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this chapter is HEAVILY edited... specifically Reds portion. Because originally, it was only a few paragraphs,  and His character was SUPER shallow. So i added a bit of a flashback.

Red pov(and diary)

Two months passed in the blink of an eye. My body was so different to before... but I like it. I had FINALLY cone out to my Moms As Transgender A few weeks before the incident, so an instant Transition, my body naturally producing Testosterone? Hell yes.

At first, I felt bad for the other three people affected, but... two were a Married couple, and they still loved each other, so they'd be fine. The other person though, was my age. I was surprised To see She didn't seem that bothered. Then after Chatting with her a few times, I began to notice a few signs. But I kept my mouth shut. Because you don't just force These things.


It's been Seven months. School is about to let out for the summer break. That means Bathing Suit Weather, and I can't WAIT to show off my new muscles. Poor Candy just got out of the hospital after something went wrong with the nanites in her blood. Missed her own birthday. But she's FINALLY aware of her own Gender identity... She realized. And the Nanites apparently gained sentience, copied Her personality, and turned on their creator... but We are ignoring that, for now.

I went to her party, and could resist teasing her. She was so cute, in thar little Punk-goth Outfit, with the Choker... like a cute little kitten trying to be tough. Then, thanks to A Drink related accident, we got a nice sight. Apparently, her chest is growing. I like what i saw. Looked like a nice handful... I wish I could... no. Bad Red. No fantasizing about Friends.


Lunch. With. Mom's.

I HATE IT. They're so pushy.

"Sweetie, have you got anyone you are interested in?"

"No, mom."

"Oooh, in that case, the girls I work with at the Diner all have daughters around your age... or Sons."

"Geeze, Mama, will you stop it! You and mom both. I'll start dating when I Wanna start dating."

Two faces glared at me in disappointment. 

"We just want you to be happy."

"Yes, we want what's best for you, baby."

"Sigh. I know. It's just... it's embarrassing." I picked at my food. We were in some kinda semi-fancy Italian Place, but they didn't even have good Pasta... just Salads, breadsticks, and things like Chicken Parmesan or Fettuccine Alfredo... The only thing they had I would even eat was Chicken Marinara, which I ordered. But it was honestly Very Dry.

I took a drink of my Soda, then almost choked because of mom.

"What about that nice young girl who was exposed to the Nanites like you were? What was her name... Candace?"

"What About Candy?"

"Is SHE single? Are you interested?"

"What? No!"

"Oh, i think he is, dear. Look at his face! He's gone all blushy!"

"Okay then! I have an Idea!"


[Two days later, hallway at school]

"So... My mom's Got all Mom on me, and insisted I do this, so...Whaddya say, Candy? Will you Join me and my moms for dinner on friday?"

"I... Well, I suppose I can. But I'm wearing My Choker, AND NO DOG JOKES." 

"I Can promise I won't make any... my moms, however... I mean, I get my sense of humor from SOMEWHERE."



When I got home, And told mom what happened, she immediately placed a call... and now, I had Aunt G AND Mr Franklin Squealing over me. 

"Oh dear, my little niece has her first date! It Simply MUST be perfect."

"Worry not, Georgie, I brought My BEST WORK."

I Stepped out of the bathroom, having changed with mom's help. Over the past few weeks, since leaving the hospital, my chest had grown to a 34D, and My hips were wider. I had what mom called an "hourglass figure"... and now, I was wearing a tiny-looking black dress, with Red lace work... it was a simple Sundress, but somehow looked Lewd on my newly changed body.

"Oh my! Not the red dress?"


I'm so glad mom was here... because THAT... That was too much. It was a Red Silk Evening gown... supposedly. But it was almost completely transparent, had no fabric over the stomach, and only JUST enough on the chest to cover the nipple(opaque, thankfully)... And was designed to A: hug the body like a glove, and B: BE worn Braless. 

The worst part is, it didn't look BAD... but I not only would be too embarrassed to ever wear it, I also wasn't trying to Commit a Murder, And THAT? That would likely Kill Red, and any other Person that's attracted to women in the vicinity. Hell, I almost Gave myself a heart attack... and felt VERY warm for a few minutes... it's literally a killer dress.

But after some arguing, in which Mr Franklin Was called some VERY unkind things, then got offended, And called my mother a name... a broken chair, some screams, apologies, and Grown man Crying while Aunt G pleaded for mercy on his sorry soul... An agreement was reached, Mr Franklin was Terrified of Mom, And i had an outfit chosen for my, As they put it, "First Date".

It's just dinner with a friend. But nobody listens to me...

So... First Date next chapter. Though neither party is aware that it IS a date... also, Next Chapter: the Dread Bitch Approaches. New Character, The one I hate writing.