly and semi-solid arms exit from by body at my waist. They were positioned in such a way that any onlooker wouldn’t be able to see them from their angle.


They snaked up over to the laptop and using my body as cover, they started typing away at the keyboard. With a smile akin to that of a Cheshire cat, I start munching away at my authentic Japanese burger.


You might be wondering, ‘Why the fuck is this bloke so giddy?’ The answer to that my friend, is that I’m fulfilling one of my fantasies at this very moment: To be able to chill and do what I want while my work is being done for me.


Ohh, and also cause I’m eating a Teriyaki Burger and let me tell you something, the YouTube food vloggers weren’t lying when they spoke about how finger lickin’ good these burgers are.


Casually sipping some bepsi, I ask Sage who was furiously tapping at the keyboard in frustration over how slow the PearID was being registered.


“I thought that Symbiotes could merge with in-organic material as well. If I remember correctly, during Secret Wars, an entire space warship was taken over by a Symbiote who then used it to rain hell over all the other the other invaders.


So why aren’t you doing it now?” I start chowing down the rest of the burger and continue.


“And this is the first time I’m seeing you exhibit so much emotion.” I add as an afterthought while recalling the frustrated tapping at the keyboard as a snake-like loading bar circled around in the shape of a Pear.


“To reply to your queries, the reason it is not yet feasible to merge with an in-organic for is due to age. This symbiote body was born at the same time you were and not a few millennia ago as in the case of every other symbiote by the time the Avengers came around. There is simply not enough of biomass to influence such forms at this moment.


It is also about how this mass lacks enough of what muscle memory is to humans. Even human infants have non-existent motor skills, the situation of a symbiote which has the body of a liquid-like solid with no definite shape is more difficult.


This is a non-issue for over 99% of symbiotes as the hive-mind imparts the basic sense of identity and control, passed down from its ancestors.”


Interesting, interesting. It kind of makes sense.


“And this issue of having the symbiote imprint it’s physical identity as yours was not possible given the host’s situation from his birth till this morning.


In conclusion, with enough time and energy, I would be able to achieve similar feats of taking over spaceships” Sage said in a sort of prideful tone.


“And my emotional development was underway since the moment I was connected to your soul the way a Skill from the Tensura world should be. It was one of the compensations from the interdimensional FBI.”


“Mm-hmm” I intonate as I understand the situation. Not a bad development, not a bad development at all.


With the time successfully passed and as if sensing that the attention was no longer placed on it, the laptop booted up and showed the home screen.


“YES!!” Sage said in a loud voice in my head.


“The first thing I’m going to do is hack into the router and divert the max possible amount of internet possible towards this laptop. Just because it’s Japan, doesn’t mean that the public Wi-Fi’s going to be good.”


Damn, how bad was it that Sage showed her anger and disgust for the first time. But it’s of no concern to me. Sipping my bepsi and munching on fries while another worries about the present. Ahh, this is the life!


By the time Sage pulled whatever shenanigans she did to get more speed was done, I also finished my tray of food. With a final slurp of my drink, I slammed it on the table and finally turned to pay attention to the laptop screen.


Armed with a fully loaded laptop and a curious mind, I was about to put Sage through her paces. I mean, I have to know what her capabilities are and what she learn’t from the library, right?


“Alright, Sage, let's see what you're capable of. Although I doubt it with the meagre knowledge from a single section of the library, I hope you are as OP as Ultron!”


“Ultron? Host, was there some sake mixed in with your drink?” Sage asked and I was shocked with her first joke.


The soft glow of the laptop lit up my face as the connected to the free OP Wi-Fi. Shaking off my stunned state to think about it later, I focus on the screen.


“Sigh, let's start small. Can you manipulate code, like, you know, change a simple line?” I probed. I mean, we have to start somewhere, right?


Sage didn’t reply but the fingers tapping away at the screen made it abundantly clear that she’d rather show it to me. The laptop screen flickered as Sage pulled up a basic HTML webpage.


