Chapter 3: Making Amends
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In the vicinity of a shabby abode situated atop a lofty mountain, one could faintly hear the sound of a broom diligently sweeping away dry foliage. Today, Luo Xue will be leaving for the punishment realm. She tidied up the place one last time before sealing it with a locking spell. Once the doors closed, she turned around and breathed in the air she had longed for. A serene smile emerged as her black eyes revealed nostalgia towards this refreshing woody scent.

The entire mountain was surrounded by towering bamboo poles. Luo Xue gazed at them while recalling that bamboo held a special place in her master's heart. Unlike other masters who were obsessed with power, treasures and cultivation, her master cherished these bamboo above all else, always carefully watering each one. Her gaze lowered as her smile slowly faded. Her master’s tranquil temperament and inherent fondness for these plants resembled… her mother. She missed them very much.

Walking away from her home, a question brewed in her mind.

After coming back to life again, she was no longer an ignorant 18-year-old cultivator. She had lived long enough to witness the rise and fall of many sects, almost achieved the peak of power and progress in a life that was beyond unimaginable.

So what’s the point of her return this time?

Luo Xue pondered, but even after arriving at the gates of the sect master’s peak, she failed to derive an answer.

Standing at the gates were two imposing disciples in white robes, adorned with a golden sash around their waists and a silver sword crest on their shoulders. Luo Xue presented them with a letter that had been sent to her by Luo Bingyu the previous night for their quick perusal. Once they checked through the contents and saw the authentic stamp of approval, they welcomed her inside without any trouble.

As Luo Xue disappeared from their sight, they questioned if the rumours matched the widespread gossip.

In what way was Luo Xue acting crazy? She seemed far too calm for someone entering the punishment realm. One disciple shook his head, confused about the bizarre gossip.

As Luo Xue stepped into the hall, an overwhelming surge of power pierced through the air, threatening to swallow her whole. No power was spared into this single move, as though the assailant intended to leave her with her last breath.

Sensing a change in the atmosphere, Luo Xue quickly launched her mental force. Conjuring up a thin, invisible barrier before her, she shielded herself, providing immediate protection from any harm.

Unbeknownst to her, the initial attack served as a mere diversion, ultimately leading to a sword pressed against her neck!

Luo Xue’s eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly composed herself. Standing behind her was Luo Bingyu, his blade grazing her delicate skin. In a cold tone, he questioned, “Who are you?”

“Uncle Luo, it’s me, Luo Xue. Isn’t it obvious?” Luo Xue replied casually, her nonchalant demeanour contrasting with Luo Bingyu’s growing vigilance. Within a few short seconds, Luo Bingyu was deeply shocked by Luo Xue’s impressive reflexes. Given that she was a cultivator at Foundation Establishment, her performance was remarkable.

But it only made her more suspicious.

“Speak the truth or face the consequences,” Luo Bingyu sternly warned, his brows furrowed as he kept his sword raised. “How did your strength grow to this extent? How can I be certain it’s really you?” He wanted to drive the blade further into her neck, but hesitated.

While Luo Bingyu was hesitating, Luo Xue made no move to attack. Instead, she sighed.

Luo Xue said, “Uncle Luo, believe me. I am truly Luo Xue. There is no old geezer possessing my body, nor am I under anyone’s control. If you doubt me, you can search my soul.”

Luo Xue’s words were sincere, and she acknowledged she had no intention of concealing her true strength when Luo Bingyu forced her to reveal it. She knew his sharp senses would pick up her abnormalities sooner or later.

Despite his initial scepticism, Luo Bingyu’s wariness began to fade. The technique of soul-searching is an invasive and harmful skill often used to pry open every secret. Given her willingness to endure such torment, he couldn’t help but to give her the benefit of the doubt.

As Luo Bingyu stepped back, he sheathed his sword and observed her as she turned around. From her red storage bangle, she took out a green jade tassel, offering it to him in her small hand. Confused by her actions, he asked, “What are you doing?”

Luo Xue smiled, extending her hand. “Take it. You’ll understand.”

