Little Boy Lost
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Katarina Harris Was Terrified. Imagine getting the call that your Child was involved in a terrorist attack. She left Kaitlin, her daughter, with the Neighbors and rushed to the Hospital. She was Guided by a Nurse to a private waiting room. There was another Woman waiting there. The other woman Took one look at Kat, then went back to pacing. 

A few minutes Later, The door opened again, and a doctor came in, followed by a Man in a black Suit.

"Mrs Harris, Miss Scarlette, my name is Doctor Ian Links. Please, have a seat."

Both women sat. The doctor gestured to the Suit. "This is Agent Lee. He will be observing, and may ask a few questions." The doctor sighed. "You should know that what you are about to hear is Classified, And you will have to sign an NDA before leaving... though not Everything will be covered by it. Some things cannot exactly be swept under the rug."

The doctor pulled a chair around, and sat in it backwards.

"Ladies, Today was a terrible event. One dead, A hero by all accounts, and no major injuries. But a few people were... affected. This was no ordinary Terrorist bombing." He pulled a small Vial full of Grey Sludge from his Pocket. "These are what was inside the bomb. These are the Reason for the NDA Agent Lee will have you sign. Have either of you heard of Professor Lightburn?"

The red haired woman, Miss Scarlette, Shook her head... but Kat nodded.

"Yes. My husband once worked with her, at the Base in the far east. He told me she was a brilliant Geneticist with a mind for technology. But then she disappeared."

"Indeed. With stolen technology. Technology she has since refined. That's what was In the bomb." He held up the vial again. "Nanomachines. Originally designed for medical purposes, but we couldn't make them small enough. But these..."

The agent spoke, for the first time.

"That Psycho Bitch Figured it out. And weaponized it. We can't counteract them, either."

Kat felt her stomach drop.

"What do you mean. What do they do?" She locked eyes with the Doctor. "Tell me, NOW."

The doctor sighed. "It's fine. Your Children are perfectly fine. At least in terms of biological function and brain activity."

A chair flew across the room. Miss Scarlette threw her seat. "Like she said. Tell. Us. Now. Or the next chair hits someone." 

"It would be better to show you. Agent."

Lee walked over, and took a projector from the Briefcase. He pointed it at the wall, sat it on a chair, and returned to the door.

The doctor turned it on, as Lee Shut out the rooms lights. On the wall, an image appeared... followed by a voice.

[Experiment 3159. Nanoswarm administered to subjects cages. A success. Swarm dies after 30 minutes outside a host, but spreads rapidly in that time due to the Aeresol Detonator. Let's check our newest subject.]

The image showed a chimp, clearly male. And a small Dart hit the ground before it. With a pop, the Dart expelled gas. The chimp screamed... and the screen became Infared. The Poor Chimpa body got hot, incredibly hot, except the brain seemed to be shielded... then they saw the changes. The chimps muscle mass changed, and his organs And skeletal structure fluctuated like water... within minutes, where a large, Male Chimpanzees once sat, now Lay a female.

[Gender-X Nanoswarm Mk 217. Success. Now, I put my plan into motion. If you are seeing this, stupid Government, know... I am coming. And you can't stop me. CHAOS WILL REIGN. FOR I SERVE A HIGHER PURPOSE. THE BLACK HAND SHALL REIGN.]

The women were speechless.

"That's what's in this tube. Dead Nanobots. Due to the actions of one man, blown apart by the Detonator, The Spread was contained to those inside the shoe store... unfortunately, Both of your children were within its range. I'm sorry."

Miss scarlett still looked Stunned. "So... my Daughter got... got turned into a Son?"

"Yes Ma'am."

Katarina spoke at that. "But They're okay? Alive? Everything in the proper place?" 


"Okay then. As long as my baby is alive, we can deal with it. It's not the end of the world." She was crying... and at her words, the other woman started crying too.

"You're right... Thats all that matters. Rachel is alive."

"Can we see our children yet?"

The agent stepped forward. "In a moment. First... I'll need you to sign these."


Andy was Still completely shocked. He looked down the front of the hospital gown at his new "accesories". Then started laughing. His mother Jerked her head up at the sudden sound, as did the Nurse in the room. 

"Andy, are you okay?" Katerina asked him, putting her hand on his arm. It had been two days since the attack, and Andy had only woken up a few hours before. 

"I'm Fine, mom." Andy noticed how Sweet His new voice was. "It's just funny. I was trying to earn enough cash to buy Katie a special gift for her birthday... I had enough, finally, then this happened. I didn't buy the gift I wanted to give her, but... Heck, I guess She's getting a Big Sister for her birthday instead of a 4 foot tall plush bear." He didn't know when he stopped laughing, when the tears started, but suddenly he was crying, and his mom was there, holding him close... 

"It's gonna be okay, baby... it's gonna be okay..."

And somehow, He now knew it would... he was a girl now, physically... but mom was right. He'd be okay. He hugged her tightly... and cried himself to sleep.

this part was, very loosely,  based on Ambers own story.  When she came to terms with her Gender, with the fact that, despite being born male she was a girl, She was 12 years old... and her father left... He said some very hurtful things, and just left. A month later, after starting HRT (which they could barely afford, and wasnt covered by insurance back then), her mother received Divorce papers.  Amber was so upset, she blamed herself, but her mom, the inspiration for, and namesake of, Katerina... she held her close, and said these exact words. "It's gonna be okay." And it was. Amber had a good mom, and just two years later she met the love of her life, A then 10 year old, Blonde cancer patient... and a few years after that, they met me online. I only wish those lives had been longer. Amber was obsessed with the idea of Medical Nanotechnology and genetic manipulation. And so, they became part of the story. She Squealed in joy when she read the first draft of this chapter. And it made ne happy, knowing i put a smile on a friends face.  I hope this makes others smile as well.