“What would you like altered, host?” Sage said, fully intending to blow my mind.


“Change the background color. Make it red.” That’s all my School of Humanities brain could think of. I had opted out of computers after joining high school and dropped Maths and the Sciences after 10th Grade. Don’t judge my subpar request.


Even knowing my self-mockery, Sage still did what I asked her to do. With a metaphorical snap of her virtual fingers, she rewrote the code. The screen transitioned from plain white to blood red.


“Anything else, Host?” Sage asked with thinly veiled superiority.


“Impressive. Now, let's up the bar. Can you go beyond aesthetics? Maybe mess with some JavaScript?” I ask, speaking words I remembered from the videos of why there were different versions of Minecraft.


“Yes, host.” I had to say no more as Sage did her thing.


Lines of code scrolled down the screen as Sage worked her digital witchcraft. The webpage now had interactive elements—buttons that responded to the mouse, images that subtly changed when clicked, like they’re stepping out of the page.


“Alright, Sage, you do have skills. But can you do something more… substantial? Maybe access a secure government server? Maybe change some records here and there? Maybe, make a new record of birth? MAYBE forge an entirely new identity from my birth to schooling and my present situation?”


The more I continued, the more I vibrate in my seat with anticipation. It could be said that what I’m doing right now is useless and would hold no meaning. If all I want is a roof over my head, I could ask for a fake ID which is enough to get myself a room at a hotel or something.


But you don’t know what it’s like to live naked and afraid in a forest where everything is ten times bigger than you remember. You don’t know what it feels to be so……. *Sigh* you know what, I’ll save the rest for a future chapter. The wordcount jumping too fast. 


Understanding the intent behind my words, Sage typed away at the keyboard. Being connected to me, she knows that I need this more for my mental stability than for any other reason.


And she did a pretty decent job. Scratch that, she went overboard with my grades from pre-school to the end of my high school which I 'finished a few weeks ago'. It even included the orphanage which I supposedly left at sixteen.


I looked at the name of 'my' orphanage with a conflicted gaze. I stopped myself from thinking about my parents. I mean, they would be sentenced to life imprisonment if I was in the US, but it is expected to be in an Asian household.


The sole reason I died was because they forced me to attend my class that day and if I wouldn’t have had gone, then I would have lived. But that’s not acceptable as well since then my crush would have died.


AARGH!! I mentally let out a frustrated groan before I distract myself with what Sage has been doing. While I was lost in my mind, she had also ‘liberated’ the funds from the criminals’ bank accounts which was used for long distance dealings.


I am now officially rich. It’s all legit in the eyes of the law, of course. Here’s a brief summary of my new identity.


[Ira Kenji, an 18-year-old orphan, attended Sakura High School, where he exceled in academics with consistently high grades. Despite facing the challenges of being an orphan, Ira finds solace in the supportive environment of the Hanami Orphanage, his home for as long as he can remember before moving out when he turned sixteen.]


‘Ira’ was taken partly from the King of the Gods from Hindu mythos (Indra). ‘Kenji’ was taken as a sort of tribute to the human who brought me back to civilization. *Sigh* It should have been the ant toddlers name, but he never got one.

And so, Ira Kenji was born!


(A/N: My Thiccest chapter yet!

Sorry for the late upload, I had a medical emergency.

I had developed an ulcer on the inside of my bottom lip which was FINE and would have GONE AWAY in 3 to 4 days. BUT!! My friggin vampire-like fangs bit into it!

And let’s all collectively agree that flatbread, coagulated blobs of white blood cells and a fountain’s worth of blood, do not taste good together.

So! After a visit to a dentist, I was laying in my bed with nothing but some Sherlock Holmes audio books. I was anemic for a while but now I’m fine. As fine as someone who now had to eat soft foods and have half of his mouth numbed with gels can get!

I’ll post the epilogue to the first arc in about 12 to 14 hours. Its half written already so no biggie. I just need to sleep cause it’s 5 am rn.



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