Chapter 2
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After reading the skill description several times, Nate finally calmed down. The sparse skill description did not delight him much, and moreover, besides that, the skill's cooldown was too long.

Finally, he no longer hoped to escape the cult with the help of the skill. He already had a plan, although not a very good one. The thing was that he and Arios went out on missions several times every week. He just needed to wait for the right moment.

"I have no other options, if I were stronger it would be easier."

Saying this, his gaze fell again on the other window in front of him. Judging by how he got points, he needed to kill. Yes, this was a way to become stronger, and such an attitude in this world was not something abnormal because the world had already changed.

He himself needed to adapt, otherwise he would die quickly. Although he had to do it, the question was what or who would be his target. This is where his moral principles could be learned.

He had to think about it later. For now, the main thing was to behave carefully and more transparently. This would be extremely difficult for him, considering the character of the previous owner. Nate already knew what cruel deeds he had done, and what his attitude towards others was. Of course, he feared his masters, but aside from them, he displayed extreme arrogance towards others.

This character clearly did not refer to Nate, what else could be expected from a regular worker?

Sighing deeply and accepting that he would have difficult situations in the future, Nate shifted his attention to the room. This room was also dark and damp like the outside. If you looked closely, you could see several insects crawling on the walls and floor. Seeing these creatures sent a shiver down Nate's spine. Feeling unwell, he finally decided to start searching everywhere.

Although memories suggested to him that there was nothing useful in this place, he still continued his search. By the end of his search, he finally confirmed the memories.

And so he sat on a small bed and waited. He could not sleep properly as the sight of these insects and the damp environment did not give a sense of security. Moreover, he needed to be very careful and pay attention to what was happening around him.

It often happened that the night patrol in the middle of the night found and exterminated cult members or the cult itself.

The Night Patrol was one of the important organizations created by humans. Their main job, as the name suggests, was to protect the night when dangerous creatures become active.

This organization itself was very strong, as there were many influential and powerful people among them. Moreover, the main requirement to join these people was the ability to awaken genes with a minimum structure of type C.

Considering that there were 6 types of such structures, from S to E. Type C was not a low requirement.

According to the memories, the weakest level of type E were people like Nate's predecessor. Moreover, now he was also like that. This type had an extremely low potential, which is why almost 95% of people with a higher level type rejected them.

Yes, they were not an exception in that they could not become stronger, but the amount of effort and time would be enormous compared to higher types. It didn't end there, due to the introduction of the elixir, the mortality rate from the adaptation of the elixir to the organism was very high for the E-type structure.

Although a method of accumulation was invented through generations to create a better gene structure. As always, people did not use it for good but began to build more conspiracies and tricks on it.

As a result, even if someone bought drugs so that their offspring would have more potential, it did not always end well. According to some ideas, people wanted to make type E disappear through evolution, but even after 100 years, nothing changed. The further it went, the more a new worldview took root.

After that, it would be ridiculous to use such words that people are born equal. Even Nate, who came from another world, could say that people are always born unequal. And in this dangerous world, it is more evident that those who have no potential are simply garbage for others, and that's it.

However, even leaning towards evil, Nate's predecessor remained an ordinary person. Although he was made stronger by the cult members, however, it was only to some extent. And also without harm to themselves, Nate saw the scene when the predecessor joined this place.

At that time, he was given a dark liquid to drink, after which the predecessor became quite strong. However, this was only a small strength compared to others.

Although Nate tried to be on his guard and listen to the sounds outside, his thoughts still began to drift away. He already imagined what they would do if he was allowed to escape from the cult and this place.

Taking over this body, Nate also became a criminal who would certainly be hunted by the Night Patrol. On one side, the Night Patrol, on the other side, the cultists. Moreover, there is a third and fourth party. The Abyss and dangerous creatures all over the world. Where could he find a safe place for himself?

The only option is to live covertly and in secluded places until he becomes stronger. Fortunately for him, the cult's base was near one of the major cities, which could be accessed using a secret passage made by people in the sect.

He couldn't just go and enter the city, as the entire city was surrounded by huge and powerful walls, in addition to which a force field was installed covering the entire city. And such a phenomenon here was not a rarity.

Although humans possessed half the planet and were constantly fighting with the other half consumed by the Abyss, they still needed to create extremely safe zones for raising their warriors for battle.

However, even so, they did not manage to hide one hundred percent from dangerous beasts and from traitors. Because of this, the Night Patrol was created.

Nate needed to sneak into the city, get rid of Arios, and hide in the city. It was also possible to survive outside the city, but he didn't have enough strength for that yet.

According to some memories, the Obsidian Veil cult had been in the spotlight lately. Because of this, he had to go on missions more often. That's when he will have the opportunity.

But again, the question was whether he could overcome Arios.

Mentally looking at his status, he remembered some people in the experimental room.

"Can I get points only from people or also from other creatures..."

When he was already thinking about a bad choice, he suddenly wondered if it was possible to get points from creatures other than humans. He would not have to ruin his conscience to survive.

And so, deciding this, tomorrow he will go to one place to find out about it.

Immersing himself in his thoughts more and more, he didn't even know when he dozed off.


The next day, the door was opened and he was roughly awakened, it was a man in the same black robe as him. It turned out that Arios had ordered him to go to the experiment room again to clean up.

Hearing this, Nate barely contained his vomit and headed there. Soon the stench hit him in the face again, he had to endure it and do as he was told.

Finally, after finishing everything, he ran out of that room as if he were running away. After that, he had to put his mentality in order and go to eat, during which he almost vomited.

