Chapter 25: A New Catalyst’s Awakening
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"Let's go make our report to the headmistress and see if the other brides found something to help us," I said to Sasha, who nodded in agreement.

"Agreed, we may have repelled the False Queen for now, but we should remain vigilant for future attacks," Sasha replied.

"Absolutely, but we also need to make time for each other. As I promised, after we finish our report and check in with May and the rest of our family, we will have our date," I stated, holding Sasha's hand.

Sasha smiled at my words, and I felt a warm sense of comfort in my chest. "That sounds lovely, Emily. I'm looking forward to it."

Together, we made our way to the headmistress's office and knocked on the door. We heard a commotion coming from inside the room.

"Ha-ha, we did it! We figured out how to unlock the other brides' catalysts. I can't believe the only way to unlock them is through physical intimacy, and my Darling and the bride's heart must be as one. At least I got my Darling's first time as the first wife," May's voice said from inside the room.

"Knock-knock," I knocked on the door again, trying to drown out the noise.

"Quiet down. Ms. Bledsoe, please do not say something so shameless out loud," the headmistress scolded May.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Please call me Mrs. Clark. I am my Darling's fiancée and bride," May said.

"Come in, but please be quiet," Headmistress Sue said, after telling everyone to be silent.

Sasha and I entered the office, and I began my report. "Headmistress Sue, we discovered that the False Queen was using an illusion to hide her true form and influence the students. We were able to break the illusion with the help of the amulet that Freya told us about in the dungeon."

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Sasha and I turned to see Aria, one of my other brides, standing there with Windy, our daughter, and Klare, my mother. Windy ran to us, squealing with excitement, "Mommy! Mama Sasha!"

Aria spoke, "I have news from the God of Magic. He requests that you and all your brides go to different kingdoms to take down the False Queen's cult and find the remaining brides. He believes that we are the only ones who can do it."

I nodded, "We will do whatever it takes to stop the False Queen and find the remaining brides."

As we discussed the latest developments, the headmistress mentioned, "Before you leave on your adventure, I would like to introduce you to my daughter."

After our successful meeting, Sasha and I were finally able to have our long-awaited date. As we walked hand in hand down the lively, cobblestone streets, the sounds and sights of the bustling city filled the air, and we felt truly alive. Eventually, we found a cozy little restaurant and decided to dine there, soaking up the romantic atmosphere as a live band played soothing jazz music in the background. Sitting across from each other at a small table, we perused the menu and ordered our favorite dishes, all the while chatting about our day.

As we waited for our food to arrive, I reached across the table and took Sasha's hand, gazing into her eyes with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. "Sasha, I'm so grateful to have you in my life. You make everything better just by being here with me," I said softly.

Sasha smiled, and I could feel my heart melt at her words. "I feel the same, Emily. You make every moment of my life brighter, and I couldn't be happier than I am right now, sitting here with you."

As our food arrived, we savored each bite, occasionally feeding each other small bites of our dishes, laughing and enjoying each other's company. After we finished eating, we decided to take a leisurely walk through the city streets, admiring the architecture and colorful street art. We stopped at a small park, sitting on a bench together, watching the stars twinkle above us.

Sasha leaned her head on my shoulder, and I felt a deep sense of contentment and love. "This has been the perfect date, Emily. Thank you for this," she said, looking up at me.

I wrapped my arm around Sasha, holding her close. "Anything for you, my love. I want to make every moment we have together special," I replied, kissing her forehead.

As the night wore on, we made our way back to my home, holding hands and exchanging sweet kisses along the way. When we arrived, we curled up on the couch together, listening to music and enjoying each other's company. Eventually, we retired to my bedroom, where we spent the night wrapped in each other's arms, sleeping soundly and feeling content in each other's embrace.

The next morning, Sasha woke up feeling different, almost as if something inside her had awakened. She sat up, feeling a strange energy coursing through her body, realizing that her catalyst had finally awakened, and that it was all thanks to me and our romantic evening together.

"Wake up, my Darling, my wand is vibrating and glowing," Sasha said, shaking me awake.

"That's wonderful, my darling Sasha. I can feel a sense of increased power flowing in me as well. I wonder who your catalyst will be?" I replied, sharing in Sasha's excitement.

Suddenly, Sasha's wand transformed into a beautiful merfolk beast-woman named Serena.

"Hello, I am Serena. I am your catalyst, Master Sasha," she introduced herself with a melodic and soothing voice. "I represent your fun-loving and protective traits."

"It's nice to meet you, Serena," Sasha greeted her.

I also sat up in bed and welcomed Serena, "Hello, Serena, it's great to meet you."

"Ahhh! My Queen! I have waited so long to see you again; I missed you so much!" Serena exclaimed before jumping into my arms.

"Excuse me, get off my Darling!" Sasha said with a hint of anger.

"You got to spend the night with our Queen, Master. I want to be held by our Queen as well," Serena argued with Sasha.

I laughed, enjoying the playful banter between Sasha and Serena. "Heh-heh, I can tell things are going to get even more exciting as we go on this adventure," I said, shrugging my shoulders.