Chapter 21: The Witch and The Twins (Part 2) 
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“Don't tell me, you are going to use that spell, Darling?" Sasha asked, her concern evident in her voice. 

"That's right. Please grab my hand, everyone," I instructed, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. We all clasped hands, forming a tight circle. 

"Okay, Darling, but please be careful," Sasha added, her voice filled with genuine worry. 

I offered her a reassuring smile. "I will. Don't worry, my Darling Sasha. Teleportation!" I chanted, channeling the magic within me. In an instant, a surge of energy enveloped us, and the world around us shifted. 

When the magical energy dissipated, we found ourselves standing in front of the Headmistress's office at the academy. The familiar sight brought a sense of relief and accomplishment. We had successfully teleported, a spell that only the Witch Queen was capable of using. 

"It really is you. I have waited so long to see you. My Witch Queen!" Ema exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement. She threw her arms around me, embracing me tightly. 

I returned her hug, feeling a surge of affection for this girl who had become such an integral part of my life. "Ema, it's wonderful to see you too," I said, my voice filled with genuine joy. 

Ava, ever the vigilant one, interjected with a playful tone, "Hey, no fair, I also want to hug our queen." She stepped forward and joined us, wrapping her arms around me. 

Ava's comment made me chuckle, and I welcomed her embrace. "There's plenty of room for hugs, Ava. You're all important to me," I said, my heart swelling with gratitude for these extraordinary girls who had become my closest companions. 

As we finally released our embrace, our attention turned to Headmistress Sue, who had silently observed our arrival. She stepped forward, her expression a mix of reverence and warmth. 

"Well, well. It seems you were able to find the missing students and add them to your little harem. Ha-ha," Headmistress Sue stated, her voice laced with a hint of amusement. "Come in before everyone overhears your conversation, my Queen." 

I nodded, acknowledging her words. "Yes, Headmistress," I replied, feeling a renewed sense of purpose as I walked alongside my companions, following Headmistress Sue into her office. 

Once inside, we took our seats, and I observed with awe as Headmistress Sue knelt before me, a sign of respect and acknowledgement of my role as the Witch Queen. Ava and Ema exchanged glances, still trying to process everything that had transpired. 

"It is an honor to officially be in your presence, my Queen. I have had a feeling since the time with the dragon, but after seeing you appear with these girls using teleportation magic, a magic only the Witch Queen is able to use, it confirmed it for me," Headmistress Sue said, her voice filled with reverence. "My family has been in service to the Witch Queen's descendants and incarnations for centuries. I was wondering when it would be time to meet the next incarnation. My Queen, I ask that you please allow my daughter to stand by your side as your knight in the coming days. I know normally it would be my duty as the current head, but I also have to think of my position as the headmistress of the academy." 

Touched by Headmistress Sue's loyalty and dedication, I felt a surge of gratitude. "Please raise your head," I said gently, my voice filled with warmth. "I will be happy to meet your daughter. I would also like things to remain the same between us as they have been. I am still a student at the academy, and you are still the headmistress. Please remember my position comes after that." 

Headmistress Sue raised her head, relieved to hear that I had no intention of altering our relationship. "Thank you, my Queen. I will make arrangements for my daughter to meet with you as soon as possible," she replied, her voice filled with gratitude. 

I smiled, feeling a deep sense of appreciation for Headmistress Sue's unwavering support. "Thank you, Headmistress. I can't wait to meet your daughter," I said sincerely. 

With the matter of Headmistress Sue's request addressed, she turned her attention to the other pressing matter at hand. "Ms. Ava, Ms. Ema, I am glad you two are safe. Can you please tell me what happened in the dungeon to cause you two to go missing?" 

Ava nodded, her expression serious. "Yes, Headmistress," she replied before launching into a detailed account of their harrowing experience. She described the magical barrier that had trapped them and the sense of helplessness they had felt until Sasha and I arrived. Ema added in some details about the strange creature they had encountered, emphasizing the danger they had faced. 

I listened intently, my concern deepening with each word. It was evident that someone had been tampering with forbidden magic, and the consequences had put my friends in grave danger. 

When they finished speaking, Headmistress Sue sighed heavily, her expression troubled. "I see. It seems that someone has been tampering with magic they do not fully understand. The dungeon is a dangerous place, and it is forbidden for students to go there without permission. It seems we need to step up our security measures and investigate this matter further," she said, her voice filled with determination. 

I nodded in agreement, my resolve strengthening. "I agree, Headmistress. We should do everything in our power to make sure something like this doesn't happen again." 

Headmistress Sue continued, "Indeed. And, my Queen, I would like to ask for your help in this matter. Your knowledge of magic is unparalleled, and I believe you could be a valuable asset in uncovering the source of this disturbance." 

I readily agreed, my determination unwavering. "Of course, Headmistress. I will do whatever I can to assist you." 

"Excellent. Then I suggest we adjourn for now and reconvene tomorrow to discuss our plan of action. In the meantime, I suggest you gather any more information you can from Ms. Ava and Ms. Ema's memories of the Witch Queen. It might help us figure out what spell and power is at play here," Headmistress Sue concluded, finalizing the meeting. 

As I and the girls left the Headmistress's office, we made our way back to our dorm room. Thoughts swirled in my mind, a mix of anticipation and determination. We were on the cusp of uncovering a mystery that could have far-reaching consequences. But we were prepared to face it together. 

"Sasha, I think your plan to investigate the dungeon tomorrow is a good one," I said, addressing my loyal companion. "We can lure the culprits into a trap and gather valuable information. We'll set a time limit for ourselves and signal for help if needed. The others can come to our aid if the situation calls for it." 

Sasha nodded, her eyes shining with determination. "I'm with you every step of the way, Darling. Together, we'll put an end to this threat and protect the academy." 

With our plan in place, we entered our dorm room to find Windy playing with her beloved stuffed animals, Freya engrossed in a book, and May busy cooking dinner. Aria greeted us with her usual warmth. 

"Welcome home, my Darling Master," she said, a genuine smile gracing her lips. 

"Mama, are these two my new Mamas?" Windy asked, running and jumping into Emily's arms. 

"Mamas!" Ava and Ema exclaimed in delight.