Chapter 3: To the Town, part 2
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My hair rushed back as the air pressed against me.

Jake still continued to scream, not that it mattered. I tried to push myself beyond my limits, to initiate my skill again.

What did I get in turn? Well… Coughing up blood!

My damn throat hurt as I held it. Seeing the ground approaching closer by the second didn't make matters better!

Then Jake stretched his hand below us, and a yellow bubble was quickly manifested. In that same instant, the bubble hit the ground and we clashed against it.

The yellow bubble compressed in the center. 

Oh, it’s pretty stron— 


I hit the ground with a thud.

Ugh… at least it saved us from going splat, I guess… My back was still hurting like hell though.

I forced myself on my hands and knees. “Couldn’t you have made some kind of wings so that we could glide to safety…?”

Jake was lying on the ground, arms spread wide. His mouth trembled as he stared into nothing.

“Um… are you here?” I asked.

After a couple of seconds, his eyes moved onto me. “I will never trust you with anything…”

“That’s tough coming from you. I barely even know shit about you!”

“And yet here you are, following me!”

I then stood up, holding my back in pain. “You are way too dumb to be planning to trick me.”

“How does that make sense?!” He stood up, angry.

“As in, if you planned to trick me, you would have made it so obvious that I would think you simply don't want me to join you on the trip anymore. That makes sense, right?”

It made sense to me.

His eyes twitched, but instead of retaliating, he grunted and just continued walking. 

However, he did murmur, “I know I am dumb. Why else would I have been stuck as a miserable one-star adventurer for 3 years?”

Oh… Perhaps I struck a nerve, accidentally…

“Oh, sorry about that,” I said. “Being an adventurer is crazy hard… man.”

“Yeah… I know you can relate to being a future less loser”

Wait, huh?

“What the hell are you talking about?” I asked.

“You are an adventurer. I saw you a couple of times in the guild; you come in, you walk around a bit. You stare at the quest board then walk out.”

“W-well, finding a party is quite har—“

“You never asked to join someone’s party! And some did ask you, but you said shit like, ‘Oh damn… I would love to, but I just remembered, my mom asked me to wash the dishes.”


I crossed my arms and looked away. “You are a stalker, aren’t you? I knew you were suspicious.”

“No. Everyone in the guild just spoke shit about you being a lazy bum.”

Damn them! I always had a feeling they were all shitheads.

Still, he simply didn’t understand my perspective.

I coughed into my fist and proceeded to say, “Okay, let’s be realistic here. There are always three sides of a story. My side, the enemy side, and then my side again.”

“Wait, huh, isn’t it supposed to be the truth—“

I cut him off, and spoke, “So anyway, I just thought most of the quests looked like hot shit! I had a powerful skill, but I had to start doing shit like finding someone’s cat before I was allowed to work with the big boys to hunt monsters?! I am an adventurer, damn it!”

I could transform into unique humanoid monsters, for crying out loud.

Jake shook his head in disgust at me. “You are dirt.”

“Oh shut up. You are the one stuck at 1 star for over three years.”

“I have a good reason for that!” He proclaimed. “Women cost a lot of money and time, you fool!”

I raised an eyebrow. “Huh? Wait wait wait, what? Did you spend most of the money you should have used on getting better equipment and the time that you should have used to advance your skill and go on quests… just to get laid? Are you addicted to prostitutes?”

I knew from what I saw and very little experience that ordinary women didn't cost money. They either loved you, lusted you, or not. Of course, being dirt-poor would be a problem.

But, my mom dated and married my father when he made average money, and my sister was dating an average guy that she fell in love with when she was in high school.

He turned around and continued walking. “You wouldn’t understand the severe cases of being pussy whipped. The actual term is called chronic pussy addiction… It’s a fatal mental illness… It can’t be treated.”

His knees buckled, and tears slipped from his eyes. “And… it destroys you slowly… but surely! The symptoms… depletion in finances…”

Wasn’t this the same damn bastard that said I was pussy whipped and obsessed?!

