Succubuscessful Stealth
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High in a tree, by the light of the moon, The Naked Succubus shivered.

Below her, A huge gator sat. Watching her. Menacingly. A gator, I might add, that presumably has dragon blood, given its the size of a Grizzly. A MALE Grizzly. Also, it had longer legs than its non-Draconic Cousins. 


Just sayin... its a Kaprosuchus.


The succubus, to distract herself, opens the book of Forbidden arts they had gotten the 'summoning' spell from.

A black book, with a blood red ⛧ emblazoned on it. But in the moonlight, when she touched it, words appeared.

[Dis book be da forbidden tome. Don wanna mess wit dis Here Hoodoo.-Mama Succuba]


Apologies to Cliché Voodoo practitioners and Jamaicans... but not to Jamaica itself. I ate a food from your homeland recently. I was sick for three days... SO F YOU JAMAICA. YOU OWE ME A BOX OF STOMACHE MEDICINE


"WELL. That's new. Succuba... Succubus? Well. Shit. Too late now."

The book shone... and seemed to thicken.

"Did this fucker just get bigger?"

It had. Charlotte opened the book.

<HEY NOW, Dincha read mah warnin? Well, ya one o mama's now... I've added sum things ya need ta know, hot thing. Read up on ya self. And stay away from Dat hoodoo in da back o da book.>

"OK. Apparently We fucked up. Um... Thank you!"

<ya welcome, sweet child.>

Charlotte started reading the new pages.

 [SUCCUBUS. Embodiments of Feminine Lust and Masculine Desires, they are ancient beings on par with Vampires. Succubi once ruled the sub-tropical Region of Leveaux, until A Daughter of the Succu-Queen Seduced a Married Cardinal of the Vodoun Church. This led to the Subsequent persecution of their kind, and the near extinction of both their race, and their Masculine Counterparts. The Voudoun were cursed, and gave up the ways of The Natural magic... becoming the Holy Order of today. The land of Leveaux was cursed, and abandoned, all blessings of the Fire-king Removed as punishment for their misdeeds. It is now called Nawlins, an old Swamp Witch word meaning Loud and Flamboyant.

Succubus Powers: seduction(males). May affect some females.

Injection barbs: powerful aphrodisiac in the tail.

Succu-ball Stomper: A flying stomp to the weak point. Breaks adamant. 

Succu-blessing: makes targets more fertile.

Naughty-Nightwear engine: makes clothing from anything. They are warm, and waterproof, but are very revealing. Takes on certain traits based on materials used.(go Stomp that Gator, now, mama knows ya got dis.) ]

The book then caught fire... and knowledge flowed into her head.

A crash like a meteor was heard... and Charlotte walked away from a bloody Crater, wearing Gator-skin Lingerie.


Brother Maxwell was a missionary. He was near the border, in his wagon, when he saw her. Scantily clad, trying to find a way past the Orders Knights.

"Young Lady. Might I be of assistance?"

The girl froze... and turned toward him.

"Umm... I don't think so, sir."

Maxwell smiled... and tossed her a robe. "Climb in, young Succubus. I'm no friend of THEIRS." He deactivated his glamour... abd the Short, pale young priest was replaced by a large, muscular Ogre.

"The names Max Swole... which I AM" He flexed "but these Fools see poor little Maxwell, Priest of Draconia."

"A Dragon Priest? I was headed toward the Dragonmount for Sactuary." Charlotte accepted his offer, and climbed onto the wagon

"Coincidence is simply Fate." He turned back on the glamor. "Now, there's a ring here, it will hide your form."

Taking the ring, She put it on. Just as they came in sight of the Border.

"HALT! Max, who's the Girl."

"AH, CLAY! This lass is an initiate. I received word that the great ones were granted a boon by the God's, in the form of a perfect mate... and that Mate needs a Haindmaiden. She shall be my gift to the new Great One."

"Alright. Go on through."


That evening, in a cave far from the road.

She didn't know what got into her... but as soon as they were far enough away, Max dropped the glamour for good... and when they stopped... well... she couldn't hold back.

She lay there, in his arms, recalling the act... his Rippling muscles, her tongue tracing his pecs, on the way down to... the biggest Dick she'd ever seen... then it was in her mouth, and the taste was spectacular... but it didn't stop there... before he achieved release, he pulled her away, and turned her around... bent over a Boulder, she felt His giant cock Spread her virgin folds... and with a sharp pain, he was inside her... her tail wrapped his leg... and began massaging his balls, warming itself... then he moved, and she Screamed... and his pace increased, grunting with every thrust, until finally the building pressure was released... and hot Fluid gushed into her, bringing her own climax... 

She lay there, cuddled in tight, hips throbbing... and thought...

'Guys... I did it... I Lost my virginity... for you. All three of you. Rest In Peace...'


"Indeed. I liked that thing you did with your tail, Child."

"Maxie, drop that Priest voice. Say... Ready for round two?"

"Hehehe... if I don't make it to the mountain, let my Sisters know... I Died Happy... because you're gonna kill me." He laughed, staring into her Gold eyes.

She didn't know it yet, but Charlotte earned a few titles that night.

[Charlotte. Titles: Sneaky. Gator Stomper. Liar. Virgin no more. Ogre-slayer. Ogre Eater. She who swallow. Vital Bather. Life-eater. Priest Eater. Masseuse. Predator. Sex-fiend. True Daughter of The Succubus Queen. Daughter of The Swamp Witch. WARNING. DISGUISE IDENTITY STATUS DISPELLED.] 


"WHOOOOEEEE Another man done gone."

Because yeah... Max is doomed. Each round consumes more of his lifespan. Btw, her eyes change color based on arousal.

So be careful if you go down where the black trees grow, or you could be next.