Blood Gulch Avenue Trailer
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In a somewhat large house in Mistral.

Sitting at a desk in his room we see a tall teen that's about 5'11'' with neat brown hair and eyes. With a Maroon shirt and some cargo pants.

His name is Dick Simmons.

It's nighttime and he has a desk lamp on while reading through some text books. He reads a page then looks to the notebook next to the text book and writes a few things down.

Suddenly his scroll lights up and he looks over to it. He grabs it and opens it up and gasps.

He got a notice of Acceptance from Beacon Academy.

"Yes!" Simmons shouts.

"Dear, Please keep it down. It's 10:30 at night." A older woman's voice says from down the hall.

"Sorry, mom." Simmons apologizes. "It's just I got accepted into Beacon."

"That's good news dear. But, I'm much too tired to celebrate. So please keep it down until morning and I'll make you your favorite breakfast."

"Thanks, mom!"

Simmons then starts frantically looking around his room.

"Where is it! Where is it!" He whisper yells and he looks under his bed. "Ahaha!" He reaches under and pulls out a book. "The anatomy of Grimm. "I'll definitely need this."

Simmons sets the book on his bed and looks out a nearby window. "I do hope this'll be a nromal few years."

