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warning: brief transphobia, homophobic Slurs, physical violence. And some Infantile humour and alchohol references

The day was rather normal. Of you could ignore the stares, anyway. Both Red and I were given a key to the faculty restroom, to prevent any complaints about us having been the opposite gender originally. Gym class was an ordeal, as we were told to change into our gym clothes, in my case a loose T-Shirt and Shorts, in the Coaches office, for the same reason. They didn't think of the fact that they were STILL asking Two opposite gendered students to change together. It was awkward... At first. Until Red made me laugh.

"DAAAMN, GIRL... Those Nanites were KIND to you! Look at those ANKLES!"

We had already changed clothes, behind a partition the coach had set up Using a whiteboard and a tarp, of all things.

"Pfft. Yeah, cause it's my Ankles you were staring at."

"Couldn't help it. I'm a guy now, my eyes were naturally drawn. Also, JEALOUS... If I'd had A body like that, I might have been more upset to lose it. Nah, I was Gangly as fuck... bit look at me now!"

So I did... then felt myself turn Red.

"Yeah... you are definitely a Guy now."

"Whaddya mean? Wait, why are you all blushy."

"Look down."

He did. At the Tent in his Shorts.

"Oh. Hello. Nice to see you again, but could you go away? Im trying to have a conversation."


Then... she tried to do a Cockney voice.

"Oy!.Ahm Mista Winky. Ahm just Sayin... 'Ello Guvnah."

"Hahahahaha! You're such a weirdo. WHY is it British?"

"Hello? COCKney? Duh."

"Oh god... hahaha... i... haha. Can't breathe..."

"So... are we friends yet? Cause I feel like We're friends now. I mean, I'm endearing as shit. Plus, I'm like SUPER Sexy now. Look at me!" She did a guts pose "I'm the full package!"

The coach walked in then... He was deeply concerned, as Red was standing there, posing like Captain Morgan Now, And I was on the floor laughing. 

"Okay, I dunno whats going on, but it needs to stop... your classmates thunk you've snapped. All they could hear was hysterical laughter."

"Hahaha... say it again..."

"Okay... Arggh, I be captain Morgan, Pirate king of Rum. I've got a little captain in me... and he wants to put a LITLLE CAPTAIN in YOU! YARGH."


"IDIOTS. A couple of idiots. Get out there and run laps with the rest of the class."

"Yarg, AyeAye, Captain!"

"Pffffft! He's gonna blow a fuse..." 

The coach was Red in the face... we hurried out, but a few minutes Later, were all shocked by a loud "HA! I JUST GOT IT."

Apparently, the Innuendo went over his head at first.


Lunch was a noisy affair, as always. But the most interesting thing happened. As we were eating, Red joining Alex and I at our usual table in the darkest corner, An asshole appeared. A guy named Clint. Now, Clint was never a bully, never said two words to me, but now...

"HEY, look at the Trannies, eating lunch like NORMAL people..."

We naturally ignored him.

"HEY, Fagboy! Hear you've got a cunt now. How many clocks have you ridden, eh? You filthy slut. Trash like you shouldn't be allowed in our sch-" a fist impacted his face... I saw a few teeth fly out... and stared in shock at the owner of that fist. Duke Motherfuckin Springfield.

"Hey asshole. Not. Fuckin. Cool. You think pickin on some poor attack victims makes you tough, huh? Well? Piece of shit. That's a you are, CLINT. A piece of shit that's not even worth wiping off my shoe. Get the fuck outta here, before I lose my temper."

The rat stood up, and ran away. And Clint turned towards us.

"HEY. I... I'm sorry about the way I treated you guys. I was going through some shit. Do you mind if I sit?"

We all shook our heads.

"So... What you two are going through... i..I... Sigh. I wish it were me."

A horrible realization hit me... all the bullying, the anger... the way he kept a Telling Alex to be more manly... it all made sense...

"Holy shit."

"Oooh, this seems interesting."

"I'm not following."

