Chapter 1 – I AM A DEMON ???
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After falling to her death, Cassandra awoke in a pitch-black room. She got to her feet and looked around, calling out, "Is anyone here?" and "Can someone hear me?" When she didn't get a response, she decided to walk for a while until something dripped onto her. She then followed the trails, which brought her to a puddle.

She bends down gently and notices someone who is cuffed. The person slowly turns to face her, which makes her scared and falls on her butt.

She awoke panting, struggling for oxygen.

"What kind of dream is that? Where am I? I am alive," she asks herself, perplexed as to why she is on a bed while the last thing she remembers is falling down a building.

She gently got out of bed and looked about for any objects that could display her reflection and noticed a desk with a mirror, and as she slowly looked at herself, she was shocked when she saw a girl with golden eyes glaring back at her with a pale face and vivid red hair.

She cautiously reaches for her face and sees that the person she saw is herself; while still perplexed, someone knocks on her door.

"Honey, are you awake?" asks a man who appears to be in his late 30s, he also has brilliant red hair but a dark shade of red in his eyes, he heard a movement within his daughter's bedroom and decided to see if he is not hallucinating, so he went inside to checked.

"Who are you? and honey?" Cassandra asked the man.

"Did you hit your head that hard, I am your father, Alberto Vexilious" said Alberto.

"Who am I and who are you," Cassandra asks, not moving from her location.

"You are, Cassidy Vexilious my daughter and we are in the human country called Goulcrest hiding from the people who are the reason your memory was lost, you have been unconscious for 9 months now, we thought you won't wake up after the poison have entered your system but do not worry I already killed the assassin who tried to hurt you," Alberto said as he walked towards her.

"Do not be afraid, I won't hurt you. I promise your mother that I will protect you, but I let you get hurt, and I am sorry." Alberto kneeled in front of her and apologized.

After seeing what her father has done, she recognizes that this is not a dream but a new reality and that she should go with the flow to find out why she was put in this body and what happened to the original soul.

"Father, please stand up, I am sorry but my memory is not present at the moment," Cassandra/Cassidy stated.

"Don't worry i will contact the best healer to help you get your memory back but for now you can ask me anything you want"Said Alberto

"Father where is mother and what did you say assassinate" ask Cassidy

"Your mother died when war broke out 100 years ago, she died protecting the one she loved, she was the most beautiful woman i have ever met, she was my second in command and one of the 6 generals of our country, if you do not notice we are not humans rather we are demons, our family is the top demon family and conflict usually happen and that what happens to you when i was away from our manor

our house got raided by our cousins that are trying to kill you and so they will become the next head of the clan because i am the current head, after i found out about the raid i use my magic to get to you but i was too late they almost killed you," Alberto said while shaking

"I thought i was going to lose you too when i saw your half lifeless body on the ground, all i can see is darkness i killed everyone including the people who ordered to kill you, and to be safe i brought us here in the human world so they won't find you easily"

"Why do they want to kill me and wait 100 years???? " Cassidy asks curiously

"I cannot tell you yet in the state you are in and yes 100 years old, i am 1400 years old and you are already 95 years old, your mother died when you were 5 by the way if you convert that in human age you are still 15," Alberto said with an amused look

"WHAT !" Cassidy yelled accidentally shocked at the revelation

"Yes, even though you lose your memory you are still the same when you are shocked, I'm going to call your maid to help you get dressed and we are having breakfast, "Alberto said while laughing at her daughter's funny reaction

(Inner thoughts)

Wait, let me clarify that the previous guy is the father of the true owner of the body that I am in, but why am I here in the first place? Shouldn't I be dead? Why was I cursed and attempted assassination? Will I be killed if they discover that the soul inside of this body isn't the person they know? I'm so confused and scared.

*Knock* *Knock* (A/N: Bold-Maid Chan, Non-Bold Cassidy)

"My Lady it is me, Emily, I was asked by my lord to prepare you for breakfast"

After talking to herself, Cassidy went and opened the door

"What do you mean to prepare, if it is ok to ask"

"Since my lady has woken up after a long time, this is  the first time i will bathe you when you were awake

"b-bathe me?"

"Yes my lady, i will wash you thoroughly and don't worry this is not the first time I've done it cause when you were asleep i always bathe you on a specific time"

"wait a second i- i can do it myself"

"i would like to apologize but this is my job my lady now lets strip you out of your sleeping gown"


After an adventurous morning, Cassidy is now dressed up in a floral white dress for breakfast. She and Emily headed to the dining room; as they entered, Cassidy saw her father and three other people.

"Good morning again, Father, and nice to meet all of you," remarked Cassidy, gazing at the three other persons.

"My Lord, what you told us is true; she cannot remember us," remarked the strange guest.

"Excuse me for interrupting, but may I ask who you are?" asks Cassidy while sitting down.

"Forgive my rudeness, my lady, we are under your command, we are the deadly sins" introduces a woman with blazing red eyes and crimson hair who is wearing a rather light armor.

"Deadly sins?" I question as I see all of the women in front of me standing up and leaving the table, one woman going in front and introducing herself.

"Yes, I am Lucia representing Wrath, and I am sorry that we did not save you in time; please punish me," said the woman with red eyes named Lucia.

After she introduced herself, another woman with deep gold eyes kneeled before me.
"Nice to meet you again my lady, i am Keyla representing Greed"

Next up is a woman with eyes as green as nature.

"I am Ivy, who represents Envy, and this person on my left who appears to be sleeping while standing up is Selena, who represents Sloth; don't worry, she may be asleep, but once she is fully awake, her power can compete with a lower God." She pointed to a woman with ash white hair who is sleeping while standing.

Next up comes a woman wearing a provocative attire, and her breast are nearly out.

"My lady, nice to meet you again. My name is Meleine, and I am the representation of Lust. Also, my eyes are up here, not on my chest, my lady," stated Meleine as she noticed me glancing at her gigantic bondonkers. Who wouldn't? (tsk, lucky bish).

"How did you get that big?" I asked her, staring at my own chopping board.

"Genetics? I was born to represent lust, my lady, so I guess this is normal in my family, but do not worry, my body is all yours," she carefully went up to me and whispered in my ear.

"You can have this tonight" I blushed so hard that I looked like a tomato.

"TSK, why do I have to continue to be under her when I am the most powerful being that existed?" remarked a lady who appeared agitated.

I apologize in her stead, my lady. This is Bailey, who represents pride, and I am Julia, who represents gluttony," remarked a woman who was staring carefully at the food on the table.

"and pried shut up she is more powerful than you will ever be, i mean sloth probably more powerful than you"