Chapter 6: Icebreakers
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When Sero woke up in the association infirmary again, he was slightly surprised to see Amaya sitting next to his bed, her focus on her laptop screen.

"Oh, this is a pleasant view to wake up to." Sero remarked as Amaya took notice of him.

"Can’t say I agree," Amaya replied with a scowl as she put away her laptop. "Please, stop passing out. There’s no way that that’s good for you." 

"Aww, you do care for me." Sero smirked.

Amaya glared at him. "So, now that you’ve gotten better at wasting your strength, what are you planning on doing now?"

Sero thought for a moment.

"Well, I did last for a lot longer than before in the arena–"

"I cannot believe you lasted more than 30 minutes firing full-powered mana attacks."

"–so I think I’m ready to take on the A-rank trial."

Amaya raised an eyebrow. "You're planning on doing that right now? You just passed out from using too much mana."

Sero smirked. "You think I’d just waste mana for the fun of it?" 

"Yeah." Amaya immediately replied. 

"Yes." Aphiel agreed in his thoughts. 

"I- wow, ok that’s fair, but anyways," Sero’s eyes glinted with mischief. "Yes, I did that for fun, but also to test my limits. Now that I know I can last around half an hour or so at full power, imagine how long I can last if I carefully manage my resources?"

Amaya crossed her arms. "You know, you could just try using magic more efficiently from the start. You don't have to burn yourself out just to find out."

Sero snorted. "Well, I'm not going to burn myself out anymore. Those first two times were all I needed." 

Amaya looked at him skeptically. Then she sighed and shook her head. 

"Whatever. It's not my problem."

Sero grunted. "So, when I'm ready, take me to the A-rank trial. I got some pretty good skills in my arsenal."

Amaya fell quiet for a moment, studying him carefully. 

"Speaking of, why are you so obsessed with skills? Obviously, your Scholar class enables you to copy them, but you have a really... unsettling craving for them."

Sero blinked in surprise. 

"Oh," He began, unprepared for her question. "I don't really know how to put it in words. I guess it's because before the apocalypse, I never really had anything going on for me." 

He glanced at nothing in particular as he lost himself in his thoughts. 

"I was a loser, and it sucked because I pretty much accepted it. I was going through the same routine day by day and didn't think I'd ever get somewhere." 

Sero brought himself back and glanced at Amaya. 

"When I ascended as a Scholar and learned that I could copy any skill I wanted, I guess I felt like I could be something more than a loser."

Amaya's eyes widened slightly. "So... it's like a second chance at life for you?"

Sero couldn't help but think of Aphiel as he snickered. 

"You have no idea how right you are."

It was his turn to look at Amaya with a questioning look. 

"Since we're getting to know each other, I've been wondering. You're an Ascendant Liaison, right? But you're also in a guild. How does that work?" 

A sudden darkness clouded Amaya's face as she avoided Sero's eyes. 

"I'd rather not talk about that." 

Sero opened his mouth, but closed it. 

"Sure. I'm not the type to pry."

The pair grew quiet as Sero waited for the doctor to come and check on him. 

Amaya took a deep breath and turned to him. The hard expression she wore a moment ago had softened. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to get all moody on you. It's just... the reasons for my situation are still a little sore to talk about." 

Sero nodded slightly and remained quiet. 

"I was in the Blue Wave Brigade guild before I was an Ascendant Liaison. When the apocalypse happened, my parents died in the chaos. It was just me and my sister at the time." 

Amaya stared off at a corner of the room, seemingly deep in her memories.

"I ascended as a Mage about a month later. I pushed myself really hard and got accepted into the Blue Wave Brigade. For a while, I was on the frontlines, taking care of the monster outbreaks while making sure my sister was safe. Then, she ascended as a Mage not too long after I got settled in the guild." 

She took a shaky breath and turned back to Sero. 

