Chapter 4
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Chapter 4 ~ Lord Snow ~

It had been 5 days since we'd arrived in Kings Landing ahead of the King and the Caravan, they stopped at some Nobel houses and King Robert ordered Jaime and some Lannister and Kings guards to go back to the Capital while the rest of them were touring some of the houses, it was all part of Robert's duty as King and protector of the Realm, Ser Barristan Selmy had greeted us when we arrived at the Red Keep and decided to take me on a tour, jokingly telling Jaime that I would probably rather hear his stories, therefore, he was going to be my tour guide instead of my husband and Ser Barristan was correct, I did enjoy his war stories and his witty remarks.


He'd also been kind enough to introduce me to the lords of the Small Council, which my father would also be sitting on, Lord Varys was the first to come to greet me, he took my hand with both of his, his accent was smooth and settled my nerves instantly, he was known as the Spy Master. Next was the Grand Maester Pycelle, who was a frail-looking old man who made my skin crawl when he looked me up and down and told me to come to him if I had an ailment. Renly Baratheon was next, who I had met on several occasions, the handsome man kissed me on both cheeks, like his brother, King Robert, Renly's company was something that I appreciated, but unlike King Robert, he didn't have the temper. Then there was Peytr Baelish, who like the Grand Maester, made my skin crawl, he came across as simpering when he took my hand and kissed it, he told me how he was good friends with my mother growing up, I knew that was true but I also didn't trust the man, he was a snake in a rat costume I'd said as much to Jaime later that night. 


I was now seated in the King's Gardens with my newly acquired handmaiden, Graycie, we'd decided that the day was to nice to waste away inside the Keep so we tracked down the endless maze of corridors to the Gardens, I'd brought a book with me while Graycie had my fighting clothes and sewing needles, she was fixing a gash in the cloth that Jaime had made while we were sparring. Loud footfall's interrupted our comfortable silence as Ser Barristan came into view wearing his Kings Guard outfit, his silver armour with gold embossing glittered in the bright sun and his White cloak, that signalled his status, was adorned on his shoulders, I'd asked Jaime how they can stand wearing such amounts of amour in this heat and he just laughed and told me that the sweating was immense.


"Ser Barristan, " I said with a smile and a curtsy, “I did not expect to see you today" he bowed at me and smiled as he straightened. 


"Lady Anaris, " he looked to Graycie as I handed get my heavy book, "your father and his party have arrived in King's Landing, he's been called to a Small Council meeting but he's requested to see you first" I nodded in understanding and turned to Graycie who was watching Ser Barristan like he was a snake about to strike. 


"Graycie, I will meet you in my chambers later" I squeezed her hand slightly, she'd confided in me that she was never taught to read so I was teaching her as I got ready for bed, "can you go get those things we discussed earlier?" My eyes pleaded with her not to say anything in front of Ser Barristan but she understood immediately.


"of course, m' lady" she curtsied, gathered her things and quickly left the Lord Commander of the King's Guard with me. 


"Lady Anaris, " he said holding out his arm for me to take, once I had he began walking me to the Throne room which leads to the Small Council chambers "may I speak frankly?"


"Of course, Ser Barristan" I looked to the older knight and raised an eyebrow when he glanced at me, "I like to think that we are friends" I saw him nod from my periphery. 


"When the King first discussed allowing Ser Jaime to marry I was against it," he shook his head and cleared his throat, "I see now that my judgement of the matter was wrong, Kings Landing is full of liars and killers, I didn't want to see somebody delicate be destroyed" he stopped outside the doors to the Throne room and met my eyes "I was wrong to think that when I met you as well, I've witnessed you sparring with Ser Jaime and I know that you are strong enough to survive even the worst of them" he left without another word and all I could do was stare after him, I was happy that he didn't see me as some delicate thing that needed to be protected but it also made me wonder how Jaime looked at me, he did say that I was a strong fighter and a fast learner but I still couldn't help but wonder what he could see. 


I opened the door and found my father toe to toe with Jaime, "Sturdy old thing. How many kings' asses have polished it, I wonder? What's the line? The King shits and the Hand wipes" I rolled my eyes at Jaime's words, he told me that father and he never got along, ever since father found him sitting on the Iron Throne after he'd assassinated Areys. 


