Chapter 30: I will get that Title.
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||QUEST: Kill ‘Vorhees’ using any means. 

Reward: A New Title. 

Failure: Death of the Main Body.||


A quest?

I like that sound quite a bit.

“Levin. Let’s get started~”

I had a sadistic smile on my face as my red eye started to glow.

“Wh-what?! How am I supposed to get started?”

“Run up the building behind us, and follow my lead.”

Sparks lit up around us, Levin did a quick turn and started running. We raced up the skyscraper’s side, lightning flickering behind us. Vorhees followed soon after, it almost looked like it was gliding using wheels under its feet.

I suddenly took control and pushed my foot against the building, sending us flying through the air.

“Wait- Cyn?!”

I started warping my half of our body. Our sparks of red, white, and light-blue disconnecting and ripping apart. Our bodies defused and Levin went flying toward the ground.


“Levin, remember! Follow my lead!”

He spun around in an instant and bolted through the streets of the city. I followed after him, flying in between the buildings. I could see the traces of his white and blue electricity as he zigzagged back and forth. Right behind him was Vorhees, its arm started transforming, creating this long chain-like blade that solidified itself almost into some kind of great sword.

Airships started catching up and following behind me.

“Ode send a message to Levin for me.”

<On it.>


<Levin take a right, left, forward, left, forward, right, forward, get onto the building’s wall, and then jump into the air.>

“That’s a little much… w-will I be fine?”


Levin’s speed increased as he attempted to lose Vorhees. He took the intended route and ran on the side of the skyscraper before leaping up into the air. After a few seconds I flew straight into him, instantly merging us together, a quick white flash going off as it happened.

We went flying toward the ground, the second Levin’s foot touched the ground he immediately jumped to Mach One.

“Nice timing Levin~!”




A holographic display appeared in front of us as Levin ran. It was a square green panel, radar markings going in a grid pattern across it. There were small red markers on it, and an arrow indicating our location.

“What’s that?”

“It’s a map that has a tracker pinpointing Vorhees. That should make it easier to navigate the city right?”

Levin was silent for a second before he spoke up.

“That’s amazing Cyn!”

I felt our speed increase again as he jumped to Mach Two… sonic booms rippled behind us shattered the glass on the skyscrapers. The windshields of the vehicles in pieces, lights sparking and crackling. Paper blown everywhere, everything facing our aftermath was being destroyed.

Levin eyed the map carefully.


“Huh-? What is it Levin?”

“Just watch.”

Levin made a series of cuts and turns until we got to this curved street. He upped his gear to Mach Ten, we started lapping ourselves in circles. I looked at the map to see that Vorhees and the airships were inside this circle Levin was forming. I looked around us to see that lightning had started to swarm the surrounding area. Of course the damage was insane, he was even making a line in the concrete where he was running.


I watched as the electricity rose up, creating a mountainous wall. Platinum blue lightning bolts started surging up from the ground and into what was almost a vortex.

The lightning shot out toward the airships, piercing and completely obliterating them.


“This is far enough…”

Risible sighed as he let Esther down off his back.

“They’ll be fine right?”

“Well… yeah. Probably.”

A giant holographic screen behind them lit up red as it started streaming an emergency broadcast.

An elf with silver hair and green eyes appeared on the screen, her eyes were cybernetic and pulsed as they changed colors based on her mood and words. She had a red ribbon in her hair and she had this white, black, and green blouse. Around her neck was a white-gray scarf and she had these two sharp metallic things pointing up behind her ears.

“Breaking News! Your favorite reporter Laviel here~! Captain Vorhees is currently engaged in combat with two of the wanted individuals! They appear to be making this electrical vortex in Sector Seven, lightning is going everywhere! Make sure to place your bets everyone~”

A large crowd of elves started running over to these booths lined on both sides of the street.

“The Captain easily wins~”

“Is this even a bet?”

“CV’s been at it for forty years, no way he loses.”

Risible and Esther stared at the screen as lightning started charging up in the vortex again.

“Crush them Cyn.”

Esther’s expression was more on the grim side. Her eyes almost appeared to be glowing.

Which sent a bit of a shiver down Risible’s spine.


Fire and metal rained down on the enclosed part of the city.

“Levin could you keep up this vortex and supply cover fire while I take him on directly?”

“What? Why are you quiet?”

“W-well I might accidentally hit you with it hehe…”

I sighed and defused from Levin quickly.


I flew upward, getting an aerial view on Vorhees who was now patiently standing in the center of the vortex.

What’s he doing?

Why is he just waiting there?

I moved a little closer, I could see pieces of his arm moving slightly.

His right arm was transforming and warping created this almost cannon-like appearance, but it also looked like a… demolition hammer?

Vorhees raised his arm before he slammed it into the ground, which after a few seconds caused this seismic pulse to go out across the area. It reached Levin which threw him off balance, making him slam through a few buildings… dust and debris shooting out from where he collided. The lightning vortex dispersed, the skyscrapers rattling slightly.

The glass across the area shattered. The buildings crashed to the ground, sending dust everywhere with a loud boom.

The smoke clouded my vision, I put my arm up to try blocking it. Then the next thing I knew I was being thrown into the ground. My body repulsed as the ground under me cracked and exploded.

My body laid there as heavy footsteps approached me.

