Chapter 22 : The Scarecrow
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Bane was startled by Adrian's actions and couldn't react for a moment.

Not to mention the journalists and cameramen on the helicopter. The cameraman even dropped his camera accidentally onto the rocks by the shore, shattering it, and causing an uproar.

"I'll take care of those reporters first, it wouldn't be good to take them along," Bane said, jumping down and addressing Adrian.

"Don't. Gathering 'materials' and information is enough; let's not complicate matters," Adrian replied, pretending to be a scarecrow, taking the tools from Bane's hand and tinkering with the unconscious Batman. He had no intention of taking Batman and the Joker with them.

"Why? They are perfect test subjects," Bane argued.

"Because I don't want any complications," Adrian repeated. While speaking, he swiftly finished with Batman and moved towards the Joker.

Bane, seemingly acting like a follower, trailed behind Adrian. Perhaps the aftermath of the recent explosion had left him a bit out of sync with Adrian's thinking. "What do you mean?"

"This world doesn't just have Batman as a superhero; it could become troublesome if others appear," Adrian explained.

Bane was speechless.

Initially, after breaking Batman's spine, he faced a temporary substitute that had appeared out of nowhere, representing Batman and had nearly killed Bane. If it weren't for Robin intervening and signalling Batman's no-kill policy...

Bane realized he wouldn't have the opportunity to stand here and talk to Adrian.

Of course, Adrian's concern wasn't really about the issue of Batman's substitute. It was whether taking Batman away might attract Superman, Batman's good friend, a grave and serious problem.

Who knew whether the Justice League had been formed by now, and if Superman and Batman had become close friends?

If so, with Batman missing, how could Superman not appear?

Superman was manageable, but if other more violent, chaotic individuals appeared, things could get complicated.

After all, Adrian couldn't stay in Gotham forever, striking deals with everyone he met.

"But the Joker can be taken, right?" Bane suggested. The Joker didn't have many friends, probably only Harley Quinn would frantically search for him.

"But with Batman gone, the research needs a stable environment," Adrian said. "If there's a shortage of 'materials,' I can always help you get more. Isn't it more fun to leave them in Gotham City?"

"Your last statement is your true intention, right?" Bane couldn't help but ask.

"How could it be? Everything is for researching a better Titan formula and making Gotham City more enjoyable," Adrian said. "Where's your plane?"

"It's here."

Bane looked up at the slightly brightening sky. A Black Hawk was swiftly approaching from the horizon.

The TV station's helicopter had obviously spotted the approaching Black Hawk long before and had vanished between Adrian and Bane's conversation—coming and going swiftly.

"Wait, did you deliberately answer my question with a very casual tone earlier?" The helicopter arrived above the two, and two rope ladders were lowered. Bane, holding the collected "sample materials," suddenly remembered something.

"You're thinking too much," Adrian said, stepping onto the ladder. The movement was a bit awkward, so he wrapped his right hand around it to prevent himself from falling.

The helicopter began to ascend, preparing to take Adrian and Bane away.


"Gotham police! Drop your weapons, or we'll shoot!"

As in many situations in movies and TV shows, the police always arrived last.

Commissioner Gordon, who had been rescued, finally arrived with several police officers. They looked at the unconscious Batman lying on the ground, walked over, ensured he was merely unconscious, and then aimed their guns at Bane and Adrian, who were ascending.

One of Adrian's freed hands grabbed a bottle of "Fear Toxin" tied to his body and pressed it before throwing it.

The Fear Toxin landed without shattering, rolled a few times, vaporized internally, and released a significant yellowish gas.

"Scarecrow! It's Scarecrow's Fear Toxin! Don't get close, put down your guns! If you experience hallucinations, discard them immediately!"

Gordon shouted loudly.

The wind from the helicopter's propeller dispersed the gas, blowing it toward them.

It would be terrible if they inhaled it and started shooting randomly.

Everyone covered their mouths and noses, stepping back. By the time the gas dissipated, the helicopter had already left.

"All units, attention! All units, attention! Batman has retaken Arkham. Issue a pursuit order for Bane, Scarecrow, repeat, Bane, Scarecrow, driving a modified helicopter leaving." Gotham's announcement was repeated over the radio.

Scarecrow, of course, had no idea he was taking the blame for Adrian. At this moment, he remained unconscious, beside him lay Killer Croc, also in a state of unconsciousness.

Back in the laboratory, Bane eagerly sorted through tonight's spoils, impatient to start the research on the Titan formula.

Adrian, on the other hand, poured cold water to wake up Scarecrow.

