Chapter 4
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Nury stood and stretched, flexing her wings. She looked around her small cave and sighed.

"It's so quiet without that little brat running around. How old would he be now? I think it's been, what... Five or six years since he left? I wish they'd come visit..." She bemoaned.

She walked to the edge of the cave and looked out. She let out a long sigh and began walking to the entrance.

"I guess I'll go out for a bit," she thought, "It's been a while since I've talked to anyone."

She flew off, flapping her wings to gain altitude before gliding down towards a group of trees. She leveled out and spread her wings, catching a draft and riding it along.

As she was gliding along, she heard a scream from under her. She glanced down and saw humans - local townsfolk, she guessed - running as they screamed from her presence.

She fluttered her wings and sat down, "What's wrong? I know I haven't been out in a while, but Duke Norman swore that he'd explained that I mean no harm."

Her words went ignored as the humans took refuge in whatever houses hadn't had their doors slammed yet. She huffed, a pair of smoke rings flying out of her nostrils, "Hello? I'm talking here. You're being rude."

She felt a sharp pain in her side. She looked down to see a knight there, poking her with his sword, "Ow, what was that for?"

The man was clearly shaken, but he still managed to speak, "You're a monster! What kind of monster has a human voice?!"

Nury frowned, "A dragon, you idiot."

"Don't call me an idiot!"

"Then don't be one," Nury replied.

"You're a monster! You're not even a human!"

"So inhuman equates to monster? That's harsh, isn't it? We dragons are longer lived than you pathetic humans. You'd think you'd be a little kinder."

The knight rushed forward, his sword raised. Nury pinched the blade between her claws and lifted it, the knight releasing his grip and falling the short distance to the ground that he had been lifted.

"Now, let's start over. I'm looking for the Norman estate. Would you happen to know where that's at, brave-but-stupid sir knight?"

He grunted and pulled himself to his feet, "What's a dragon want with the Norman estate?"

Nury sighed, "I just wanted to say hello to the little brat I've been missing for the past five or six years. But now, I'm not so sure."


Nury nodded, "Yes, a little brat. Brown hair, brown eyes, about the height of a ten-year-old human."

"Oh, that brat," the knight said, "You're looking for Arland Norman. But I'll die before I reveal his location to a beast like you."

Nury glared and moved her serpentine head closer, "What was that? An offer?"

The knight stuttered, "Uh, n-no... I just... I won't reveal his location."

"Good, because I was going to kill you if you had," Nury said.

The knight, seeing his sword on the ground, rushed to grab it. He raised it up and tried to strike. Nury, who had seen it coming, caught the sword in her claws and held it high in the air. She glanced at the knight, then brought her tail around, whipping it against him. He flew a few feet away and landed in a roll.

Nury moved forward and planted her claw over his chest, "Listen, boy. I don't wish harm on them. I merely want to know that Arland made it home safe after their last visit here."

The knight gripped her claws, trying to force them off, but finding he couldn't lift the massive talons. Finally, he relented and sighed, "They made it safe. Last I heard, Arland set off on a journey with the swordmaster Leera. It was a big issue, the son of a nobleman journeying like a common adventurer. Apparently, the kid has sword skills beyond his years. Now, can you let me up?"

"Very well. I'm glad they made it home safely. Thank you."

The knight pulled himself up, "So, you're not going to kill me?"

Nury shook her head, "Not today. I have my information, so I'll be off. Don't do anything too stupid while I'm gone, alright?"

"Wait!" The knight called. Nury lowered her head to his, as he continued, "The people here are terrified of you. Duke Norman told us you were kind, but none of us believed it. not truly, anyhow. Since you've left your cave, it's only a matter of time before the guild sends dragonslayers up to you. You may want to reconsider where you live."

Nury sighed and nodded, "I see. Well, thank you for the warning. I'll see what I can do. And, just in case, you are free to call on me at any time, should you need protection. You've proven yourself brave, and I could use someone with a spine."

"I'll keep that in mind. Might I ask your name? And if you'll move your claw, so I can stand and introduce myself properly?"

Nury stepped back, allowing the knight to stand. "My name is Nury. And yours, sir knight?"

The knight snapped to attention, his hand clenched in a fist over his brow, "My name is Alryc. Knight of the DevilWood Wilds."

Nury lowered her head in a bow, "It's a pleasure, Alryc. I'll be setting off now. I think I'll take your advice and find a new home. I kind of liked this one, but oh well. Let some other dragon claim it and be hunted. No scales off my wing."

Alryc nodded, "Farewell, Nury. Be safe."

"You too, Alryc. I'll see you again sometime. Just let me know."

Nury took to the sky. She soared off, flying over the trees and into the distance.

Alryc looked around, seeing the people slowly creep out of their hiding spots.

"So... That was a dragon?" A villager asked.

"Yeah..." Another replied.

"It was friendly, though... Right?"

Alryc looked back to Nury as she grew smaller in the distance, "I'm not sure. She did attack me, but... She purposefully chose not to kill me. I have no doubt I'll come to regret the decision to let her go, though..."


Arland and Leera stood atop a hill, looking down at the city of Hatford. The wind blew, billowing their cloaks and Leera's hair. Arland, for his part, grumbled.

"I need a damned haircut. This shitting hair is fucking me off..."

Leera eyed him, "Learn to cuss before you cuss, my guy. You just sound... weird..."

Arland raised an eyebrow, "I'm sorry, what was that? Did I hear that right? I sounded weird?"

Leera grinned, "Aye. And what are you going to do about it? You still have yet to best me even once."

