Act 1 Chapter 5 Broken Families
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Beno’s POV

A few days have passed since the incident in the hospital. From what I heard, many people died in it because of the electrical failure. Though I don’t know why, but mom and dad have never visited me ever since that. Now, Marco is the only one left with me, he will always come and visit me whenever school ends. He would teach me what is taught at school.

He originally doesn’t even want to go there. He wants to be beside me and wait for our eventual end. But I told him I still wanted to learn. It is just… at least school is something to take things off our minds. We might not learn too much from it but… at least we won’t be thinking about death 24/7…

Speaking of which… just two days ago Adeline’s parents came to visit… and it wasn’t a good outcome…

“You murderer give back our daughter!” Adeline’s father crashed into my room yelling. I knew this would happen sooner or later, unlike Kevin or Luca, Adeline’s parents are very… close-minded. It is already a miracle that they let Adeline visit me even after Luca’s incident. They always think that Adeline joining us is already taboo. Now that she has died, they are dead sure that we are the cause of that, and since me and Marco are the only ones left alive, we are the prime target of that anger.

Seeing them yelling at me and cursing at me, I didn’t do anything. Because I know whatever I say will only make them even angrier…

I am glad that Marco isn’t here, otherwise he would be a target of anger too. He is already stressed enough, he doesn’t need the extra blaming on him.

“If Ady didn’t mingle with you heathens, she would still be alive and well! It is because of you and your outrageous club that she is now dead! How are you going to bring her back!” Adeline’s father continues to yell. It is also a miracle that there are no nurses restraining them or telling them to calm down.

Of course, with them yelling at me at this, I still said nothing. In a sense, I did in a way kill her. If she did not come to this hospital, she wouldn’t need to take a bath here, if I didn’t tell her about how she would die in my dream, she wouldn’t have used the bath here.

Seeing me all quiet and just looking down made the couple stop yelling at me. They now just looked at me in anger and just left without saying anything more.

I looked at their backs and did a defeated sigh. I know they are right, yet I can't do anything to pay them back for their loss…

Despite me being sorry, I know I can't do what they wanted me to do the most, bring her back, or die. Honestly, I don’t think that they want me to die, despite them saying it, if I die I feel like it would also cause them some stress too.

With a tired heart, I once again prayed to whatever god still exists, to please make this end soon. I am getting crazy from all of what is happening now… and what will happen in the future… one thing I am sure of is, that I will die, and that will be after Marco.

“Hey, Beno… when is it going to be our turn?” Marco asks suddenly. I… don’t even know how to answer it. It has been days since Adeline’s death yet I didn’t get any dreams about our deaths.

“I… don’t know… I have none of those dreams recently… only nightmares…” I said to him in which he just sighed.

“You know… you need to stop blaming yourself for their deaths. At this rate, you would kill yourself before whatever or whoever wants to kill you did it.” Marco said while patting my back.

“Maybe that is what they want… me to die of depression,” I said which made the room awkward.

“Speaking of which, you ever saw my parents, they haven’t visited ever since that day,” I asked Marco. He shook his head and I got my answer. It feels to me that they are avoiding me on purpose.

Maybe even they don’t want to associate with me anymore… that is understandable to be honest, staying near me just causes people to die… the last thing I want is to cause injury or even death to my family…

“You think we would be alive until graduation?” Marco asked again suddenly. While I want to think so, the current trend doesn’t seem to allow that. Yet…

“I do hope so, at least some of us should get the certificate for all of us… you know?” I said, in which we both laughs dryly after that.

The day continues with Marco teaching me what is taught at school. We joked around a lot before the sky turned dark when it is time for Marco to go home.

Right after Marco left, a huge loud sound happened at my door. After a while, it opened, showing my drunk father which is a huge shock for me. Dad had never drink before, the only exception is when inviting guests, but even then he would only drink one or two cups, from the looks at him now, he must have drank at least a few bottles of alcohol.

Honestly, I feel like the hospital’s security is on an absolute downfall… First, is Adeline’s parents rushing in and yelling, and now… my father’s coming in drunk… how did they even let someone who is drunk in?

“Da... dad?” I said, a bit scared at how he is moving right now. He is looking at me as if I am some sort of lifelong enemy that he wants to kill…

“Youuuuuuu shunnn of aahhhh baaatchhhhhht!” my father said before he start hitting me with his empty hand.