There was a terrifying silence in the dining room, although there were dozens of people in black robes silently eating.

After finishing his meal, Nate headed to the place he wanted to go to yesterday. Passing through different corridors, the eerie atmosphere only intensified without the awareness of the locals, affecting their psyche.

As he approached the door, a guard stood there, dressed in black like him. However, this person covered his face completely with rags, and he had a sword in his hand.

Seeing Nate coming, he did nothing, which corresponded to the memories.

When Nate passed by the guard and opened the door, it was as if he had entered hell. This place was the preparation area for ingredients for experiments. A huge place filled with various old animals in cages. They all screamed and were kept in cages, which gave the impression that Nate had entered hell itself.

At the front end of this room stood several large tables with various tools. At this time, a man in black raised an ax in his hand and abruptly brought it down, separating a chicken's head from its body.

When Nate approached this place, enduring the unpleasant sensations, the man seemed to notice him and looked at him.

"I came for the replacement."

According to the memories, the predecessor often came here to satisfy his perverted needs. Confirming this, the man in black lowered the ax and then stepped aside.

Nate took his place and picked up another ax, although he didn't want to do anything, but he had to.

Holding the head of an animal resembling a chicken, he swung and cut off the head. However, what he expected did not happen. He had to kill several more animals and finally instructions appeared before his eyes.

[Received 1 Attribute Point]
[Received 1 Extraction Point]

Feeling the blood on his hands, he was clearly gradually losing his composure. Putting the ax back, he left this room. After cleaning his hands of blood, he returned to his room.

At this time, he was not ready to do so much, because he clearly felt the influence of this on his psyche.

Calming down for some time, he planned a few days ahead.

Getting a little used to it, he spent the next three days as planned. In the morning he went to the experiment room to clean up there, after which dinner and then became an animal killer.

After three days, he finally earned some points on his panel.

[Name: Nate

Body: 4 [+]
Spirit: 5 [+]
Awakening: Absent



Attribute Points: 12 (You can add points to increase Body or Spirit)

Extraction Points: 12 (You can use points to get a random skill)


Required number of points to extract a random skill needed: 100]

Looking at his points, his gaze shifted to the requirement to get a random skill. The figure 100 contrasted sharply with 1.

Sighing, he started adding all the points to Body, immediately followed by a feeling of growing strength in his body.

It took 6 points for Body to reach 10, but Nate noticed that after 10 points, it took 2 points to increase Body by 1.

"The more I add, the more points will be needed for it."

However, even without this, he felt very good with 13 Body points. Since it was three times stronger than before.

He was also convinced of this after starting intense exercise. If he had such strength in the previous world, it would be at the peak or even slightly surpass the human level.

But now he was still far from others who had awakened with the help of an elixir. They could bend metal with their bare hands like plasticine, not to mention superpowers and superhuman people.

Nate also planned to do the same thing all these days. However, the morning of the next day ruined his plans. Early in the morning, 15 people were gathered, among them were 13 people dressed in black and two in red.

One of them was Arios, and now they were assigned a task they had to perform. Arios did not share the details of the task, they only ordered to follow him.

For Nate, this was an obvious chance, but he was not as sure as before. Because he gradually understood the difference between the strong and the weak in this world.

In these three days, he came across one incident, he saw a man in red punch through the heart of a man in black.

He himself did not know the details of why this happened, but some rumors circulated after this in the quiet dining room. Saying that this person was clearly trying to do something to take the place of the man dressed in red. But the other side exposed him and immediately finished him off.

And the method was extremely direct, punching through the body. Now, even when Nate added points to Body, he could not say for sure how strong he was compared to the elders.

Walking among the crowd of people like him, they went through the dark corridors, after which the dark corridors changed to bumpy ones. Walking for some more time, a light gradually appeared before Nate's eyes. Gradually approaching, Nate realized that this seemed to be the exit from the sect.

The location of the sect was in a hidden cave, and very close to the city. It was surprising that the Night Patrol had not found this place until now.

Going outside, everyone began to take off their robes, changing into simple armor. Nate also saw from the memories that these armor were from the city market. The outfit vaguely resembled a police uniform, but it was more reinforced and lacked the word "police."

Putting on the armor, Nate still occasionally looked at Arios so as not to lose sight of him.

After they all prepared, two men in black approached them. They carried boxes, put them in front of this group of people and turned away. Arios opened a box to reveal weapons inside, there was something similar to an ordinary pistol. However, the pistol clearly glowed slightly. Besides the two pistols, the others were daggers or swords.

Nate, after reviewing the memories, understood what these weapons were. They were created by a mechanic with superpowers. These weapons were modified based on the ordinary, significantly increasing their killing power. In this era, the awakening of human bodies gave them the strength to withstand the recoil of powerful weapons.

But it also strengthened their defense, making it extremely difficult to kill even a novice awakened with ordinary bullets.

Soon the cold weapons were divided among all the people, and the two pistols fell into the hands of Arios and his colleague.

All preparations were quickly completed, after which they all headed towards the city.

"It seems this time the task should be more dangerous and larger in scope," Nate muttered to himself and concluded. Because according to previous outings, there were not so many people at the same time. And the preparation was higher.

It took half an hour to pass through the dangerous forest and approach the city. Where something similar to a truck usually stood near.

Arios and his colleague sat in front, and the others began to sit in the back. Nate felt the truck start, and then began to accelerate.

Leaning against the wall, he looked around inside the truck. Fortunately, there was light inside, so if anyone attacked, he could react.

"Or maybe I should attack..."