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Early evening Orario, outside the Hostess of Fertility.

As Strahd and Goddess Rhongomyniad walked out of the entrance of the pub, the attractive waitress Syr opened one of the two entry doors ajar; with a closed eye smile addressing them.

"Thank you for your patronage. Um." Shyly, she made eye contact with Strahd as the departing duo turned to face her. Coyly she finally exclaimed;

"See you later Captain Strahd. Please come back soon!"

Strahd playfully winked; "You can count on that!"

"It's a promise then. Huehue." She giggled shortly in return; purposely ignoring the strong gaze coming from Artoria. And promptly headed back to work.

Turning back towards his king with a nonchalant smile and a glimmer in his eyes, Strahd inquired; "How was it, my King?"

Holding her lion helmet by her side, she smiled faintly;

"The meal was indeed worthy of your praise Sir Strahd." "How did you come to know of this establishment?"

Looking into Strahd's contemplating face; her expression was stoic but her noble eyes displayed underlying intrigue.

"Hmmm." A mischievous expression passed his dashing features. In a teasing tone he responded; "For now, it's a secret."

"For now?" She softly teased all the while maintaining her royal composure.

Stretching his arms upwards, yawned, and took a step forward on the brick street spoke; "Yeah, it'd be better to wait."

Nodding her head in understanding, she stately walked alongside him. She inquired; "Sir Strahd, what's your information on possible Inns to stay at?"

With a confident smile on his face. He answered; "Absolutely none."

Looking at him with surprise for a second; she chuckled, and gave a radiant smile briefly; "Then lead on O' summoner."


Orario at an Inn near the Guild building, late evening.

In front of two numbered inn rooms; two keys, a sheet of status paper in hand, stood Strahd and goddess Rhongomyniad in silent thought over the day's events; till Strahd shifted his gaze to look into his king's stunning, flawless face.

Looking into his goddess's lime green eyes. Strahd shamelessly inquired in a seductive, low, over the top voice; "My king, would you grace me with your Falna tonight?"

Her usual regal, serene disposition made way to an amused smile; "Phfff, haha. Sure, Sir Strahd, I will grant you this boon." After hearing her response; Strahd's heart noticeably quickened, he smiled softly all the while with butterflies in his stomach.

Reaching out he unlocked one of the two rooms, and went in. The inside was primarily made out of wood, and had well cared for humble furniture and accessories. Sitting on the bedside, he froze as he realized his clothing predicament.

Goddess Rhongomyniad sat down beside him, tilting her head from noticing the slight indecision. Strahd sighed. Shaking his head with a slight smile, he commanded his Ringwraith armor to return into his treasury.

Now just in his gray boxers, he turned to directly face his king.

Goddess Rhongomyniad, thoughtfully scanned his body; once his armor vanished. As he faced her, she had a sparkle in her eyes as they made eye contact. As they did so they looked into each other's eyes deeply for a moment.

Breaking away first, Goddess Rhongomyniad cleared her throat; "Sir Strahd, you'll need to turn around with your back facing me." Blushing, Strahd silently did so.

Pricking her finger with a nearby letter opener, from the desk. She began the bestowal of Falna.

A radiant golden glow, illuminated the room, originating from Strahd's back during the divine process. After goddess Ryhongomyniad finished granting him her blessing; a golden tattoo crest of a Lion's face over a sword and spear remained on his back.

Taking the nearby paper, she pressed it against his back. After waiting a couple of seconds, words appeared and these were it:



Strahd de Veritae Lv. 1

Strength: 10

Endurance: 10

Dexterity: 10

Agility: 10

Magic: Ex


Renard - [Magic: Vulpes Nova/Vulpes Buster]

Vulpes Nova: Creates a sphere that then fires out an enormous unlockable beam of light which destroys everything in its path.

Vulpes Buster: Weakened version of Vulpes Nova. It creates a sphere that then fires out several beams of light, which home in on the target before engulfing them in a huge explosion.


[Spiritual attack nullification]

Skill that completely negates effects on the mind and Spiritual Body.

[Magicule Breeder Reactor]

Is a skill that allows the user to infinitely generate magicules. It also makes the user capable of using the densest possible type of energy in the world called "Stardust" energy.

[Thought acceleration]

It significantly increases the user's thought processing speed. The acceleration varies from a few hundred times to millions or even hundreds of millions times depending on the individual.

[Mana burst]

It's infusing one's weapons and body with Magical Energy and also the ability to instantly expel it. Simply put, recreating the effect of a jet burst by expending large amounts of Magical Energy.


Looking over his Status Paper, she gently smiled. Calling out softly, in her noble voice; "Sir Strahd, it's finished."