Chapter 15: Cat Enjoys the Show
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“*sigh* Maybe I should have spoken slowly so they could understand me? They clearly weren’t able to understand me with how they were acting… It truly is hard to understand those lesser beings.” <Mother>

The dragoness couldn’t help shaking her head when she remembered those simple minded drakes and simple minded hoomans; unable to even answer her simple question. Acting like they just got out from the cold hyperborean waters. Pale faced with their bodies shivering just from trying to perform the simple act of answering the question of the woman who cut their leader in half then cut their attempts to beg for mercy with said question.

<Actually… Do warmbloods go pale or all red when they are cold? I can never remember the small details it seems *sigh*.>

Thus, still with no directions, she had no choice but to choose a random direction to begin heading in and which direction would be better than the one which had already been opened up. Taking full advantage of her previous attack - she began walking alongside the crevice she had left behind. Unsurprisingly this also meant she had a very quiet trip (except for the occasional loose rock or “tree” crumbling).

Nobody - sentient or not - seemed particularly keen on sticking around the newly formed landmark thus she ran into no one. Something she didn’t really mind as it allowed her to enjoy the musky oaken & mossy scents that one could only find in an untended forest. There was also the occasional noxious gas yet she was easily able to adapt to those.

She found herself actually enjoying the peace and quiet. There was certainly a lot to enjoy about no one angrily trying to pick a fight with you - even more so with no one actually challenging her due to looking down on her. Although she got that rude awakening… At least she wasn’t as weak as that riff raff.

“There is something nice plus I believe I am starting to get a whiff of that ever so pleasant ocean smell that I do so love; may also be some other noxious gas but who am I to judge ohohoho!” <Mother>

Despite several days having gone by (since she went on a rampage much to the despair of the drakes) she still managed to keep her optimism on an all time high. An amazing feat considering literally nothing had happened since she left the settlement. She had not even managed to get anything to really eat due to not having much experience in gathering food that wasn’t a crustacean.

Thankfully she also showed no signs of getting hungry so was more than happy to ignore the lack of multi-legged & exoskeleton wearing friends.

<It’s a shame there is no luxury food to be had… Well there was something that looked similar to those crabs and lobsters daddy likes but they were way too squishy. Not to mention they strangely had no claw pincers in addition to way too many eyes->

Her thoughts cut off as she found herself walking over yet another hill that was sliced through - the fissure still having not shown any signs of tapering off - only to finally see the blue beyond. Finding herself finally stopping in her endless pursuit as the wind swiftly blew past, hair billowing, the scent of salt was carried through and promptly filled her nostrils. All tension appeared to leave her in that brief moment as she soon turned her senses to what she could view from below.

A vast city seemed to be bustling with countless dragons of various types in addition to an endless series of spirit beasts that the rookie goddess stood no chance of recognising. She understood the features of the most important clans, such as the 4 guardian beasts or the Bloodleaf, nevertheless that did not exactly help her with that endless series of randoms.

The only reason she was able to tell apart the dragons was due to her being one herself.

Even then she could hardly say she knew about every different subsection of dragon; a fact that was proven from her lack of knowledge about that Goldoak family from the boonies. Dragons were the race that were most famed for their adaptability which allowed so many different variants to be developed due to ecosystems that the sheltered Alice could not even imagine. Yet there would also be other beasts that formed in those very same ecosystems so there was truly no limit to the possibilities.

Something that seemed to have been represented in the city itself as there were a truly endless amount of styles which all came together to form the buildings inside. There were no walls protecting the municipality since it would be cowardly for a dragon-run civilization to hide behind anything. However, all across the city, there were countless courtyards that had varying walls.

Some even appeared to put significant importance on their wall (protective or not); like how dragons take great pride in their scales.

<Of course my potential scales are best.>

Even the various roofs displayed the vast number of different cultures that were being proudly represented within the city thanks to it being a rich trade hub. Unlike many dragons, who would look upon such a diverse city with disgust, she felt a certain warmth. Her eyes likely sparkling under her eyelids.

The sight brought to mind the truly infinite possible traditions & species that became probable in the endless expanse of the little slice they called existence. A notion which may bring many of her race to snort - looking down on the “pitiful races” who will do or believe in anything. To her it was like the beautiful realisation she could have achieved.

It was sort of ruined by the fact half of it had mysteriously vanished before she ever reached the hill; however she decided that it had always been like that. All those people running around trying to drag things and people out the hole in a rescued effort that seemed to have gone on for a few days? That was all just in her imagination thus there was no guilt to feel over the situation.




| Why are you sighing? |
| I personally find her screw ups to be quite amusing~. |
| Won’t someone please think of the children! |

“Well, by luck, she ended up in the city where the girl originally came from…” <Cheshire>

| That works well. |
| One step closer! |
| She’s clearly the protagonist. |

“Only problem is… She is currently on the other side of the continent.” <Cheshire>

| Ooo~ that’s gonna hurt… |
| At least she could get some clues? |
| Detective arc! |
||| To the brothel! |||

“The brothel was indeed in the city.” <Cheshire>

||| Was? |||

“Yes, on the eastern side, located right where there is currently a massive aperture into the core of the very planet that is about to bubble over with manga.” <Cheshire>

||| Yikes~! |||

“Hmm… Actually it seems like half of the place still exists and ironically only the section with the guests has been destroyed chehehehihihi~!” <Cheshire>

| Justice has been served! |
| Protagonist powers have been activated! |
| Down with the bourgeoisie! |
||| NYAHAHAHA! |||

“Now what will happen in this episode nyah~!”  <Cheshire>




Alice obviously wasn’t paying attention to what the cat may think as she slowly walked down the hill towards her first sign of civilization. Deciding that the prior settlement didn’t count on account of it being mostly focused on the exploitation of the mortal hoomans. A scene that she categorically refused to be her first experience of the world above the waves which she had always dreamed of.

Of course, it didn’t take long for her to arrive, quickly finding herself basking in the chaos of sophistication as many beasts in humanoid & true forms were bustling around. Some nearly hit her - some arrogant hatchlings seemed to be doing so on purpose, thinking her blind - yet she promptly gilded around anything in her way like a dolphin swimming under moonlight. Gracefully flickering between the on going disorder whenever she came across a crowd or attempted to knock her down.

There were also some perverts as well as pickpockets yet she hardly cared enough to focus on the minute differences between insignificant people.

She did not actually care for the specific people in the city (all of them could die and she would not so much as change her expression) although their races may care if they went extinct. To her it was more the potential being realised combined with what could be realised in the future that intrigued her. Having her senses taking in each of the details as well as the purpose of everything around her.

“Ara~ ara~ really it is amazing what could be created due to stealing from mortals~.” <Mother>

It was a truth that no one could refute due to being categorically true; the beasts of the overworld essentially took over what once belonged to mortals (other than humans that didn’t exist yet)…

Or at least she thought that was the case.

Suddenly the street froze as everyone turned to look towards her with tension at a all time high.

<I wonder if they have krill here~!>

She, once again, didn’t care.