“You are just a dumbass,” I said. “Perhaps going to these brothels is a bad idea for you.”

“And it’s good for you?!”

“Yes. Go home to your friends and family, man. Leave this to real men like I.”

“I don’t have any.” He clicked his tongue and once again started walking.

I decided to ask, “I thought you went to say goodbye and pack your bags back in the town.” 

“Nah… I wanted independence when I had turned 20, and welp, I left my town and ventured and ended up in that shitty town that you were born in. It turns out that not having a proper life plan makes life miserable for you.” He smiled faintly.


The wind currents grew, rustling the tree leaves.

I asked, “Do you have any kind of goal? Or had but given up on it?”

He rubbed his chin, thinking, “I think I wanted to prove to my parents that my decision was great. To have a life I could be happy about. But, that became unrealistic. I don’t really have any goals other than where we are heading.”

He asked me, “What about you? It can’t be just to fuck a lot, right?”

I folded my arms and looked up to the sky, thinking hard. “Well, other than sex… Maybe to be a real adventurer. Accomplish a lot of stuff. Yeah, to progress from one-star adventurer to a red seven-star one, and venture into every single part of this world! Like the cloud islands! Or that dark dimension! I want to see it all.”

He smiled. “I like that dream, it sounds amazing.”

Then we noticed a massive rat pulling a wagon. And better yet… on top of the wagon was a T label, which meant taxi.

Me and Jake immediately moved to the side and waited for the wagon to pass in front of us. The driver who was sitting inside in the front asked, “Are you guys heading to Nerlmer?”

We nodded. “Yes sir.”

“Okay, it would cost about 5 bronze coins for one person,” he said.

“Sounds good!” Jake said as he got on board.

I followed suit, taking a seat on the white cushion which felt so nice that I wanted to fall asleep on it.

There were four passengers on board. One of them was a blond elf lady who had a bag on her lap, which seemed to have fruit seeds of some sort.

Her body was… insane though. Her tits were big and her nipples could be seen printing on her white dress. Her small green opened jacket was cute too.

And her legs were open, not wide open. But wide enough that I wished she was sitting at the opposite side of us so I could see…

Oh well. Nothing could be done about it.

After about three seconds, I fixed my gaze away from her. I didn’t want to seem creepy.

I went a little overboard with the “The future pussy slayer!” stuff in the village. Thinking about it now, I was so damn glad I left that town.

Why? Because of secondhand embarrassment that only kicked in now!

God, I didn’t want to know what my mother must be thinking when she heard I did that. I know my sister is going to say I was never her brother, and my father would just say that they must have misheard.

However… against my will, my eyes jolted to the elf lady when the wind blew her skirt slightly up.

It wasn’t good enough to see anything, but at that moment, I only thought of one thing: I want to see how her pussy looks so bad…

I sighed and pressed my hands on my chin. This sucked.

Jake was a much better guy than me. He was just chilling, humming.

I folded my fingers together and looked through the window to see how much closer we were getting to the town.

And… we were actually ridiculously close!

Guards standing outside of massive black gates were just 6 meters away from us.

I nudged Jake with my elbow. “Dude, we basically reached.”

He blinked a couple of times. “Already? Damn, I forgot how fast these giant rats can be.”

I grinned, thinking about immediately entering the town and getting buried in nothing but ass, tits and pussy.

I opened my bag and took my wallet.

Well, I grabbed what was supposed to be my wallet.

But… in my hand was just a… dildo…? What…?

There was also a letter wrapped around it. ‘I need to borrow the money in your wallet to buy a new wooden sword for school. I found this in a trashcan. I am not sure what it’s for, but it should be a fair trade, I think.'

My eyes twitched and veins popped all over my head. “That bastard…”

He must have used his stealth skill when I was packing my bag. He was my little brother, but he was 15, he definitely knew what this was!