「Fragment III」 Act
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   In the end, the gentle Goddess still couldn't let a small girl doing things on her own during such a dangerous time. Even after Alice blatantly refused her invitation, which could be considered as rude, Goddess Astraea still promised that Alice could visit her Familia manor if a help needed. And knowing that it wouldn't hurt to have a helping hands in desperate time, Alice finally relented.

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   Leaving Goddess Astraea, Alice finally take a breath of relief. 

   While she had anticipated it beforehand, having a first time experience in talking face to face against a divine being could truly be exhausting, especially if one has some complicated circumstances.

   Knowing that some divine being could be morally detached, it was quite lucky because the first one she had just met wasn't a troublemaker, but a Goddess with gentle personality. She couldn't bring herself to imagine if it was the opposite.

   That, would be another level of headache, i didn't want to have right now, yes.

   As Alice managed to eases her thumping heart, she shifted her attention towards the pressing matter which can be explained in a single word; Evilus. Seems simple, yet wasn't easy, since they somehow managed to survive until the present.

   Taking a breath, Alice finally close her eyes; her minds started to work once more. 

   To defeat an enemy, one need to know their enemy best.

   And Evilus. . . Their movement wasn't elusive, as their action reach as far as in broad daylight. But because of that their goal is also obvious, which is Orario downfall.

   Now, what is Orario? The purest form of it, the one even an ordinary people know? 

   . . . The answer is a Labyrinth City, or simply a City. That's right. Orario is a city with people living in it, and it is also Evilus final target.

   Following it, the next question is how will Evilus plan their moves to destroy a city?

   While my understanding of them is quite limited. . , predicting it within the logical thinking of "someone whose desire to destroy a city" wasn't truly difficult. Alice thought.

   . . . Aim for every vital locations that is spreading through the entire Orario. Preferably one that has biggest impact on Orario overall condition. 

   Cut their supply line; economical activities is one of the main gears that runs every civilization. Having them disrupted will make everything easier for the attackers.

   Among the other things, Evilus could also use Orario uniqueness to their favor; the Dungeon. 

   As it is currently, Orario had their guards up. Surely, unless there's some internal problem, they will patrol every corner of the city. By then, it was only natural if the Guild is trying to keep powerful combatants on the surface as many as possible, by all means preventing them from diving into the Dungeon and leaving the city without a shield to defend themselves. On the other hand, as a result, the one that wasn't quite affected is Low Class Adventurer. 

   As cruel as it was, with the existence of Falna which leads to a power gap created by Level Difference, they are currently nothing but a cannon fodder in term of combat effectiveness, even if they are still a way stronger than Falna-less combatants. So, instead of hampering their future potential, the Guild wouldn't mind to have them grow on their own. Hopefully having them bloom into another strong adventurer in the future.

   During their growing phase however, such a young sprouts is an easy prey for Evilus. As easy as setting an ambush in the Dungeon. With them disconnected from the surface, a rescue would come too late. That, or it wasn't discovered in the first place. After all, the death of an Adventurer during their dungeon diving is a common occurrence.

   Exploiting such blindspot, Evilus will prevent Orario from having any future High Class Adventurer, which is beneficial for their advantage. And even with some extra resources, culling some High Class Adventurer would still be possible.

   It was also not limited to attacking. The fact that Evilus is capable of recruiting people speaks itself, and judging from their member willingness to throw their life, brainwashing wasn't excluded from the list. 

   Gaining support from another faction, be it from outside or inside Orario is also within the possibility. Took the Guild's monopoly over magic stone market as example, a gold mine in the plain sight. Because greed exist in the heart of many, an overly greedy person would be tempted to have their hands on it without much thought―specifically, merchant.

   Now that i think about it, their naming sense was spot on. . . kind of. Alice muttered, before looking at her scribble. 

   With her thought written on the piece of paper, Alice next purpose is to pass it on the right person. Preferably someone who is smart enough to take the warning but doesn't put much trust into it, but still held some power to move the masses. After all, its nothing but a thought based on short time observations. Yet, having a precaution is better than being clueless.

   Then again, giving it openly is not an option for her. As much as she is willing to help everyone, this was all she could do currently without rising much problem at hands. At least until she had her foothold standing strong. Which is strong enough for her voice to held some weight against many. 

   "Who will, it be, i wonder. . ?" Alice said in another sigh. 

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   While it took time to find the right person, Alice used the time gap to get her own starting point. Because living in a civilization can be quiet harsh, so does the current predicament. As even Alice herself shackled by the thing called financial. 

   She needs money. Desperately. That's why her eyes were set on the ground, for the easiest way to obtain money in Orario lies beneath the very place she stood. 

   Easiest yet also the hardest. Alice is well aware that the Adventurers is capable of earning milions of Valis―that is how the currency called, in a single expedition. If not, how could they afford some of those magically enhanced equipment Alice happen to see from the window of some blacksmith's shop? The price alone was enough to bury someone to death. 

   Yet to enter the dungeon and sell those magic stone, Alice need to register as an Adventurer herself at the Guild. That lead her back to the beginning, because one will need a Familia to register, or turth to be told, being one that has received Falna. At least, that's the common sense of ordinary, still sane, person. As Alice will not be surprised if there is some that is trying to earn money with such means even if they are Falna-less. Not that she couldn't. However Alice doubt if they were paid that well.

   There is also a side of the Adventurer which people is often blind to. Because to the contrary of their glorified image, Adventurer is a harsh job with many risks, with death as one of them. As for a Low Class Adventurer that is the majority in the city, maintenance cost of their Equipment is often took a big portion of their earnings, leaving just enough for them to enjoy few days rest.

   ". . . Black, company." Alice muttered to herself. The side of her lips were twitching ever so slightly.

   On the other hand, with such a restrained choice, Alice couldn't just join any Familia without deep thought consideration, and while it was a play-safe on her side, it does have some downside such as this time.

   Starting from scratch, is always tough, isn't it? she thought so.

   Unable to think of any better options, Alice finally decided to put her possession on use, hoping for some quick way out. Turth to be told, she is a hoarder even if money is not included in her list, and in a way, she is a loot goblin. A wierd person that like to have every single thing within her grasp, from a lump of coal to legendary-level treasure. Though she doesn't mind to sacrifice some of it depending on the situation, especially if it could save lives. She even has a series of stone with smiley face on it. 

   Looking at the smiley-faced stone that she took out from her robes, Alice began to wonder absentmindedly. "How much, is this worth. . ?"

   She had no clue.

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