“Dad stop! You're drunk!” I said to him while trying my best to block his hand from hitting me with my remaining good hand.

“Ifsh it ishent bekos off dat beesh, Aih whould haf a behder sohn! And noth ah fahlure like youh!” he said as he hit me even more. Failure… he never said about that of me… is that really what he thinks?

“Dank godh dat seh ish death!Mahbe I cahn rehmarry shomeone elsh and finahly get a usefulh hire! You knowh mahybe youh should dieh so dat dere ish noh chanse you will get mah moneh!” my father said as he swing his hand holding the alcohol and it hit directly on my head. The bottle immediately breaks and the shards hurt me. Some of the shards cutting off the skin on my hand causing me to bleed.

“Die! Jush like your muther!” he said as he used the pointed part of the bottle to stab at me, luckily… the hit never came, as he collapses next to me vomiting… probably due to the drink.

After that he just left as if nothing happens… well, in reality, nothing happened to him, after all, he did not get hurt from any of the attacks just now I guess…

Me though, that is another story… I can feel my head splitting, blood flowing through my remaining useful eye, my vision turning red, both my arms hurt as hell, one of them or both of them bleeding.


I did nothing, I didn’t scream for help, I just… lay back down on the bed. Maybe if I die out of blood loss it might be a good thing. It would be bad for Marco but… please… just let me be selfish for this one time… I just want this journey of pain to end…

Sadly, after what feels like no longer than 5 minutes, a nurse and doctor quickly came in to patch me up. It really feels staged, as if they just let my… father to just come in, injure me, and get out. There isn’t anyone who even questioned this… the doctor even asked me who did this… how come you guys didn’t see him coming in…

But I decided to stay quiet… even though… my family is broken, I would still not want to hurt them. If… what my father said is true then… I would have killed my mother too… the last thing I want is to lose my remaining family.

The doctor tried to ask me who did this but I just answered it by saying it’s an accident. They asked more times but I didn’t change my answer, after that, they gave up and just focused on bandaging me. Luckily there are no glass shards in me that would require any operation. Which… I think… is a good thing as I am not sure if my father would even pay for it anymore…

Although I can’t see probably, but I am guessing I look like a mummy now… *sigh* sometimes I just wonder what did I do to deserve this fate. I think I have questioned this too many times recently, this can’t be good.

Soon, I just fell asleep, no crying, no thinking of random stuff, just… staring at the ceiling until I fell asleep.

“Good riddance, you should have died just now and joined us.” Luca said. Ah… these nightmares again… well at least they would only badmouth me… the last thing I need is for my nightmares to somehow damage me.

“If we could do that, you would die ten times already,” Kevin said, though Peter immediately added it would probably be a few more times than that, sometimes, I am glad to have these nightmares, seeing their face… even though they are hating me, it… feels better… at least I can still see them…

At least I won't be able to forget about them.

“If it is a normal people, I would say you are insane… but at least you still have your conscience after killing all of us,” Adeline said and I just nodded. Sometimes I feel these dreams I have is way better than real life… at least in here, nobody I trust would hurt me… my hand unconsciously moves to my bandaged head.

Somehow doing that, the ghosts of my previous friends just stop their yelling, scolding, and demeaning and just looked at me in pity. Adeline even come over and just gently rubbed her ghostly hands on me. Even though it is transparent, I can actually feel like she is actually touching me…

“Thank you…” I said as I closes my eyes again, ending the nightmare.

“Did we break him?” Adeline(?) said.

“Er… I sure hope we did not… I know we are set to inflict as much sadness and pain but… this isn’t what suppose to happen right?” Luca(?) said.

“Hell if I knew… I guess real life really can suck?” Kevin(?) said.

“Well doesn’t matter, how long do we have to do this again?” Luca(?) asked in which none of them replied. Then they all did a long sigh and left the area.

“I sure hope what we are doing here helps you in your next life… she told us that it will help you… I doubt it but…” Adeline(?) mumbles as she also leaves with the others.

This is supposed to be the chapter for last Thursday... but since i forgot about it so here we are a double chapter!

We are close to the grand finale of this act~ (nope)