We all stared at Alex. 

"Dude, really? Use your head, and think about all the things Said during the bullying... and what we just heard."

"I still dont..." realization lit his face "Oh. OH! Holy Shit. That's uh... thats cool. Apology accepted."

"You have no idea  how good it feels to tell someone..."

"Say it." Red chimed in. "Because yeah, I do know the feeling. I had it myself last week. So say it."

Duke took a deep breath... then whispered. "I'm trans. And I don't know how to tell my dad."

"We're here for ya, buddy." Red put his arm around... 

"Wait. What do you want to be called. I dunno why, but after hearing that it feels weird to keep calling you Duke."

And Alex said what I was thinking.

"Umm... i... I've always liked Emily."

"Okay then. Nice ta meet ya, Emily." Red pulled Them into a hug. "Now tell me. What's up with yer dad."

Turns out, Emily's Dad is a macho Bodybuilder type, who was even tough on his sister, telling her to be less Feminine. He's a bigot AND a Sexist, and also hates other races. Literally speaking, he's a bad person. After hearing this, I spoke up.

"If... if you ever need a place to crash, my mom won't mind. We've got an extra room. So if anything happens and you don't feel safe..." I gave Them both my Contact info. "That goes for you, too, Red. If ANYTHING happens, call me. I can be there in minutes, with muscle. Have any of you Been to the Salon at the mall?"

"Miss Georgias?" 

"The propriatress scares me."

"You know I have."

One of those answers was shocking.

"Wait, Red, why does... never mind. That's my Aunt. And trust me, Aunt G can handle anything. And Red, She isn't scary at all."

"Sorry, Candy, but anyone with arms that look like tree-trunks that's wearing a Sundress terrifies me. She winked at me, and I had nightmares for two days. Sorry if that's rude..."

"Nah, Aunt G would probably laugh about it... then chase you, winking repeatedly. That's the kinda lady she is..."

"I see. More reason to avoid the mall. Just kidding."

Then we noticed... Emily was crying.

"Whats wrong?"

"Nuthin... you guys are just so nice... and accepting... and i... I can't beleive I was such an asshole..."

"HEY. We said it's okay."

Then red asked "So... Emily. Have you tried any Femme Clothes?"

"Umm... yeah. I uh... I have a photo... but it's ugly."

"Can we see it?"

She cringed... then nodded. And on her phone, showed us a picture. Judging from the makeup, she had been practicing a lot... what we saw in the photo wasn't the bully who had been tormenting Alex for years, or the Timid Kid sitting there, showing the photo... we saw a somewhat Masculine girl. Alex suddenly stood up. "I uh... I'll be right back."

Emily's look turned dark. "He's going off to laugh at me... I don't blame him. I'm hideous."

So I slapped her. "No you aren't. That picture is gorgeous. I'll deal with Alex, but I promise you, he didn't run off to laugh..."

I swiftly left, following Alex. I found him on the school's roof.

"Alex. You okay, man?"

"FUCK NO, CANDY, IM NOT." He was pacing. "Fuck... that picture... the person who bullied me... and i..."

He grabbed my shoulders.

"Candy, what do I DO? I... I Thought she was cute... my bully... I thought my bully was CUTE! Am I a Masochist or something? What the hell do I do?"

"Well. Two things. First, you get a fuckin grip. Then you go tell Emily you weren't running off to laugh."

"Oh shit. Is that what she... FUUUCK. I can't even imagine what that's like, being trapped in the wrong body... it must be terrible. Oh fuck. Sorry, Candy. I know that's basically what you're going through too, isn't it?"

Something felt off... something I just realized.

"That's beside the point. Go apologize."


Alex left the roof, but I didn't. Why? Why don't i feel any Dysphoria? It never occurred to me before, but... I actually feel better than i did before... Holy shit...

"Am... Am I Trans?"

hooray! A realization at last. Betcha didnt see the duke/emily thing coming, didya?next few chapters will be a bit gloomy.