"Very handsome armour, " father said back, I could hear the venom in his voice, I'd never heard him speak like this before it made my blood go cold, the man I knew and called my father was not the man speaking, this was the man who helped lead a rebellion and overthrow a king "Not a scratch on it"


"I know, " Jaime looked down at his Gold Cloak amour that was the same as Ser Barristan's, "People have been swinging at me for years, but they always seem to miss, your daughter though she got a few good hits in" Jaime smirked clearly remembering what happened after I lost our sparring match, I pressed my thighs together remembering as well. 


"You've chosen your opponents wisely then, " father said, "Anaris was trained to fight by Ser Rodrick and the First Sword of Braavos, Sryio Forel, she knows how to take someone down"


Jaime chuckled when he saw me standing in the room behind my father, "I have no doubt she does" his eyes went back to my fathers, who didn't seem to notice that I was getting closer to them "It must be strange for you coming into this room. I was standing right here when it happened. He was very brave, your brother. Your father too. They didn't deserve to die like that. Nobody deserves to die like that" I flinched at the way he said it, he was so blasé about the deaths of my uncle and grandfather. 


"But you just stood there and watched, " father muttered with disgust. 


"500 men just stood there and watched. All the great knights of the Seven Kingdoms. Do you think anyone said a word, lifted a finger? No, Lord Stark. 500 men and this room was silent as a crypt. Except for the screams, of course, and the Mad King laughing. And later... When I watched the Mad King die, I remembered him laughing as your father burned... It felt like justice" Jaime shrugged and I put my hand on fathers shoulder, deciding to end Jaime's torture, but father wasn't about to back down with me now in his known presence. 


"Is that what you tell yourself at night? You're a servant of justice?" father growled and I sighed deeply "That you were avenging my father when you shoved your sword in Aerys Targaryen's back?"


"Tell me... If I'd stabbed the Mad King in the belly instead of the back, would you admire me more?" Jaime glanced at me and winked causing me to shake my head in exasperation "I tell myself that as your daughter lies in my arms" I scrubbed my hand down my face. 


"You served him well when serving was safe," father said, seething, he clearly decided not to say anything about the latter part of Jaime's quip. Father gestured for me to come with him to the County chambers, I wouldn't be allowed in but that didn't mean we couldn't converse on the way. 


"I will be back in a moment," I said to Jaime who chuckled to himself, pleased that he made my father as angry as he had. 


We left the Throne room and father stopped just outside the door and pulled me into a tight embrace "how are you Wolfling?" he asked his eyes scanning over my body, checking for signs of damage or perhaps even pregnancy. 


"I'm fine father, how was your ride here?" I asked, really looking at his face, he looked so much older now we were here and I could understand why last time was horrific, he'd witnessed the bodies of not only his former King but also Princess Elia and her children, those had been killed in the most horrible way by Tywin Lannister's personal living, breathing monstrosity, The Mountain. 


"Quiet, your sisters haven't spoken a word to me" he looked down, family meant everything to us and now it was being torn apart by actions that were in the line of duty. 


"They will come around, " I mumbled, touching his bearded cheek tenderly, for a moment he closed his eyes and sighed deeply, he was clearly exhausted from his ride, "go to your meeting, I will see you at dinner with the girls" he raised an eyebrow, silently asking if Jaime was going to join us "Jaime is guarding the king" I watched his shoulders slump in relief and I chuckled. 


"Be well" he kissed my forehead and left me to deal with my husband who was smugly watching the door as I entered the Throne Room again. 


"I wish you wouldn't provoke him about our activities," I said as he came closer to me, his grin only broadened and he sauntered over to me. 


His chuckled and leaned his face closer to mine "where would I get my entertainment from if I didn't" one of his arms wrapped around my waist while the other tangled itself into my hair "now wife, I have several hours until I'm guarding the King, what shall we do in that time?" he'd somehow felt closer but he hadn't moved a muscle. 


"I'm sure you have some ideas," I said with a laugh, his lips were suddenly on mine and I weaved my arms around his neck and clutched the nape of it.