"I got close a few times on the way here."

Leera sighed, "That you did. But you know what 'close' gets you in real combat? Dead."

Arland rolled his eyes, "I'm aware, Leera. You tell me that every day. Now let's go."

Leera grabbed his arm, "Stop. You think I like repeating myself? I tell you that every day because you need to learn that out here, there are no safety nets! A goblin won't stay his blade or short a stroke just because you're inexperienced. Arland, if you just get 'close' out here, I'm the one that's going to be digging your fucking grave, boy."

Arland turned and glared at her, "Are you done? If you are, then shut your mouth."

"What did you say, little boy?!"

"I said, 'Are you done'? Look, I know you're trying to teach me, and I appreciate that. I really do. However, you're being a royal pain in the ass, Leera. Experience is the only way for me to get better. You said so yourself. Facing real, life-or-death stakes. So either take me somewhere that I might die or shut the hell up and let's go."

Leera stared at him for a long moment before she drew her hand back, brought it forward, and smacked him, knocking him to the ground. She leaned over him, "Talk to me like that again, and you'll be on your own out here. You're damn good at the sword, but you ARE still only ten, Arland. I'm over a hundred. You'd be a fucking fool to not take my advice to heart, you got that?!"

Arland looked up at her, her strawberry blonde hair hanging over her face, obscuring her eyes. Her hand was still raised, her fingers gripping the hilt of her sword. He could feel her rage, it was radiating off her, as heated as the welt forming on his cheek.

He nodded, "Alright, I get it. I'm not a man yet. I'm still a boy... Can we go now, Master?"

Leera stood still, her gaze remaining locked on his. After a long, tense moment, she relaxed, "Don't call me master. You've graduated. I'm just along for the ride to ensure your inexperience doesn't get you killed before you've had a chance to fully surpass me. You're a young man with a responsibility far too large for your shoulders, Arland. No child should be burdened with the skills you have. That said, it's also my job to ensure you use them properly."

She held her hand out to him, helping him back to his feet. He touched his cheek and winced, "I think you hit a bit too hard."

Leera walked by him, "Don't mouth off to your betters, kid. You're no longer a noble, but that doesn't free you of all protocol."

Arland sighed and followed, catching up with her quickly. She made her way down the hill and into the city. Arland, after a moment to collect himself, followed her.

The two made their way through the streets, taking in the sights. Arland was amazed at the bustle of activity. It was like nothing he'd ever seen before. The city was full of people and smells.

He looked over and saw a cart, with a large, purple-skinned creature sitting atop it. He nudged Leera, "Hey, what's that?"

She glanced over, "That's a hobgoblin. Cheecia tames whatever they can ensure won't be vicious. It's a practice your father has been staunchly against. He views it as little different than slavery since many humanoids have shown low levels of intelligence."

Arland looked over at her, "Low levels? Like dogs?"

Leera shook her head, "No. Like a five-year-old. Hobgoblins especially have intelligence equal to about a five-year-old human. They're smart enough to follow directions and learn basic tasks, but too stupid to create their own society."

Arland kept looking around, "And what about demons?"

Before he barely got the word out, Leera pulled him into a side alley, pinning him to a wall, "Don't even fucking mention demons to me! Their domain is up north. It shares a border with the devilwood wilds and Cheecia!"

Arland struggled against her hand, "Leera, what the hell?! I was just asking! I really don't know much about all this shit!"

She sighed and pulled back, releasing him, "You're right. I'm sorry. It's just... How many elves besides me have you seen?"

Arland straightened his overcoat before looking at her, seeing her ears glowing a bright red. "Well... None, come to think of it. I know you're long-lived, and long-lived species tend to have lower rates of reproduction, but... Is your species really that slow on producing the next generation? And what does that have to do with the demons?"

Leera looked at him, her eyes brimming with tears, "My species lives ten times as long as humans. We also reproduce five times slower. You're right about that. But that's not why we're so rare. Approximately ninety-five percent of my species has been captured by the demons, Arland. Those few that haven't been are scattered to the winds..."

Arland stepped forward, wrapping his arms around the elf, "Hey, I'm sorry... I didn't know... Forgive me?"

She buried her face into his chest, wiping her eyes on the fabric, "No need. It's not your fault. It's a sore spot for me. We elves have long memories and that creates strong familial bonds between us. My whole family was captured in the raid..."

Arland stroked her hair, "How long ago was it, if I may ask...?"

"One hundred years ago... People have tried to free them, but no one's been successful. The demons simply outnumber and out-power us... And no kingdom wants to send its army for a single small species that's always lived apart from them..."

Arland pulled back and looked down at her, "How about I help? Once I'm as good as you, we can try together. You and I can try to muster a decent army. I'm sure I could convince at least one person to lend us an army."

Leera smiled at him, her cheeks still stained by tears, "I'd like that, Arland. You're a good boy. A bit impertinent at times, but still good."

They stared for a long moment, before Leera turned away, blushing, "Let's go. We need to get to the guild and get our room squared away."

Arland grinned, "Room? As in just one?"

She nodded, not looking back, "Aye. Guild parties share a room. We'll need to get you registered, then we can form up officially. Then we can rest and relax for the day, and tomorrow, we take our first quest."

don't forget, my friends! Lay the Dragon v2 is uploaded 1 week early over on my subscribestar, along with various artwork usually related to the world in some way! I'll be including fullsize and clean coverart, downloadable PDFs and even some nudes of the characters for anyone that subscribes, along with higher rewards for higher tiers and some free content you don't even need to subscribe to get!