"Anyway, it's still a little painful to talk about, so to put it shortly, my sister's not here anymore and I had to take a break from the guild for a bit. Monster outbreaks aren't as frequent anymore since the world quickly adapted, so I chose to become an Ascendant Liaison." 

Even though she didn't explain anything else, Sero could figure that she joined the Ascendant Association to prevent whatever tragedy befell her from happening to anyone else. 

"Sorry to hear that." He quietly told her. 

Amaya gave him a strained smile. "It's really weird hearing sincerity like that from you, but thanks."

She paused for a moment, then continued, "Anyway, I guess if you're really set on taking the A-rank trial straight away, I can give you the rundown of what to expect."

Sero perked up, sitting up a little straighter in his bed. "Oh, really? That'd be a huge help."

Amaya nodded. "The A-rank trial is difficult for many Ascendants to pass because you have to fight a copy of yourself. As soon as you step in there, it'll be like looking at yourself."

She took a deep breath. "The copy is called a Reflected Ascendant. They have all of your skills, stats, equipment, personality, and memories. The fight takes place in a separate large arena where you can use the environment to your advantage. The Reflected Ascendant will fight you just as you would in any other battle."

"Fuck." Sero realized what that meant for him. 

"Yeah. Even with your arsenal of copied skills, your copy can just use Perfect Analysis. Essentially–" 

"It'd be a stalemate. Unless I come up with something that can beat it." Sero finished.

Amaya nodded, seemingly deep in thought. "That's what I'd do. Think of a way to beat yourself. It's not impossible, as long as you have the skills and the creativity to do so. That's how I became an A-rank."

Sero stared at her in surprise.

"You're an A-rank?" 

Amaya smirked. "Of course."

"But, during that lobster boss, I remember it was a C-rank?"

"Well, yeah. Boss rank doesn't always correlate to Ascendant ranks. I would've eventually defeated it without your help." 

The pair was interrupted as Sero's doctor came in to check on him. 

"Well, you should rest for today. I'll take you to the A-rank trial site tomorrow." Amaya took her laptop and left.

After Sero was cleared to leave, he walked back to his apartment trying to think of ways he could defeat himself.

He mulled over Amaya's words, wondering how she managed to beat her own copy. As he reached his apartment, Sero shook his head and pushed the matter aside, deciding to sleep on it. After his date with Nala tonight, of course. 

Sero waited impatiently for the night to come, occasionally practicing his energy and mana efficiency techniques as the hours ticked by. Finally, a little before midnight, he ventured out from his apartment towards the same abandoned street he met Nala the night before.

The air was cool and crisp, the stars shining brightly overhead. He walked down the deserted street, his footsteps echoing softly on the concrete. As he neared the meeting spot, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of anticipation and excitement. Granted, learning more Shadereaper skills would bolster his ability repertoire, but for the moment, Sero was eager to see Nala again. 

As he stepped onto the abandoned street, Sero noticed that there were no traces of the wolf monster from the night before. 

"I guess there are people that clean it? Or do monsters just evaporate after they are killed?" He mused to himself as he scanned the surroundings for Nala. 

For a long while, Sero sat on a nearby rusted bench, waiting for her. 

"I think she forgot about you." Aphiel said in his mind. 

"There's no way she did. I left a pretty good impression last night." Sero replied confidently. 

"I'm not sure if 'good' is the word I'd use."

"You'll see. She'll show up." Sero began to feel less confident. 

An hour passed. Sero began to wonder if he should just give up and go home.

"No!" he yelled, standing up abruptly. "I'll wait another half hour!"


Sero sat back down and folded his arms, determined to wait. Although he was pretty sure Nala had forgotten or simply chose not to come by, he didn't know what else to do. 

"It's ok, champion. Everyone gets rejected every so often. It's normal." Aphiel tried to comfort him. 

Sero didn't reply. 

A half hour came and went, finally causing him to give up. 

As he stood up, he suddenly heard a soft rustle. 