Jaime and I lay in our bed, cuddled together under thin sheets when a knock sounded on our chamber door, I lifted my head up slightly and met Jaime's curious eyes, "who is it?" I called hoping it wasn't one of my sisters, there was no way Septa would let them wonder the Keep alone just yet. 


"Just me, m' lady" Graycie called through the door, I tapped Jaime's chest in excitement and unwound his arms from my very naked waist, I rushed to my dressing chair and snatched up a silky dressing gown before going to the door and pulling it open, Graycie stepped into the room and didn't glance at Jaime who was still in bed, his chest in full view, one arm tucked behind his head, "I have the things you asked for, the woman Ros happily supplied it, she said that when you need more she will have it ready" I grinned at Graycie, thinking of Theon's favourite redheaded whore, when I had questions too embarrassing to ask my mother I found Ros, she became my confidante and I knew she would never say a word to anyone about my requests.


"Thank you, Graycie" I took the small bag that she held tightly, I touched her shoulder and looked to Jaime who was eyeing the bag like it was poison, it was just not strong enough to harm a fully formed being "you may go, I can dress for dinner with my sisters myself" she nodded, curtsied and left the room, "a draft to stop pregnancy," I said to Jaime as I pulled a small vile from the bag along with the note that Ros had written, instructions for the usage. 


"Ah," Jaime said in understanding, we'd discussed having children and had agreed to wait, we wanted more time to ourselves to get to know one another more "and the whore, can we trust her?" I swallowed the draft in one gulp and cringed at the taste, which she'd warned would be awful. 


"She was from Winter Town, " I said with a fond smile, I placed the bag down and went over to straddle his hips, I put my hands either side of his head and chuckled when his hands touched my exposed thighs "she will not say a word, she's been a constant companion to me" moving one hand I gently caressed the side of his face, feeling the stubble on his chin. 


"If she opens her mouth..." Jaime muttered I put my finger to his lips, silencing him, I understood what he was getting at. 


"If she does then I shall deal with her myself and people will learn that lions aren't the only ones with teeth and claws" to emphasise my words and clicked my teeth together in a biting motion making him laugh. 


"Oh I have no doubt about that" his hands skimmed higher on my thigh and I arched into the touch "now shall I make the she-wolf purr?" I answered his question by pressing my lips against his roughly. 




Dinner was almost as silent as the crypt, the tension was broken by Arya continually stabbing the table with her knife, Sansa was pouting not only because of her wolf but because Joffery had yet to say anything to her, I'd have to talk to Cersei about that, while Septa had decided that I was not dressed appropriately because of my silken red and gold dress that was a gift from Lord Tywin. It was dropped off just as Jaime left for his duty, the dress was stunning and it helped with the heat that my heavy dresses, that I had brought with me, used against my body. 


"Enough of that, young lady" Septa Mordane's voice cut through the tension and I looked up from my food to see her glaring at Arya "Eat your food"


Arya stopped for a second but decided that she wasn't going to do as she was told "I'm practising" Arya said, her stabs getting more and more violent, I decided to not step in, Septa could deal with them it was her job after all and last time I tried to step in I was yelled at by her. 


Sansa looked at Arya with a slightly questioning look "Practicing for what?" she asked, her eyes darted to me as if worried that Arya would actually use the knife on her. 


"The Prince" Arya replied, jabbing the knife into the table harder than ever, the nicks in the solid wooden table were obvious from my seat next to her.


"Arya, stop!" Septa shouted in disgust, she looked murderous as she stared at my youngest sister from across the table, with a small sigh I grabbed my cup of wine and leant back in my chair to watch it unfold. 


"He's a liar and a coward and he killed my friend" Arya seethed in reply, I tipped my head back slightly and closed my eyes, seeing the Butchers boy behind the lids, that Arya had been playing with on the day Joffery was bitten, being dumped in front of his family home, the boy no older than 10 and 2 was run down by Joffery's personal guard. 


"The Hound killed your friend" Sansa shot back making me roll my eyes, wondering how long until I would start screaming in frustration, my nights were usually quiet and calm, this was torture. 


"The Hound does whatever the Prince tells him to do" Arya shouted back, the knife she was using now was stabbed so deeply in the table that it would've stood up by itself if she let go of it's hilt. 


