16. Buzzing Arena
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1 day before the duel.


Josh had posted about their fight on the Net, steering a lot of attention to it. He wanted as many people as he could gather to come to witness the fight… the fall of Ken Granfold, he wanted to humiliate him and prove his superiority. 

Ken finished his second class for the day– Arcane Theory, where he learned about the different rules of magic, most of which he had already learned back on Zen Island, so it was an easy class to get through. The class before that was; History of Magicka, they studied how illusion magic was used to bring down an entire nation back in the 4th era.

Walking down the hallway ignoring the chatters the students were having about his upcoming fight, Ken viewed the blog Josh made about their battle.

~Money vs Commoner~

“What a terrible blog title. If he's going to advertise it, he should have at least thought of a better title.” He continued to scroll through the blog. “This guy really loves money, that's all he talks about.” 

“Are you worried about the fight tomorrow?” 

A young man with a short black afro and garnet yellow eyes approached Ken, walking beside him. 

“Not really, I'm just looking forward to the enchantment table I’ll buy after all this is over. Who are you anyway?” 

“Oh, my name is Stark Forster. I'm… a big fan! The speech you made at the Welcoming Assembly was very bold. I was barely able to stand under your mana pressure… but even so, I was still very inspired by your words. So I will do what I can to see you at Graduation.” 

“That's good to hear. I hope to also see you at graduation.” Ken replied with a smile. Hearing that his words inspired others made him happy.

“Yeah.” Stark nodded his head. “As a fan, I'm here to warn you. Josh might be a rich snob, but he's really strong!” 


“Yeah, I saw him fight three people at once, and he made quick work of them.” 


After the Welcoming Assembly


Following the map on his Student Cell, Josh walked through the woods on his way to his new Dormitory. However, before he could reach his destination, he was suddenly confronted by three other students, blocking his path.

“What's the meaning of this?” Josh questioned.

“Hey, asshole! Take back what you said about us!” A young man with black hair growled. 

“All I did was speak the truth, so what's the problem?” Josh replied, smug as usual.

“You think you’re better than us because you have more money!?” said a young man with dark brown hair. 

“Think? No, I know I'm better than you three. I've spent a lot of money on my training for weaklings like you three to be a threat.” 

“Let's see about that!” the third student gritted his teeth. 

“Looking for a fight? If that's the case, then put all your points on the line to prove you’re serious. I'll take you all on at once.” 

“You got yourself a deal!”

Each student launched a destructive spell, aimed to take out the rich student as quickly as possible. but Josh didn't flinch, he stood his ground. All three spells struck him at once, causing a fiery dust explosion. 

“That’ll teach that rich prick!” 

“All that talk and he couldn't even put up a fight.” 

“He’ll think twice before opening his mouth again.” 

The dust explosion began to clear out, all that could be heard from within was laughter. “Is this the best you three could muster!?”. The dust cleared out, revealing Josh to be unscratched. 

“What the? Our spells didn't even phase him!” 

“How is that possible!?” 

“He must have dodged them or used some sort of defense spell at the last second.” 

“I did no such thing, you three are just that weak.” Josh gibed, further angering the trio. “Let's see how you guys handle my spell.” 

Before his opponents could react, Josh appeared behind the trio within a flash, his body crackling with lightning.

His opponents turned to face him, only to be struck with high bolts of lightning. All three of them could do nothing but cry out in agony. The three students fell to the ground unable to withstand the high volts of lightning. 

“That should do it.” The lightning finally stopped. Josh had come out victorious. “They weren't even worth a single gold piece” 


“He didn't even break a sweat,” Stark explained.

“Thanks for the heads up,” Ken replied 

“No problem. If anyone can show him money isn't everything, then it's you!” 

“Good to hear you have so much faith in me, Stark.” 

“Of course, you have such awesome magic power. Anyways, I'm running late for my Potion Making class, so see you around Ken!” Stark ran off to his next class. 

Ken made his way out of the building and met up with Hanako at a nearby water fountain, so they could walk back to the dorm together. 