Whirling around, Sero caught sight of a cloaked figure standing in the middle of the street. 

"Nala?" He stepped closer to the figure. 

Her violet eyes gazed at him with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension as she pulled her hood off. She wore the same tight-fitting black pants tucked into high-heeled boots but with a dark brown long-sleeved top this time. 

"I'm surprised you showed up." Nala's voice was soft and even.

"I was thinking the same thing." Sero couldn't help but grin despite waiting a long time for her. 

"Were you waiting long? You seem a little grumpy." 

"Nah, I just got here," Sero lied. "What were you up to?" 

"Hunting stray monsters." Nala fidgeted with her cloak. 

"Oh, this is a nightly thing for you?" 

Nala nodded and remained silent. 

"I don't think she's big on conversation." Aphiel noted in Sero's mind. 

"Well, anyways, how about we just get right into it? I'll tag along as you hunt and you could show me more of your Shadereaper skills." Sero pressed on.

Nala glanced at him, her violet eyes unreadable. "Are you sure? You don't have anything else to do?"

Sero dropped his eyes to half-mast and grinned. "Nah, I'm free for the rest of the night. I'd love to spend more time with a beautiful woman like you."

"Alright then," Nala said with a hint of surprise in her voice. "Follow me." She quickly turned and took off at a jog, her cloak billowing behind her. Sero hurried to catch up, dodging through the shadows cast by the dilapidated buildings. As they ran, Nala effortlessly leapt over piles of rubble and debris that Sero stumbled and tripped over.

"Champion," Aphiel sounded embarrassed. "Stop neglecting your skills and use Perfect Analysis to copy her movements."

Sero grunted his thanks towards Aphiel, then focused on Nala again. As they raced through the alleyways, he began to notice the way she moved. The way she flowed from one motion to the next, always maintaining her balance and agility. It was as if she were dancing through the city streets. He mimicked her movements, trying to replicate her grace and poise.

The pair were silent as they patrolled the streets, sticking to the shadows as they kept an eye out for stray monsters. A few civilians walked around the more lit areas, unaware of the duo that lurked in the darkness. 

"Aren't you going to say anything?" Aphiel asked after a while. 

"Like what?" Sero thought back. "I didn't plan on getting this far.

"...How about asking her about herself? You know, like regular humans do.

"So... how long have you been doing this?" Sero asked Nala.

She glanced at him over her shoulder, her violet eyes studying his face. "A while," she replied. "Since I ascended shortly after the monster outbreaks." 

"Champion, ask something better! Obviously the timeframe is limited between now and a year ago when the apocalypse began." Aphiel was exasperated.

"Ok... what made you want to be a mercenary instead of joining a guild?" Sero tried again.

Nala thought for a moment before answering. "I wanted to be free to choose my own path. I didn't want to be tied down to anyone or anything." Her voice was soft but determined. "And I liked the challenge of being my own boss. It's not easy, but I've learned a lot along the way."

"Oh, I can relate to that." 

The pair began to head back towards the abandoned streets. 

"What rank are you?" Sero continued.

Nala shrugged. "I'm not really concerned with ranks. I'm just trying to survive and help others do the same. Besides, there are plenty of people stronger than me out there. I'd rather focus on improving myself."

"That's an interesting mindset," Sero nodded thoughtfully. "I'm an F-rank myself."

"...Is that something to be proud of?" Nala asked, her voice emotionless. 

"Not really, but tomorrow I'm going to take the A-rank trial and be promoted." Sero replied.

"Hmm, good luck with that," Nala said nonchalantly. "Not everyone passes on their first try."

"Thanks," Sero smirked. "But I'll definitely pass."

As they continued walking, Sero couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated by Nala's nonchalant demeanor. He had never met anyone quite like her before. She was strong, independent, and didn't seem to care about the trappings of status or power. It was refreshing, and yet at the same time, it made him wonder what kind of person she really was beneath the surface.