"You're an idiot," Sansa said, I peeked at her and watched as she rolled her eyes in exasperation.


"You're a liar, " Arya growled in return, I took another drink of my wine "And if you told the truth, Mycah would be alive" Arya went to grab Sansa, probably to beat her into the tiled flooring but I was faster, my cup was on the table and I had both Arya's hands in my own as I stood behind her, my mouth opened to say something soothing but Septa had enough of their feud. 


"Enough!" Mordane screeched, she was on her feet as well and had removed Arya from my hold as Father entered the room, a small package under his arm, I put both hands on the back of Arya's chair as Septa lead Arya from the room. 


"What's happening here?" father asked, his eyes skating from one person to another, his eyes met mine and I sighed deeply, I was exhausted from the yelling. 


"Arya would rather act like a beast than a lady," Septa told father, it made me want to stick my tongue out at her just to show that Arya wasn't the only one who could act that way. 


"Go to your room. We'll speak later" father said, Arya huffed as Septa forced her out of the room with a shove, he sat down at the Septa's abandoned place and put the small package in front of Sansa "That's for you, love..." he looked at her with a small smile, "The same doll-maker makes all of Princess Myrcella's toys," father told Sansa as she unwrapped it and revealed a sweet looking doll, I watched as Sansa's eyes narrowed "Don't you like it?" father asked I sighed at the way Sansa was acting, she was 13 but she was acting like a crawling babe. 


"I haven't played with dolls since I was eight, " she said harshly, I flinched at her words, feeling disgusted by them, "May I be excused?" she asked me, her blue eyes met mine and I looked pointedly at her plate. 


"You've barely eaten a thing," I told her, ready to make her eat all the food, just to teach her a lesson but father sighed deeply, drawing my attention from the brat that was sitting at the table. 


"It's all right," father said to me, he looked to Sansa and nodded to the door "Go on" she didn't waste a second before practically running out the door, I glared after she and father chuckled "War was easier than daughters," he said making me smirk and cross my arms. 


"I was never that difficult" I muttered, nodding in the direction Sansa had disappeared in, father chuckled louder and flicked a slice of vegetable at me "okay," I rebuked my statement "I was never as bad as Sansa" 




I stood with father at the door to Arya's chambers and watched with a smirk as father knocked quietly, her response was immediate and harsh causing me to chuckle "Go away!" Father glanced at me for help and I shrugged. 


"Arya, open the door" I called through, I knew she would do it for me as we had a bond, her footsteps were heard and she slowly opened the door, revealing her tiny figure and in her left hand she was clutching a thin sword "May we come in?" I asked gently, she nodded and stepped back letting us enter before she shut the door again. 


"Whose sword is that?" Father asked her with a raised eyebrow as a moved past her, kissing her forehead I plopped down on her bed and sighed at how comfortable it was. 


"Mine," Arya replied without hesitation, father held his hand out patiently. 


"Give it to me" when she slowly handed it over he inspected the blade just by the hilt of her needle-like sword "I know this maker's mark" he held it out to me to look at but I didn't need to I know who had made it as it was my idea to give her one with Jon "This is Mikken's work, Where did you get this?" He asked her but she clammed up and shook her head, not wanting to betray Jon "This is no toy, Little ladies shouldn't play with swords" his eyes met mine when I wheezed out a laugh. 


"I wasn't playing" Arya defended, she looked at me and pointed "Ris was my age when she was using a sword, And I don't want to be a lady" 


"Come here," I said, she obliged and came to sit on the bed next to me and father did the same, putting Arya between us "Now what do you want with this?" I asked pointing to the sword in fathers hand. 


"It's called Needle," she told me, the name made me smile at her, she hated embroidery lessons but she still named her sword needle, the name was fitting. 


"A blade with a name. And who were you hoping to skewer with Needle?" Father asked making me laugh, I would pay to see Arya fight Sansa, Arya would win but it would still be entertaining "Your sister?" Father said as if he could read where my thoughts had gone "Do you know the first thing about sword fighting?" 


"Stick 'em with the pointy end," she said confidently, this drew a chuckle from father and a snort from me, Jon had obviously told her that piece of advice because I gave him the same advice when he started training with Ser Rodrik.


