Chapter 32: Everything has a price
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Megumin the crazy little girl of explosions, no one wanted to have her in their team.

Soon, the little money she earned on some meaningless tasks had run out and Megumin has been wandering around Axel since yesterday, with no money and a bad reputation it would seem that Megumin only has left to starve.

Then, Megumin had seen this person, Ye, a man followed by a kind of beautiful girl, Ye's clothes look excellent, custom made and with good stitching, this together with Ye's cone shaped hat makes Ye look like an easy to swindle foreigner.

Then Megumin tried her luck.

Now, Megumin lowers her head, Megumin is about to say "sorry to bother you" before running off like a cat that has had six lives taken from her.

-But I can offer you a job.....

Ye says as he holds out a hand to Megumin, in Ye's hand are a few tens of thousands of Eris that originally belonged to Kyouya.

Megumin who was about to resign himself to eating dirt again, noticed the pile of bills in Ye's hand, Megumin's eyes widen in surprise at this moment.

Megumin raises his head a little too quickly.

-What did you just say?

Megumin asks in disbelief, she doesn't seem to understand why the man in front of her smiles at her as he holds out an absurd amount of money.

-A job?...

Ye mutters with a smile as he calmly looks at Megumin. Megumin swallows saliva for a moment before looking at the tens of thousands of Eris in Ye's hand, Megumin then looks askance at Ye for a moment before reaching out a trembling hand to grab the Eris in Ye's hand.

After touching the stack of high denomination bills, Megumin swallowed saliva again and carefully removed the wad of bills from Ye's hand.


Megumin mutters something difficult to understand as a sudden smile invades her face.

-Miss Megumin, in fact, I have a proposal to make to you....

Ye smiles warmly, but, at this moment, Megumin becomes alert and looks at Ye with cautious eyes.

-You're not the pervert who offers money in exchange for looking at women's panties that people talk so much about?

Ye's face freezes for a moment in a shocked expression before he blinks slightly after hearing Megumin's fearful words.

-Hmph, no, I'm not....

Ye says with some disbelief in his words, What pervert who pays money to see young girls' panties?

Ye doesn't remember something like that happening in the main novel, however, after remembering Kazuma's love for stealing Megumin's panties, Ye couldn't help but think of a possibility, Could it be possible that Kazuma pays to see young girls' panties secretly?

Smiling lightly, Ye takes a step closer to Megumin.

-Hehehehe, indeed, Miss Megumin, please join me.


After hearing Ye's words, Megumin takes a step back, Megumin's eyes watch Ye carefully.

-Hey... I...

Megumin stutters a bit as she swallows saliva and makes a slight noise of being shocked.

-I'm not that kind of woman....

Ye opens his eyes upon hearing Megumin's statement, Ye's eyes become slightly dull, apparently Megumin has misunderstood his words, Ye wants Megumin to be one of his daughters, so, Maybe he should clear up this misunderstanding?

-There is no such thing as a person without a price, Miss Megumin, how about ten thousand Eris and join me?

Megumin swallows saliva when she hears Ye's words, Megumin shudders a little and shakes her head quickly, Ye doesn't seem to want to clear up the misunderstanding and just smiles kindly to Megumin.

-So, How about a hundred thousand Eris?

Megumin's eyes widen sharply, suddenly, she feels that the tens of thousands of Eris in her hand don't feel so bulky, Megumin looks into Ye's eyes, Megumin's heart skips a beat as she takes a shaky breath.

-No, no, no, no, sir, I appreciate your gift, but, I'm not that kind of woman.....

Megumin's reluctant voice rings out with a hint of determination, Megumin looks with a bright eye at Ye and puts on a serious face, although, in reality, Megumin's face seems to be a bit that of a woman who has just lost a lot of money.

-Miss Megumin, How about a million Eris?

Ye's voice echoes several times in Megumin's mind. Megumin begins to stammer out words that are hard to understand as the tens of thousands of Eris in her right hand that were previously held tightly, fall to the ground making a slight noise.

Megumin looks with a glowing eye at Ye, in fact, this man in front of her doesn't look so bad.

Megumin who originally thought Ye was an ugly man began to find a certain charm in Ye's appearance and face.

-Well... sir... hmph, I... accept...

Megumin began to stutter as she thinks about the absurd amount of money, she doesn't seem to be thinking clearly at the moment and it seems that her decision is nothing more than a passing one.

-Hehehehe, just kidding, Miss Megumin, I don't have that amount of money.

Megumin's tomato-blushed face and Megumin's embarrassed look quickly froze upon hearing Ye's words.

-What did you say?

Megumin asks, not believing she heard Ye's words correctly.

-I don't have that amount of Eris at the moment....

Megumin checks that she is not mishearing and her eyes widen enormously, Megumin quickly exhales a breath of cold air as she stares at Ye intently, Why does this man in front of her seem to have such an annoyed face?

Megumin grits her teeth as she lets out a high-pitched scream and jumps up to furiously attack Ye.