I then heard this static type of noise before I heard a mechanically distorted voice.

“You remind me. Of that gunman.”

The six eyes on Vorhees’s head shined as the dust cleared away. The green beams staring directly into my soul.

A few seconds passed before he raised his arm.

“You met the same fate.”

I tried moving my body, but it was stuck in the cement.

Could I change quickly enough to escape?

I mean if I was merged with Levin then maybe…


A man slid under Vorhees’s legs at blinding speeds, slight sparks in the air.

“I still hate you ya massive prick~”

The man raised this long weapon, I saw an electrical charge powering up in the center through this long split barrel. There wasn’t a bullet, but a rod…?

I heard a loud boom as the rod shot up and pierced into the center of Vorhees. The metal around his chest exploded, its orange power core crushed and shattered, cutting all power to it.

Its arms dropped limply, its body fell backward with slight groaning noises. Then with a loud thud, it hit the ground. Dust scattered around the pile of metal, its eyes stared at me before going dark.


I looked at the man again to see he had yellow-green, white, and light-blue sparks circling around him. There was a railgun steaming in his hand and his eyes glowed separate colors. He had an ear of wheat hanging slightly out of his mouth, with this purple cowboy type hat that covered his whole head. The man had a black dress shirt with a yellow-green tie that loosely hung around his neck. He had a dark blue vest on and these three small strands of hair sticking out from his hat. They were yellow-green, white, and light-blue. He had these black dress shoes and these black pants, the last thing I noticed was that he had a 1970s remington rifle strapped to his back.

“Yo Cyn, we made it right?”

“Deadeye… and Levin?”


I pulled my arm up with a decent amount of force, shattering the concrete. I stood up and brushed my clothes off before walking toward them.

My body felt a little stiff as I stretched my arms.

“When did you get here Deadeye?”

“A minute or so ago, I couldn’t let you guys take all the credit for this bastard now could I?”

We laughed a little, our surroundings were completely decimated.


“Haaaaah?! Captain Vorhees’s core has been pierced!”

Laviel was in shock as her eyes swapped between a bunch of colors.

They jumped from green to red in a fury, but then they swapped to pink as hearts appeared in her eyes. She started making random chatter about us standing there, then her eyes swapped to a dark blue as she talked about how it could have happened.

“Wait, that one looks kind of cute… and he’s strong since he took down Vorhees. Oh- but how did they do that? Ahh~ there's too much to talk about~”

“Vorhees lost…?”

“Huh?! I bet all my money on him…”

“This is just a dream right?”

Esther and Risible then heard a loud clicking noise come from the screen as Laviel snapped her fingers.

“Sadly for our wanted cuties, but they still haven’t defeated Vorhees~”

She shrugged her shoulders and sighed.

“Now for the first time in elven history we get to see a super reactor core used on a mech! And not just any mech~ The very first, the only one with sentience, Vorhees~!”

Laviel was smiling and clapping her hands together as the crowd roared.

“A super reactor core?!”

“Let’s go, I'm not broke haha!”

“You mean that one that was rumored?! We get to see it?!”

Her eyes then changed colors to a dark purple.

“Now if everyone could turn around and face Cyconis, in the sky you’ll get to see a special miracle~”

Risible and Esther turned around…

There was a bright metallic gleam coming from a leaf of the world tree.


Somewhere in the world tree there were a few elves flipping switches.

“Is the super reactor core ready?”


Another two elves clicked keyboards while a third started cranking a lever.

“Preparing launch in… three… two… one…”

Six small switches were flicked up, causing this small hatch to open up. A small spherical orange orb shot down at a high speed toward Vorhees’s corpse.

“Attempting to fuse Vorhees and the super reactor.”


I sighed heavily before turning toward Deadeye and Levin.

“I really need to get more skills… I feel like I’m underwhelming compared to everyone else now…”

Deadeye and Levin defused, Deadeye jumped in between both of us and wrapped his arms around our shoulders.

“Don’t be, you’re already plenty strong.”

I smiled as we slowly started walking away.

<Cyn Vorhees isn’t—!>

I quickly turned around to see an orange flash of light, some sort of orb slammed into Vorhees’s corpse. I saw this orange lightning sparking as its body started transforming again. New body parts formed as it rose up from the ground shakily.

Every part of its destroyed body reforming and becoming polished again. An orange glow appeared in his previously dim eyes. A dark visor formed, the eyes merging into a beam of orange on either side. New armor pieces were molded onto his body, his arm made clinking and clanking noises as it started transforming itself into… a railgun?!

“This… was the weapon you just used. Right?”

The railgun started charging with orange sparks as a titanium steel rod… formed inside of it?

Wait- formed?

The rod shot out and before I could even react it slammed through me, my chest completely ripping open. The ground behind me was pulverized as I looked down to my left, large gushes of simulated blood fell and splattered on the ground.

“You’re fucking kidding me.”

My eyes started glowing red as my body shook a little.


A giant aura flowed out from my body making Deadeye and Levin immediately jump back. My body warped, the remaining slime flowing back and rebuilding to its previous state.


I overlapped my hands, my palms facing each other with the fireball in the center. I started condensing it… further and further, making it around the size of a marble. The surface was smooth and the air around it started this kind of suction inward.

“This whole continent has a serious problem with choosing me as your target.”