Chapter 152: Another Realm
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Meng Lin sat crossed legged within her room, waves of red Qi would occasionally burst form her and into the surroundings.

Her aura was vibrant and intense, radiating with power, with each breath, she could feel the blood essence flowing through her vains, merging with her own life force.

The red Qi that emanated from her body began to pulsate with a newfound intensity, as if it was ready to burst forth and conquer the world.

As time passed, the waves of red Qi bursting out became more controlled and purposeful.

They danced around her like fiery serpents, intertwining and merging with the energy of her surroundings.

Meng Lin opened her eyes which glowed with an otherworldly purple intensity, pulsating with the same intensity of the qi that surrounded her.

In a single cultivation session, Meng Lin had mastered the Vital Essence Exchange Technique.


[Meng Lin]

[special physique: Brute Qi physique]

[Gold Core Stage(Middle)]

[Experience points:1%]

System coin: 3034

Taoist Gacha wheel: unavailable

Spiritual Roots: [Water>Fire>Gold>Wood>Earth]

Variant Elemental Qi : [Mud] [ Erosion] [Water]

Main Cultivation Method: [Black Tortoise Essence Art, 5th Layer]

Side Cultivation Methods: : [Basic Qi Gathering] [Formless Cultivation method]

Techniques: [Celestial Moonlit Sword Art] [Hundred Unity Techniques] [Wrath of Thunder] [Physique Cleansing Sutra][ Vital Essence Eachange]

Ancient Spirit Seals: ~Black Tortoises~, Gong Fu - Golden Lizard.

[Market] [Blacksmith] [Alchemy]

Looking at her system menu Meng Lin felt elated, especially when her eyes dart towards the Variant Elemental Qi, she now has a third one, one that matched her well, the water variant.

She attained it when her Black Tortoise Essence Art was completely mastered, it seems that when one cultivates an elemental cultivation method to the max then one can unlock a variant elemental qi, a higher concentration of the qi than normal.

With this she knew that she could unleash more powerful attacks, especially those related to the water element.

“Now then” Meng Lin closed her eyes and slowly began to circulate her inner qi, her lips parted to chant the Physique Cleansing Sutra.

As the ancient words flowed from her lips, they seemed to resonate with the innermost part of her being as within her dantian, brute qi quickly burst forth.

With each word, a deep and profound aura emerged from the brute qi as it emerged and surrounded her body. Dark and viscous impurities within her body began to stir, responding to the call of the sutra.

Slowly, wisps of black smoke began to rise from her body, each wisp carrying away a portion of accumulated impurities. The black smoke swirled around her, forming an eerie spectacle, before dissipating into the surrounding Qi.

A sense of lightness began to fill Meng Lin. She could feel the impurities being purged from her body, and with each passing moment, she felt more in tune with her brute qi.

The chant continued, resonating through the room, reaching out to the very essence of her body and soul. Each word seemed to carry a power of its own, cleansing her physique and refining her essence.

Meng Lin opened her eyes and began to think, the Physique Cleansing Sutra worked well to harmonize the brute qi with her body, however it seems that it still wouldn’t solve the problem that she was dealing with.

However it seemed to halt the progress, at least she felt that the brute qi would not go out of control with the state that it was in now, but the same couldn’t be said about the future when it gets even stronger.

However Meng Lin wasn’t dissatisfied, because at least she found a temporary solution, it was better than nothing, and it seems to also allow her physique to be cleansed of impurities.


Having just learned both the Physique Cleansing Sutra and the Vital Essence Eachange Meng Lin put down her worries and anxiety.

As she sat in the stillness of her room, she reached into her robe and pulled out a small, intricately carved talisman - a communication talisman.

With a deep breath, she activated the talisman, pouring her energy into it. The talisman glowed brightly, emitting a soft, ethereal light that filled the room.

"Luang Chen," she said. "Can you hear me?"

There was a brief moment of silence, and then a faint voice echoed within the room. "Meng Lin," Luang Chen's voice carried a hint of surprise. "Are you finish?”

"Yes, I have just solidified my Gold Core, what was it you wanted to talk about?” Meng Lin asked with curiosity, she had been wanting to know what uses he had for the Realm Breaking Crystal.

There was a pause on the other end of the line, and then Luang Chen's voice came through. " "I've discovered the location of another realm." Luang Chen began. "However that realm is blocked off by multiple spatial boundaries”

Meng Lin’s eyes raised, she naturally knew of spatial boundaries, they are barriers that separate different realms or dimensions. They can be created naturally after the spatial structure of different realms intersect.

It is completely impossible for those below the Narscent Soul Realm to interact with space and even those at the Narscent Soul Realm would not be able to break through spatial boundaries.

The fact that Luang Chen had discovered the location of another realm was terrifying, and even more terrifying was that it was blocked by multiple spatial boundaries.

Meng Lin had never heard of multiple spatial boundaries in one place, she had heard that it usually takes those old monsters above the Narscent Soul Realm to break through spatial boundaries, and that was a single one.

It was only now that Meng Lin realized how powerful of a tool the Realm Breaking Crystal was, curiosity filled Meng Lin's voice as she responded, "Luang Chen, breaking through spatial boundaries causes quite the commotion, how are you planning on hiding that”

There was a moment of silence before Luang Chen replied “ the location is North, The Scattered Islands Region, it’s an undiscovered island”

“Undiscovered?” Meng Lin repeated, her interest piqued. "An undiscovered island? How is that possible? In this era, it's rare for any landmass to remain undiscovered."

Luang Chen's voice carried a hint of excitement as he explained, " There is a a powerful formation around the island. This formation conceals the existence of the island from the outside world. It distorts spatial energies and creates a camouflage that prevents anyone from stumbling upon it."

Meng Lin's eyes widened in awe. The ability to hide an entire island from detection was a remarkable feat.

She couldn't help but admire whoever it was that made the formations, since the the Scattered Islands Region is only known to house 2nd and 3rd tier sects, Meng Lin knew that the island wouldn’t be discovered easily.

There was a moment of silence as Meng Lin weighed her options. This was a golden opportunity, but it also came with risks. However, she had always been one to embrace challenges.

"Very well," she said finally, determination flickering in her eyes. "I'm in."

“Good. We'll set out in a week. Prepare yourself." Luang Chen spoke up as the glow from the talisman ceased.

Putting down the communication talisman, Meng Lin took a deep breath, her eyes filled with determination.

“One week!” She had one week to prepare herself.

Opening her system menu she instantly went to the blacksmiths panel, she had to upgrade it in one week, and she had to create ‘that’.

Blacksmith (Advanced ) 57%]

Item slot: none

Ingredients: none

Chance of success: none