Sibling moment
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"MIYAKO WHERE ARE YOUR MANNERS." Ayaka became furious with Miyako, causing a prominent vein to appear on her forehead.

Miyako's response upon laying eyes on her brother was natural, as she had not had the opportunity to see him even during his illness. Without uttering a word, Miyako resumed her seat, her countenance laced with sorrow. In contrast, Ayaka felt unsettled and engulfed in a gloomy state today, her mood soured ever since her encounter with the officers. Ayaka wishes for Miyako to fully embody the elegance and sophistication of a noblewoman, positioning herself flawlessly as the future head of the family.

"I am sorry Mom" Miyako uttered with a downcast expression in a melancholic tone.

Ayaka completely disregards Miyaka's words as soon as Jin comes into her line of sight.

Ellie tugs the chair, prompting Jin to realize that it is his designated seat. he satted parallel to his sisters and diagonally to his mother. Ayaka sat at the edge of the table, while her children sat on the sides. She occupied the chair reserved for the head of the family.

'very cold atmosphere... 'Jin thought, Jin caught a glimpse of his sister's countenance and felt a desire to uplift her spirits. "I am all fine now nee-san so there is no need to worry." it worked, In an instant, Miyaka's mood took a positive turn.

Not only Miyako but also Natsumi and Rumi were eager to meet Jin. Despite encountering him earlier in the morning, Rumi didn't get the chance to have a proper conversation with him.

"Jin, I am so glad to see you all fine... I missed you," Miyako said. "I am delighted to see you as well, Jin. It brings me joy to have the entire family gather for dinner," said Natsumi. All three of Jin's sisters have a slightly teary face.

Miyako Jin's eldest sister[four years older than him] has long, flowing black hair that cascades down her back in gentle waves. Her hair is so dark that it appears to be a deep, rich black, and it shines in the light. Her face is strikingly beautiful, with high cheekbones, full lips, and a perfectly proportioned nose. Her blue eyes are large and expressive, with long, dark lashes that frame them perfectly. They are a deep, rich brown, and they sparkle with intelligence and warmth. Her skin is smooth and flawless, with a natural glow that seems to radiate from within.

Natsumi [Rumi's twin sister] has short, black hair that is tied up in a ponytail. Her face is very cute, with a small nose, full lips, and a charming smile. With a captivating allure, her azure eyes exude a mischievous playfulness, captivating all who dare to gaze into their depths. Her complexion, as delicate as a blooming flower, boasts a fair and velvety softness that is truly enchanting. Such beauty is a testament to her exquisite charm and grace.

"I am also pleased to be with all of you, and I also missed you, Miyako-nee. I assure you that I will never cause you any concern like this again. I am sorry, older sister Miyako, Natsumi, and Rumi. And Mom, I must have caused you the most worry. I apologize." Jin glanced at Ayaka and offered a slight bow as he settled into his seat. Jin expressed his sincere apologies to everyone, taking into account the significant trouble he had caused. He deeply acknowledged the care and affection bestowed upon him by everyone, which is why he felt compelled to apologize. He recognized that his illness was a result of the merging of two consciousnesses, and he deeply regretted involving his family members in this chaotic situation.

Everyone including Ayaka and the maids were taken aback by this. It was hard to believe that Jin, who had always been carefree, could display such maturity. Ayaka's frustration and anger seemed to dissipate, and she, along with the maids present, became overwhelmed with emotion. Ayaka couldn't help but cover her mouth with her hand as a few tears welled up in her eyes. Jin had become the focal point of attention in the Esumi household, and his sudden illness had deeply affected everyone, including the maids who held a great deal of affection for him.

"Oh, Jin." "My dear little brother" "Jin..." Miyako Natsumi and Rumi started sobbing quietly.

"That wasn't your fault Jin..." Ayaka uttered her words with a quivering voice.

"Mom... Big sisters, please stop crying..." 

Ayaka wiped her tear using handkerchief. "Miyako Nasumi Rumi Stop crying already." 

As dinner commenced, a noticeable change occurred in the atmosphere. The once chilly air seemed to grow lighter, and a delightful ambiance filled the entire dining hall.

But, Ayaka remains apprehensive and experiences a sense of unease. she gets lost in her thought 'This might potentially be the final dinner we all shared as a family... This could be the last occasion where the entire family is gathered.' Ayaka progressively tightens her hold on the folk with each passing second, deep in thought.*glances at her children eating dinner* 'I am sorry Jin... I am sorry My daughters. I might never be forgiven for creating a distance between him and all of you.'