"That's the essence of it," I said with a slight shake of my head, I'd have to teach her to fight myself or I'd have to find someone to do it, I thought for a moment, Jaime would be a great teacher but his duty guarding the King was unpredictable at best. 


"I was trying to learn," Arya mumbled out looking down at her clasped hands, "I asked Mycah to practise with me" I watched as her lip wobbled in sadness as she remembered her young friend, "I asked him. It was my fault" I dragged her into my arms and kissed her forehead, but my actions would do little to comfort her. 


"No, sweet girl, " father cooed, his hand touched her back lightly and we locked eyes over her head, father was at a loss.


"You didn't kill the butcher's boy," I told her, I pulled away and touched her cheek gently, she didn't shed a tear, I don't think she had since that night, she was too angry. 


"I hate them! I hate all of them, " she growled, her hands balling up into fists "The Hound, the Queen and the King and Joffrey and Sansa" I shook my head and hushed her. 


"Do you hate me, sweet one?" I asked her, genuinely curious about her answer, the idea that she might hate me for who I married, who I was friends with hurt, " I have married the Queen's brother, I was not there to protect you or your friend as I had promised when you were young" 


She shook her head quickly and buried her face into my neck mumbling a 'no' my arms wrapped her body and squeezed her "Sansa was dragged before the King and Queen... And asked to call the Prince a liar"  father spoke up breaking us out of our small moment. 


Arya tensed in my arms "So was I!" she turned to him "He is a liar" 


"Darling, listen to me, " father said, "Sansa will be married to Joffrey someday. She cannot betray him. She must take his side even when he's wrong, " he looked to me and gestured in my direction "just as Anaris has to stand by Ser Jaime's side" Arya looked at me, fathers bitter tone didn't click but his words did. 


"He is right, Arya, as a wife it's what you have to do," I met fathers eyes and grinned at him, making my intentions clear, "even mother has to do it" my words made Arya chuckle and father just shook his head in amusement, he knew my words were said in jest. 


"How can you let Sansa marry someone like that?" Arya stood up and was staring at father "Ser Jaime is kind to Ris but Joffery.." she let the sentence hang and I grinned. 


"Well..." father began but stopped when she wasn't looking him in the eyes "Look at me. You're a Stark of Winterfell. You know our words" he put his hands on her shoulders gently. 


"Winter is coming, " Arya and I spoke at the same time, it was hard to resist the temptation to say our words, they were driven into our minds from a young age. 


"You were born in the long summer" father said he cupped her cheeks and rubbed his thumbs over her nose to get rid of the dirt that she had on her face, "You've never known anything else. But now winter is truly coming. And in the winter, we must protect ourselves, look after one another. Sansa is your sister" 


"I don't hate her. Not really, " Arya told him, causing me to chuckle, her rage burnt hot but it never lasted long. 


"I don't want to frighten you, but I won't lie to you either. We've come to a dangerous place. We cannot fight a war amongst ourselves. All right?" when Arya nodded father smiled, removed his hands from her cheeks and handed her the sword "Go on," he held it out but she didn't budge "It's yours," she took it carefully and father helped me stand. 


"I can keep it?" she asked with a bright grin, her excitement was obvious. 


"Try not to stab your sister with it," father said making her laugh and hug him tightly. 


"If you're going to own a sword, you'd better know how to use it," I told her, kissing her forehead father and I left her chambers "I'll send a raven to Syrio, he’d be happy to come to teach her" I glanced at father who was looking troubled "she'll be in more then capable hands" I linked my arm through fathers and he lead me to my chambers that were in the tower of the King’s Guard, our stroll was short and silent as we both were lost in our thoughts. I kissed my fathers cheek and stepped into my chamber, I made a beeline to my writing desk and pulled out a piece of fresh parchment, putting some wax over one of the burning candles so it would be ready and melted when I was done I began to write to my old friend and fighting teacher. 



I have a favour to ask of you, I know you dislike King's Landing and those who reside in it but I need you here. 

I implore you to come to the Capital to teach the youngest of my sisters to fight like a proper water dancer, your teachings have not been forgotten by me or even the passion you had for proper swordplay. 

I will pay you handsomely, of course, there is no question of that.



Anaris Stark of Winterfell