"Mine!" Scarecrow saw Adrian "occupying" his "gear" in front of him and became enraged. "You thief!"

"Calm down, Crane," Adrian said indifferently.

Scarecrow's real name was Jonathan Crane.

"Give it back to me! It's mine!" Scarecrow continued to roar, drawing a glance from Bane.

"Alright, I'll return it to you."

Adrian removed the equipment from himself, and then pulled out one of the vials.

"Keep it away from me!"

Seeing Adrian seemingly about to inject Fear Toxin into him, Scarecrow's voice immediately became shrill, struggling vigorously.

However, at this moment, he was tied to an upright "mobile bed" and couldn't move, only staring wide-eyed as Adrian used his own Fear Toxin against him.


"Get away from me!"

Adrian stepped back, watching as fear slowly crept onto Scarecrow's face. He struggled harder than before, continuously moving his head left and right, seemingly trying to avoid something.

"What is he afraid of?" Bane asked as he walked over.

"A version of Batman as a monster," Adrian said.

"Hmm, many people in Gotham fear him," Bane remarked.

"What about you?" Adrian inquired.

"Me?" Bane fell silent; he seemed uncertain himself whether he feared Batman. Perhaps there were various complex emotions within him. To say there wasn't a hint of fear would be untrue.

No one could be sure of their truest fears; even Scarecrow's Fear Toxin couldn't necessarily reflect the deepest fears in one's heart.

After a moment of contemplation, Bane, feeling unsure, continued researching the Titan formula.

Adrian didn't inject Scarecrow with much Fear Toxin. Around five minutes later, Scarecrow stopped struggling, and after about ten minutes, he began regaining his senses.

Now, it was time for another pleasant transaction.

"Crane, let's make a deal," Adrian said with a smile. To Scarecrow, that smile seemed nothing less than demonic.

In the hallucinations just now, besides the monstrous Batman,

it seemed that the face of the person before him was vaguely visible.

"What do you want?" Scarecrow asked.

"The formula and production process for the Fear Toxin, thoroughly, completely, without holding back, teach me," Adrian said. "Once I learn how to make it, I'll set you free."


There was a momentary struggle in Scarecrow's eyes, but he agreed straightforwardly.

"Good job," Adrian nodded in approval.

He now had a total of 1800 points of wealth.

Originally, Adrian had 1662 points of wealth. After Bane made progress in researching the Titan formula, Adrian received some points. Furthermore, with the ongoing transaction with Scarecrow, his wealth reached 1800 points.

Moreover, the trade with Scarecrow wasn't over. As Scarecrow slowly disclosed his techniques, Adrian would continue to gain more wealth.

"Okay, that's it for now. I'm going to sleep," Adrian yawned and left.

The entire floor of the building was secured, aside from the laboratory, and there was, of course, a lounge.

"Aren't you going to let me go?" Scarecrow called out to Adrian's retreating figure.

"Find Bane if you need something," Adrian extended his hand, waving it casually twice.

"I..." Scarecrow looked at Bane.

"Shut up, I'm busy right now," Bane interrupted Scarecrow.

"I can help you," Scarecrow seemed to have an idea.

Although one was Titan formula and the other was Fear Toxin, their directions differed. However, both were about medical research on the human body, so there might be some commonalities.


Bane snorted, "You want to steal my technology? Don't even think about it. This belongs to me and that kid. Get lost!"

"What is that person's identity?" Scarecrow's eyes widened slightly, pondering internally.

He couldn't believe that the proud Bane would be willing to share the Titan formula with that kid. What was that person's background?

"By the way," while pondering Adrian's identity, Adrian returned and placed a bottle filled with green liquid on the workstation.

"More water?" Bane's eyes lit up as he took the Lazarus Pit water, smiling happily.

With so many good things, if he couldn't find a way to research a better Titan formula, he might as well find a tofu block and knock himself out.

Having given the Lazarus Pit water to Bane, Adrian now had only two bottles left.

However, it was enough for survival, and there was no immediate need for more.

After a nap, Adrian began extracting information about Scarecrow's "Fear Toxin" technology. When it was time to return to the main world, he found an excuse to go to the bathroom and disappeared.

Bane had grown accustomed to Adrian's sudden appearances and disappearances.

Scarecrow, on the other hand, was surprised and harbored even deeper apprehensions toward Adrian.

Speaking of which, in the innocent and simple-minded Gotham, not everything was a joke.

If you don't believe it, just take a look at Superman's enemies; each one wants to conquer or destroy the world.

Comparatively, most of Batman's old adversaries were simply criminals trying to commit crimes.

Compared to those who often aimed to destroy the world, these were trivial matters.


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