The Suppressed
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testing, idk if this author note thing will work or not, first time posting story in a website like this, hell, first time writing an original story too, but anyway, basically this is a work of fiction, it's not real, don't use this work for like, something you should do in real life

Pure-Blooded Demons.

A specific type of race that's true to their blood, though pure-blooded demons can still reform can be friendly with humans if they learn with them, they can even eat vegetables and become vegan if they do it their whole life. That's why some of them still exist today, with a badge to prove to the society that they're safe, friendly and trustworthy with humans. That's why even though pure-blooded demons still exist despite being so rare....

That's why being like me exists...

But for some reasons.... I don't have that privilege.

I lit a part of my hands on fire using my own fire magic before blowing it out after some time, looking at the perfectly cooked part of my hand.

Due to me being born as a bastard daughter of a cheating mother. I did not get born through the normal process. I didn't have a chance to prove myself to society that I'm safe and friendly...

But I don't think I'll succeed anyway...

I look at the cooked part of my hand, the smell of cooked flesh is mouth watering to me, for some reason, every food that is made for me by others like the cafeteria staff is not good. In fact, I feel like I can vomit just from putting it in my mouth, it was torture trying to eat normally in front of other people in this school. The only food that I can eat comfortably is food that is cooked with my own fire magic. I try to cook using the normal way, baking and such but it taste like wet tissue that's been left out in the desert for 5 years.

I move my mouth closer to my hand take a huge bite out of my own hand, wincing at the pain but the taste is good to the point I can ignore it.

My fire magic... Looking at my cooked hand that has a huge chunk missing, I don't know where I got this fire magic from, I've been born with it as far as I can remember, this magic school don't know anything about my unique fire magic either.

Fire huh...

I smirked, remembering something.

I always don't like my father, so I never have any regrets of burning him alive and eating right after.

My father.

He could've make me sign up in that pure-blooded demon badge thingy so that I don't have to hide the fact that I'm actually a pure-blooded demon.

But no.

Instead, he just lay around in his fucking home, drinking fucking wine all day, complaining about how much of a shit daughter I am and why I couldn't be born as a fucking man!!


....Ah, it seems like I accidentally broke the sink with how hard I was gripping it...

...I need to suppress my anger more... Good thing there's no scrying spell here since it's so late at night.

... I was born as a girl and yet my dad gave me a masculine name. First name Ryner, Last name Abaddon. He probably give me the name Ryner to hide the fact that I'm a girl in his eye, as for Abaddon....

"You deserved to be abandoned."

I throw a punch at the mirror right in front of me before stopping, inches away from breaking the mirror into tiny little pieces.

"...That was close... I don't want to get caught breaking school's property."

I look at my own reflection in the mirror.

Half-demon appearance is different than pure-blooded demon, half-demon's horn usually has two horns that's protruding from their head at different heights, one short and one tall, or they just have one horn. Looking at my reflection, seeing the two horns protruding from my head and on the same height, I need to do something about it in order to continue disguising myself as a half-demon.

With my left hand, I grip on my left horn tightly, putting my right hand in my mouth, biting it, and with a hard tug using my left hand...



Bloods spraying on the sink and mirror, tears coming out of my eyes as I bite hard on my own hand to the point it starts to bleed, trying to distract the pain.


It hurts, it hurts, it hurts,It hurts, it hurts, it hurts,It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!





I look down at my own shaking hand, it has been torn to shreds with how hard I was biting into it.

I look at my other hand that has the L shaped horn from my left side that have been ripped right out of my head.

I look at the left side of my surroundings, the wall, the sink and the part of the mirror in front of me is covered in my own blood.


With a swing of my hand, the blood begin to dried up and turn to dust, before flying away, making the place looks spotless, without any evidence of my own blood.

I look back at my ruined hand that I have bitten, seeing how it's moving by itself, fixing itself and regenerating without any magic.

I sigh at the sight.

I.... Was suicidal a while ago, trying multiple ways to die... But for some reason, my body regenerates before I could reach death's door, making me feel all of the pain of killing myself without actually dying.


I took a deep breath, calming myself down.

"...I should've probably done this at home instead of the school's restroom."