Luo Bingyu hesitated, his hand hovering uncertainly before finally reaching for it. When his fingertips brushed against the smooth rock, his heart throbbed, not from discomfort, but from the flood of nostalgic memories.

Instantly, Luo Bingyu realised. This is the memento given to Luo Ningyue and him by their parents… and here he mistakenly assumed Luo Ningyue had lost it…

Witnessing his expression falter, Luo Xue held her silence for a short while before saying, “Bring yours out as well.”

Unsure of what Luo Xue had in mind, Luo Bingyu paused before he listened to her, removing the green jade tassel from his belt.

But it was not long before he felt a burning sensation in his hands.

As if carved from the same rock, the two jades resonated with each other, floating up from his palms as they began to merge as one.

Luo Xue bit her thumb, watching as her blood dripped onto the jade. As her mental force is infused into each drop of blood, her once rosy complexion turned pale.

Overwhelmed with dizziness, Luo Xue almost couldn’t hold on, but she persevered, only stopping when the green jades had turned white.

When the jades became one, it suddenly glowed brightly, revealing a spiritual body before them.

Luo Bingyu’s eyes dilated with surprise. This was no doubt his sister! It was Luo Ningyue! He hastily tried to grab the spirit’s hand, but his hand simply passed through it. Luo Bingyu became stunned.

Meanwhile, the spirit never once glanced in his direction. In contrast, her warm, gentle gaze remained solely focused on Luo Xue.

Luo Xue stared at the spirit, a rueful smile tugging at the corners of her lips. This spirit wasn’t her master, but a guardian spirit taking on the appearance of her master. Only by restoring the jade to its original form could she unseal the treasury that her master had painstakingly left behind.

As Luo Xue took the floating jade tassel into her hand, her gaze shifted towards the absentminded Luo Bingyu, whose distant gaze revealed a hint of melancholy. Despite Luo Bingyu’s outwardly cold facade, she knew very well that he was a caring and sentimental person towards those he held dear. Losing Luo Ningyue, his beloved younger sister, was one regret he could never get over.

Luo Xue placed the jade tassel in Luo Bingyu’s hand and said, “Before Master left, do you remember she had once asked you for your jade tassel? Well, she secretly added a mechanism to it.”

“At that time, Master had once foreseen the possibility of me being bullied and robbed without her protection, so she reconstructed the jade tassels into a treasury that would only reveal itself when it was complete. She did this, knowing fully well you wouldn’t abandon me and, in a way, protecting the treasures she had left behind. Still, who would have guessed that today I would resort to this method to confirm my identity?”

“I know it’s difficult for you to trust me, so I decided to show you through my actions by releasing the treasury with my blood and soul. Now, can you believe me?”

Luo Bingyu stared at Luo Xue, before turning his gaze towards the jade tassel in his hand. Sensing it was now brimming with vitality, he knew she was speaking the truth. Mental force is the unique power dwelling within the depths of one’s soul, and it could not be replicated. This left him with no choice but to be convinced by her.

However, there’s still one point he couldn’t grasp.

If Luo Xue was indeed ‘her’, why did he feel as if she had become someone unrecognisable? In their brief meeting yesterday, Luo Xue revealed herself to be anything but simple, particularly with her cunning nature. Furthermore, today’s battle only emphasised how much she has transformed. So, what kind of bitter experiences must she have endured to undergo such a change?

“What happened?” Luo Bingyu couldn’t help but ask, “How did you change this much?”

How?” Luo Xue let out a mocking chuckle. “I came back to life… that’s all.”

Instantly, Luo Bingyu felt a chilling dread spread throughout his entire body.


How is it possible? Yet a part of him couldn’t ignore the possibility that what she was saying might be the truth. Otherwise, there’s no explanation for all these inexplicable changes.

Luo Xue maintained her silence, but her gaze at Luo Bingyu conveyed intentions that were difficult to discern. Before he could ask again, she averted her eyes and gave him a subtle yet obscure smile.

“Regardless, we should focus on what’s important.”