"Jin can you play with your sisters tonight?" Ayaka smiled, though it seemed a bit forced.

Jin swallowed his bite while looking at Ayaka and said "Of course Mom I would love to." 

Jin's sisters' eyes light up with excitement and contentment, creating a spark within them. Natsumi expresses her gratitude first, saying, "Ohh! Thank you, Jin. Thank you, Mom." Now they all are looking forward to their time with Jin.

"No worries," said Jin with a charming smile.

"Jin can you hear my violin?" said Rumi.

"Jin can you play chess with me?" said Miyako.

"Sure will do." Smiling faces filled the room as Ayaka watched, joining in with her own radiant smile. 'Thank you, Jin... for Being a part of my life...'




"You made a wrong move Jin" Miyako is smiling as she mocks Jin for being bad at chess. Natsumi and Rumi observed the chess game from their respective positions on either side of the board, seated on the ground. They all gathered in Miyako's room.

"Wow Miyako-nee I didn't know you were so good at it"

"Of course I am" Miyako is smiling proudly.

Natsumi held one of Jin's hands and said "Jin now play with me too... a game of chess, I am a lot better than big sister Miyako but I will go easy on you."

"What you said... You are better? then who got lost the other day?" Miyako said with a smile of superiority on her face.

"That time I wasn't paying much attention... Jin forget the chess. Let's take a walk in the garden."

"NO" Rumi shouted and expressed her annoyance towards Natsumi "Jin will not go with you, he already promised me to listen to my violin."

"He didn't make any promise like that," Natsumi said while embracing Jin with a little force.

"He did..." Rumi's irritation escalated into fury at this juncture.

"Wait Natsumi-nee" Jin released himself from Natsumi's embrace and gazed into her eyes. "I will first listen to Rumi-nee's request"


*🎵🎵🎵(Rumi's plays violin)🎵🎵🎵*

Rumi sat on a chair, playing the violin, while the others sat on the floor.

*After a short pause*

Everyone was captivated by the enchanting melodies emanating from Rumi's violin, and their applause filled the air with pure joy.

"Wow, Rumi-nee... that was so amazing. I never heard something like that."

"Thanks, Jin" After getting a compliment from Jin, Rumi smiles brightly.

"Your skill improved since I last heard it" Miyako uttered.

"Thanks, Miyako-nee"

They engaged in conversation briefly. The room was filled with laughter and animated discussions. The atmosphere was warm and inviting, with everyone genuinely interested in each other. Jin was the main attention they talked about. And after a few minutes.

"Miyako-nee can you display me your magic."

"Of course Jin"

Miyako raises her finger upright in the air, effortlessly causing all the chess pieces and chess board to levitate. This spectacle leaves Jin utterly captivated and completely astonished.

"Wow amazing nee-san you are amazing"

"I can do this too Jin" Natsumi declared and she did the same to the water glasses. She lifted the glass and magically caused the water to float in mid-air without the glass.

"Ohh!! You are amazing Natsumi-nee."

Rumi feels jealous as her sisters receive more praise than she does. In an attempt to regain attention, she skillfully plays her violin, creating a resounding melody that captivates everyone's focus. she declared "How about we go for a walk in the garden and soak up some fresh air?"

"sounds great to me," Miyako said.

"let's go together," Natsumi said.

"yes" 'Truly I am so lucky to be a part of this family' Jin thought to himself.

Afterward, they proceeded to explore the indoor garden situated on the floor above. Following a while, Miyo arrived to remind everyone that it was time to rest.




Ayaka sat alone in her room, gazing at the photo album of Jin. It had become a habit for her to seek solace in Jin's pictures whenever she felt down. As she sadly examined each photo, her emotions overwhelmed her, and she found herself on the verge of tears, lost in her thoughts. However, every time she was about to let the tears flow, she would turn the page and be confronted with another image of Jin, triggering a flood of memories associated with that particular moment captured in the photo.

Ayaka has performed this action countless times before, but today she finds solace in a new addition: alcohol. Since Jin's birth, she has abstained from it completely, never even taking a single sip. However, today she has already consumed two bottles, reaching a point where she no longer bothers to use a glass. Her overwhelming sadness and agony drive her to consume even more. As she finished the third bottle...

After placing the album on the table, she hurls the bottle onto the floor before proceeding to her bed where she lies down in a state of utmost comfort, eventually drifting into a slumber.