“A-Are you really going to b-battle tomorrow?” Hanako was a little concerned. 

“Yup. I want that Enchantment Table.” 

“Y-You’re being… a little too careless, Ken.” 

“I have full faith in my magic, so there is no need to worry about me, Hanako.” 

“F-Faith in your magic… you must have had a great master.” 

“I was trained by several people, most notably, my Grandpa and Grandma. They drilled a lot into me and put me through harsh training that made me want to run away many times… but because of them, I'm able to have complete faith in my magic, so I'm grateful.” Ken explained with a wary smile, remembering all the intense training and strict theory studies he was put through. 

With a soft smile, Hanako replied, “That kind of reminds me of my m-master…” 

“Your master? Tell me more.”

It was as if Ken's words had flipped a switch within her. For a few seconds, Hanako’s shyness had disappeared, and her face was filled with joy. "Yeah, she is the greatest person I know, she is so amazing! She is strong, beautiful and kind." As Hanako went on and on about her master, Ken couldn't help but be surprised. He had never seen Hanako talk this much with so much confidence, by the look in her eyes he could tell she really loved her master. 

Hanako soon realized that she was talking a lot, and immediately got embarrassed. "Oh, I-I’m sorry…"Her voice cracked, and she quickly became shy again. 

With a chuckle, Ken said "No, no need to apologize. I've never seen you so energetic, it's… cute…" Hearing Ken’s words made Hanako’s face light up a deep red. Her reaction turned Ken’s face a slight red. 

“Oops… that last part just slipped out.”  Quickly getting back on topic, Ken continued to say, "This Master of yours sure does sound like a great person.”

"Y-y-yeah… I wish to be like… her someday." 

Ken held out his hand towards Hanako, “If you truly believe in your magic, then I have faith that you will be as great as her. No, you will be greater than her, and our promise is proof of that."

Hanako looked up at Ken, and with a grateful smile she shook his hand, "Y-yes of course!"


The day of the duel finally arrived. The day for Ken and Josh to clash. The Arena was buzzing with an audience of about 400 students. The two competitors stood in the arena, face to face, with a 20-meter distance between them. 

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Reno, and I'll be the judge and referee for this battle!” Reno shouted as he fixed the bandana on his head.

“Today is a match between two students who passed the entrance exam and are here to settle their differences. The challenger is Josh Retin! Who is an exceptional mage that graduated from a wealthy private school, and comes from a noble family. He is here today to display just how strong a mage can become with wealth!!!"

All the students that came to see Ken lose began to cheer out loud, yelling comments like;

"Kick his ass!"

"Make him eat his word.”

"Destroy that cocky bastard!"

“Show him that he's just another everyday mage!” 

"His opponent today is none other than the infamous Ken Granfold! Ken was homeschooled his whole life, but if he was able to pass the entrance exam, then he is no joke. He is certainly someone not to be taken lightly as he proved that at the Welcoming assembly with his intense mana pressure! Now let's see whose magic is stronger between these two 1st years!” 

Almost everyone from Dorm 44 had come to watch Ken fight. Those who knew Ken began to cheer out to him, including those who had been mistreated by Josh. 

"Ken go in strong and come out strong like a real man!" Drew cheered.

“You can't lose here Ken, everyone's watching!” Rufus cheered.

Kick his butt so we can go shopping, Ken!” Koko cheered.

“Give him hell Ken, show him the might of Dorm 44!” Lydia cheered.

“Y-You can do this… Ken…” Cheered Hanako, although her cheer couldn't be heard over all the other cheering. 

Looking to her left, at her fellow Dorm member. Katherine asked, “What are your thoughts on this battle Nero?” 

Sitting on Katherine's left is a black Cat Beastman. “As a fellow Dorm member, it's only natural I put my money on Ken. How about you?” 

“...My answer is the same as yours.” 

“The terms for this battle have been set! If Josh wins, Ken has agreed to become his personal butler for the year. If Ken wins, then Josh will transfer him 700 points!!” 

The crowd cheered out loud once more, while the two contestants faced each other down. Ready for the fight.