After Luo Xue finished speaking, her mental force swiftly closed in on Luo Bingyu, locking him in place, while she guided the guardian spirit to recognise him as its new master. By doing so, she would lose access to the treasury her master had left behind for her, but she was unconcerned.

Because it’s far more crucial for Luo Bingyu to own this treasury.

If faced with a life-threatening situation, Luo Bingyu could rely on the valuable artefacts at his disposal or seek refuge in the treasury for protection.

With the aid of these two advantages ensuring his safety, it put Luo Xue’s mind at ease, resolving one of her lingering regrets in her past life.

Meanwhile, Luo Bingyu struggled fiercely against the mental force that kept him restrained like invisible chains. As each attempt to break free failed, the jade tassel started merging into his skin little by little.

Luo Bingyu’s heart ached in agony. This was the treasury his sister had left for her! How could he possibly take it?!

“Xue-er1(Name)-er: More intimate way to address a family, friend, lover, etc, that’s enough! Stop!” Luo Bingyu commanded her to stop, but she ignored it.

“Uncle Luo, don’t resist. This is my way of making amends.”

Luo Xue unleashed her mental force to the fullest to completely subdue Luo Bingyu. Exerting every ounce of energy, she urged the spirit to accept him quickly. After all, she had already made the firm decision to give him the treasury, whether or not he desired it.

“Xue-er… stop…” Luo Bingyu murmured weakly, fatigue in his voice.

Luo Xue’s eyes revealed her distress, but she maintained a steady gaze.

“Uncle Luo, I’m sorry you had to suffer,” Luo Xue covered his eyes with her palm, luring him to sleep. “But this is necessary.”

Upon hearing that, Luo Bingyu succumbed to slumber, unable to resist.

When Luo Bingyu finally accepted the treasury into his mind, Luo Xue breathed a sigh of relief, with beads of sweat dripping down her neck. As she moved her hand away, a brand-new white diamond mark emerged between his eyebrows, signifying that Luo Bingyu was now the master of the treasury. Since the contract was established, the guardian spirit, having exhausted its energy, disappeared into his body.

Luo Xue controlled her mental force to carry Luo Bingyu as they made their way to his room. As she carefully laid him on the bed, Luo Xue stared at his serene, sleeping face, lost in memories of the past.

Back then, Luo Bingyu reached the peak-stage Ascendant realm2The 7th realm of cultivation, earning him the title of the world’s strongest cultivator. One might have assumed he had become omnipotent until his severed head was delivered to the sect’s door. With his sudden death, the sect was thrown into disarray. The circumstances of his death remained a mystery until investigations revealed he had daringly entered a portal inhabited by the demons.

Once this news came out, both sects and individuals ridiculed Luo Bingyu for overestimating his capabilities, and the reputation of the Divine Sword Sect went downhill. It was only a decade later did the protagonist, who had delved into his master’s3Luo Bingyu peculiar death, uncover the truth.

Luo Bingyu had been murdered by the sects that had allied themselves with demons. Exploiting his weakness, they manipulated him into believing that his sister was still alive, using false evidence to lure him out before killing him, outnumbered. By eliminating him, they wanted their sects to rise to prominence, and they were successful until they were exposed.

Despite the revelation of the truth, it was too late to recover what was lost. Luo Bingyu’s reputation, which had been tarnished, could not regain its former glory. His name, once renowned worldwide, had lost its impact. And the Divine Sword Sect, once synonymous with Luo Bingyu, had fallen into obscurity.

Nothing could have been done to improve it.

As for Luo Xue, she was traumatised by the image of Luo Bingyu’s severed head, remaining vividly in her mind as if it had happened yesterday. She vowed to get revenge for him, but sadly, she was powerless.

Luo Xue closed her eyes, suppressing the intense emotions that were on the verge of overflowing.

After regaining her composure, Luo Xue stared at Luo Bingyu for a long time before turning around. As she left, she never looked back.

Once silence resumed, Luo Bingyu slowly woke up. His eyes contained neither joy nor sleepiness.