17. Three Strikes
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“You might have made it through the entrance exam, but this is where your luck ends!” Josh snickered.

"Come, show me your magic" Ken grinned.

"Everyone watch, I'll make quick work of him!" Josh shouted a loud cheer following his statement.

"Let the fight BEGIN!!" Reno shouted.

Josh charged his body up with high amounts of lightning, creating a yellow magic circle in front of him. Preparing himself to make the first move with a destructive spell.

Ken was ready to react but quickly realized that his shoelace wasn't tied properly. Not wanting any accidents to happen, he kneeled to fix them. Calling out to Josh, he said; “Wait, I have to tie my shoes.” 

But this was a battle, and the fight had already started. “Raging Lightning Bolt!”Josh released his spell. From the magic circle, a bolt of crackling lightning shot out, racing towards its target. The bolt of lightning scorched the ground underneath it. Just as Ken looked up at the last second, with the spell less than an inch away from his face, all he could say was;


The bolt of lightning struck Ken, engulfing his body in a dust explosion that crackled with electricity. Those who wished for Ken’s downfall began to cheer, at the thought of him losing already. Those from Dorm 44 waited in silence while others carried a worried look. 

"Wowww is that it? Has Josh ended the fight with one attack!!" Reno questioned.

“A spell such as that won't defeat someone like him,” Tai thought to himself, witnessing the fight from the crowd.

The crackles of lightning stopped and the dust cleared out, revealing the results of Josh’s attack. The ground where the lightning struck was scorched, but Ken was left unscratched. 

"Good thing I tied my shoelace, I could have fallen and seriously hurt myself," Ken said to himself.

A smile appeared on the faces of Dorm 44 members. Everyone else in the crowd began to cheer, clapping for the fight to continue.

“Looks like you’re a cut above the average commoner.” Josh scoffed. “This is where the real fight starts. I will show you why my money has made me superior to someone like you!” 

“Superior because of money, you say?” Ken let out a slight chuckle. 

Holding up three fingers, he continued to speak, “Okay, how about this? I'll stand right here and give you three chances to take me out. If I'm still standing after three attacks, then it'll be my turn to strike you three times, and if you survive three attacks from me, I'll forfeit this match giving you the win by default. How does that sound?”

Hearing Ken’s offer had the whole crowd chatting amongst each other. Why would Ken make such an offer? What was he thinking?

"What is Ken thinking!! An offer like that is sure to give Josh the win!!" Reno shouted.

“What is that idiot thinking?” said Katherine.

“I don't know, but as someone who has fought him… I know he will come out on top.” Lydia answered.

“Is this what having faith in your magic looks like?” Hanako wondered to herself. 

Sitting somewhere else in the crowd, Stark muttered. “I hope you know what you're doing Ken.” 

“That's quite the offer, but why? How does my going first benefit you?” Josh asked, curious about Ken's reasoning. 

“It doesn't benefit me at all. I just want to give you the chance to display your money's worth… because if I go first you won't have the chance to.” 

Ken’s response struck a nerve. “What the fuck does that mean!” 

“It means, you wouldn't survive a single attack from me.” Ken’s words were blunt, leaving no room for misinterpretations. 

"Who do you think you are!? I'll make you regret this, you filthy shit!" Josh’s voice filled with frustration.

“Lightning Magic: Pulsating Orb!” 

Josh pointed his right hand at his opponent, creating a yellow magic circle underneath Ken's feet. Ken looked down at the magic circle before looking back up at Josh with a blank expression.

An electrical orb formed around Ken's whole body enclosing him in a sphere made out of lightning. While in the sphere, huge bolts of electricity raced through his body, attacking him from the inside.

"How do you like one hundred million volts of lightning!" Josh shouted as he continued to sustain his spell.

Ken's expression didn't change, he still held his blank expression as if it was nothing, this only infuriated Josh more. Josh increased the voltage from one hundred million to four hundred million, but it made no difference in the slightest. 

"You have two attacks remaining" Ken yawned.

"Wow! Ken Granfold is completely unphased!! This isn't looking good for Josh!" Reno announced. 

The whole crowd gawked at the scene. Members of Dorm 44 cheered loudly. 

"That's the way to do it, Ken!!" Lydia Shouted.

"Crush him!" Leo shouted.

"Show him your magic is stronger!" Drew shouted

“Let's go Kennnnn!!” Koko cheered.

"...Ken…" Hanako mumbled, amazed.

“So… he was right to be confident,” Nero smirked. 

“Amazing… he's not even phased.” Katherine thought to herself. 

“Amazing!!” Stark cheered. 

"I graduated from a wealthy school! I come from a noble family! I am JOSH RETIN and there is no way I'll lose to FILTH!!" Josh shouted in a fit of anger.

"Retin Family Magic: Thunder Beast, Crushing Fang!"

Josh placed both of his hands on the ground, creating a dark blue magic circle underneath himself. The same magic circle appeared underneath Ken's feet except it was much larger.

"This should be interesting." Ken thought to himself with the same blank expression.

A huge beastly mouth created from lightning, rose out of the magic circle underneath Ken's feet. It clenched its jaws shut like a bear trap,  unleashing two billion volts of raging electricity through Ken's body. 

"Amazing!! What power! Josh is certainly not playing holding back! This is one of the Retin family spells! Truly outstanding!!" Reno shouted. The crowd roared in excitement. 

"I'll admit this is an amazing spell. But, unfortunately, it's not enough to make me budge." Ken thought to himself. 

Josh’s spell was intense, everyone could feel its power, but the cheering started to simmer when they began to realize the spell wasn't budging Ken. After some time of being constantly struck with crushing amounts of electricity, the spell finally stopped. Ken stood in the same spot, once again unharmed. The ground where the spell struck crumbled underneath his feet.

“That was two. You have one more chance to prove the worth of your money. So hit me with your best!" Ken smirked.

“O-O-Oh wow! Such an awesome spell was made to look second-rate! With one more strike left, can Josh put Ken down for good!? Or will Ken withstand Josh’s attack once again!!’ Reno announced, his voice filled with excitement. 

The crowd went wild, amazed at what they were witnessing. 

"Wow… Ken is amazing." Hanako thought to herself with a smile.

All Josh could do was stare in despair as one of his family magic had done nothing to the filth known as Ken Granfold. 

"N-no… no way, this isn't possible" Josh mumbled to himself. "THIS ISN'T FUCKING POSSIBLE!!!" he exploded in rage and denial of the truth.

Ken stood his ground, gazing at his normally smug opponent, throwing a fit. “Your next attack will be your last. So put all your money's worth into it, and at least try to scratch me.” 

“What will Josh do now!? Can he muster up a spell powerful enough to put down Ken!!?” Reno shouted, provoking the crowd to cheer louder.

"Retin Family Magic: Thundraga—"

Raising his palms to the sky. Josh conjured Five dark blue magic circles, hundreds of meters above Ken, in a circular formation. The five magic circles erupted with furious wild lightning that lashed out in the sky. The magic circles spun around at high speed before merging into one giant circle. 

“A Thundraga spell? This attack is going to be intense,” said Nero. 

"Is this it? Is this the spell that's going to put Ken down!" Reno shouted at the top of his lungs.

"This is the end for you!!" Josh fumed before throwing his hand downwards.

“Voltic Surge!!!”

A dark blue devastating beam of lightning, erupted from the giant magic circle, collapsing down onto Ken, engulfing him and everything around. Josh’s spell destroyed the ground underneath Ken, digging him into a deep crater. 

"What amazing magic power!! It's so intense, this for sure has to be the one that does it!!” Reno called out. The crowd roared in excitement, eager to see the results of such a powerful spell.