"Well, since we didn't find any monsters, how about you show me a Shadereaper skill?" Sero asked her as they turned into the abandoned street.

Nala shrugged. "Are you planning on copying it?" 


Nala stood still and glanced at Sero with an unreadable expression. 

"Ok then. Watch closely." 

For a few seconds, nothing happened. Then, Nala's form suddenly dissolved into shadows right in front of Sero. His body buzzed with power as he watched her disappear.

"What the–" 

"I'm still here, don't worry," Sero could hear her disembodied voice. "This is my Shadow Sneak skill. Its utility is much more potent at night and in dark areas." 

Sero's Perfect Analysis also informed him that Nala's shadowy form was maintained by a constant stream of mana. 

"I mainly use this to hide within shadows and dark areas for recon. It's also a useful skill for escape or infiltration." Shadows began to condense in front of Sero until they transformed back into Nala's original form. 

"That is pretty useful." Sero couldn't hide his glee, his face contorted in an unnerving smile. 

Nala slightly flinched.

"Don't look at it like that. It's just a skill." She sounded embarrassed. "It's not like I'm showing you my most powerful move or anything."

"Right, sorry. I just can't help myself whenever I see a new skill." Sero still couldn't wipe the grin off his face.

"So... did you copy that?" 

"Yup." Sero performed Shadow Sneak for her, noting the strange out of body sensation before solidifying his body again. 

"I still can't believe someone like you exists." Nala shook her head in disbelief.

Sero chuckled. "Stick around, I'll show you even more incredible things." He purred.

"Sure," Nala fidgeted with her cloak. "Whatever you say." 

Sero suddenly took out his phone and offered it to Nala. 

"How about you give me your number?"

"My number?" Nala repeated, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "I don't know if that's a good idea."

"Well, we're mercenaries, right? Maybe it'd be a good idea to keep in touch. Who knows, maybe we could pair up and go on patrol at night together too." Sero pressed on. 

"Easy, champion." Aphiel warned in his mind.

Nala hesitated for a moment, then took Sero's phone and keyed in her number. "There. That's my number." She handed the phone back to him. "But don't expect me to answer every time you call."

"Oh, don't worry, I'm not gonna pester you all the time," he grinned. "Just every so often, if you're down."

Nala rolled her eyes. "Fine, whatever." She glanced at the time on her phone. "I should head back. I have something to do."

"Oh, right. Well, I should get going too." Sero nodded. "It was nice seeing you again, Nala. Take care."

Nala nodded. "You too." There was a brief pause before she added, "Hey, you know that Shadow Sneak skill you copied from me?"


"Don't use it to stalk me, ok?" Nala warned him. There was a brief flash of something in her eyes, but it was gone before Sero could identify it. "Just because we're acquaintances now doesn't mean I'll let you get away with it."

"I wasn't– Who said I'd– Ok, I won't." Sero stammered. 

For the first time since they met, Nala smiled in amusement. 

"I was just kidding. Sort of. I'm not entirely sure you wouldn't, but I'm choosing to believe you won't."

With that, Nala threw on her hood and slipped away into the darkness.

"Wait, I didn't even get to see more of your other skills!" Sero called out after her, a hint of disappointment in his voice. "Maybe next time, Nala!"

But she was already gone even before he called out to her. Sero clicked his tongue and turned back to head to his apartment.

"I'd say that went pretty well." Aphiel piped in his mind. 

"Are you being sarcastic?" 

Aphiel didn't reply.

As he walked through the city, he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to team up with Nala on a job. She was clever, stealthy, and had some really cool abilities. Plus, she was pretty cute too. He imagined them sneaking through the shadows together, taking down their enemies with ease. It was a nice thought.

Sero got ready for bed as soon as he got back to his apartment. As he crept underneath the covers, Sero suddenly realized something. 

"Fuck. I forgot to prepare for the A-rank trial tomorrow."