Chapter 11: God Meets Whoo?
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While the goddess was having her fun playing house; as always the cat was busy exploring the depths of the all consuming abyss known as “knowledge”.

As a result she could only half pay attention as the large brat made her way towards the city yet quickly realised something usual happening. Raising a brow at the sight of those green chains breaking through reality to seal the movements of the drakes. Although, being who she was, she had the ability to see through those chains to immediately realise what they truly were.

“Those things have the ability to stop not only physical movement but energy as well; they certainly would be quite tricky to break out. They are made from concentrating the metaphysical dao of covenants itself into a physical concept thus why reality itself bends to them. In terms of technique… This is of the highest level when it comes to seals chehehe~.” <Cheshire>

| How does someone dumb like her manage that? |
| Must have been carried due to being a rich little princess~! |
| Only our ‘original’ would be able to find out nyahaha! |
| I do wonder what we know about this girl's history… |
| So what is the conclusion? |

“Nyhehe~ it would be the snake of course!” <Cheshire>

| Oh my~! |
| Makes Sense… |
| Seems obvious enough. |
| Could it be anyone else? |

All across the multiverse a bunch of little black cats began nodding their heads - each unique in their own way with many minor differences. Some had scars in different places, some had more scars, some had less and a rare few had no physical scars. There were even those who had lost entire limbs.

What united them all (despite the vast differences between their different mortal realms) was that they all shared an identical set of souls that had gone through countless forms of suffering. Not all of their suffering was the same as there were those who did not have so much as a physical scar. They still had scars even if they weren’t visible, sometimes on their souls or minds, as reality itself was convinced that the cat shouldn’t live.

But they did.

They always did.

Now that ‘original’ Cheshire had managed to reach out; they soon realised how strange it was that they were so consistent across the omniverse. Or rather it was strange that she seemed to go through so much suffering in every life. It made them quickly return to what they knew about multiverse theory & especially about the supposed singularities that only existed once.

| Who is the snake? |

All that didn’t mean they shared the same knowledge, however.

“Hm~? Well that snake is the martial uncle of the newly minted ‘Mother’ so had a large part to play in raising the brat; also the person they respected second most. Although, now that her own birth mother is dead, that slippery serpent may be the most respected nyahaha.” <Cheshire>

| So what was special about them? |
| Rather than that… What is a snake? |
| Long meat tube that tastes like chicken. |
| Ah~... What’s a chicken? |
| Like a dinosaur but small. |
| So they did have feathers! |

Cheshire was not too bothered about her debating other selves (as they quickly began discussing the various different forms of primordial life) since she rather enjoyed things being lively in her mind… As did all of them. Usually that manifested from her love of children running around causing chaos nevertheless it was refreshing to finally talk to someone on your own level of intellect & wisdom.

Unfortunately there are only two people that can keep up with her - one of those people is a snake who likely isn’t too happy with her stealing their niece and the other is herself. Fortunately there were plenty of herself to actually go around. A literal unlimited amount of genus to talk to!

Instead of interrupting the various hers, she decided to begin walking back towards the orphanage where the sounds of childish laughter echoed out,truly letting her get the best of both worlds. It wasn’t just laughter as they seemed to be working hard; grunts constantly echoing from the training ground as she walked over the hill. Seeing her familiar giant of a brother watching over all the children as they swung their various weapons in time.

Both brother & sister were already well aware of the type of world they lived in thus it was hardly surprising that they spent time working these children through the basics. Some even ended up becoming quite powerful by the time they grew up yet at the same time they were hidden from the world. Her future movements would become even more difficult should the world learn about their growing strength.

Not enough to stop her plans yet the dagger hidden in the dark of the night is more useful than the one on display under the light of the day.

There were many people wearing suits & maid outfits (not gender exclusive)  wandering around the orphanage to help teach their younger siblings or clean up the messes they made. Some even took their freetime to help improve their skills even further. Looking at it from atop the bank let Cheshire truly admire the little family of criminals she had built up with during her short life.

Still, there was a lot to do, the world refused to stand still. So much was wrong in the world yet she was previously just one little cat trying to make an impact far bigger than she was. Strangely enough she was right on her way to doing that… And she was no longer alone.

Just as she was being lost in sentimentality; a rift in space opened up just behind her as a large black owl stepped out. That owl towered over her as it lowered itself, twisting its head at seemingly unnatural angles, to get a good look at her. Despite what some may think the owl didn’t attack her but instead began to speak in a respectful manner as its crimson beak parted.

“I have confirmed with the crows that the device was successful and the damages dealt to the Azura Dragons clan was massive. Due to egg laying season many of their women were caught unaware due to entering hibernation meaning they were unable to protect themselves or their young. It was only when the patriarch arrived that they managed to hold back the Void Beasts.” <Owl>

An aura of darkness radiated from the owl as it easily commanded space to its whim. Using its wings like a conductor's baton, spreading them out then moulding the space like they were kneading dough, allowing Cheshire to view the various mountain peaks that those dragons called home. That act alone being enough to cause some of the more experienced members of Cheshire’s mafia to fall flat to their knees due to the pressure the bird inadvertently released upon calling forth their forbidden powers.

It showed neither contempt nor fear - only an unwavering loyalty that one wouldn’t expect such a strong creature to show to one was ‘lowly’ as the little black cat.

Although their conducting act did reveal that some of the feathers (previously hidden under their magnificent wings) were ruffled in an unsightly manner. As if someone had attempted to bleach the black bird resulting in chemical burns. Something that ironically united them despite one being born with power.

“Looks like we were right that those cocky idiots wouldn’t let the foxes do their job chehehe~!” <Cheshire>

“They more than likely believe that this is some kind of plot for them; a way for them to justify their attack of the foxes as more than just greed. The only reasonable race has always been the foxes who kept to their original assigned role in life to keep nature strong. It is ironic that they would attack the only race capable of closing void fissures moments before we detonated our gift hoohoohoo~.” <Owl>

The owl let their arcane construct collapse thus returning the view that they both preferred; one of the children working hard or playing hard.

Both the large black bird & little black cat spent a second with no more discussion nor noise except the occasional involuntary “nya” or “hoo” at those childish activities. Neither of them needed to talk in order to understand the other. They had spent far too much time as master & servant to not be aware.

“I still think we should get rid of Vul’Turez as they are nothing but an unsightly flock.” <Owl>

“As long as they have their use in hunting dogs, there is no reason to throw them away when we can at least give their senseless bloodlust vision, Artemis.” <Cheshire>

“Hoo~… You are wiser than me madam.” <Artemis>

Cheshire just shook her head while moving her hands behind her back.

“I can understand your worries however, as long as they don’t touch any children, I am willing to overlook their habits since it isn’t as if we also don’t also have skeletons we don’t bother hiding nyeh~.” <Cheshire>

“Whoo am I to disagree with your insights?” <Artemis>

That owl not speaking for a second more - their neck turning this way and that way - until they turned towards the sky where some little corvids could be seen fluttering about.

“Either way your birds of prey are growing steadily.” <Artemis>

“I can’t have you be resting on your laurels after all nyehehe!” <Cheshire>

“Very well; I shall see to it that they are all making progress with their tasks.” <Artemis>

With a single flap of their wings they vanished far above into the sky then (with a second) flew through the layers of space itself.

“I wonder if that little hatchling has arrived at the sea yet… Watching her fumble about is quickly becoming my favourite pastime time chehehehihihi~!” <Cheshire>