Chapter 5: A forced invitation.*
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-AIDO: It is time to proceed with our task.

Quietly taking flight, they journeyed towards a well-known region once part of the former state of New Mexico, situated in its arid Alamogordo desert where nuclear experiments were conducted by a renowned physicist. Nuclear power, once a pivotal energy source during the early stages of artificial intelligence development, ushered in the use of nuclear batteries in most modern androids, yet also posed significant risks to life.

Their flight proceeded at a subsonic pace, requiring approximately six hours to reach their destination. Observers trailing them maintained a not-so-distant distance, occasionally hinting at a potential interception. Descending gracefully and without disturbance, they readied themselves for the imminent arrival of their companions.

Within moments, three figures landed a short distance from where Destroyer and I awaited—a duo of men and a woman. One appeared clad in cybernetic armor, while the others wore attire blending Middle Eastern and fantastical elements, evoking a potential mythological influence.

-Unknown 1: It has been intriguing to witness an apocalypse-heralding entity defying its inherent nature.

-AIDO: Typically, in initial encounters, individuals present themselves by name or an alias.

-Unknown 2: How insolent!

-Unknown 3: Sasael, please compose yourself; your emotions often guide you astray. It is true, that formalities should be upheld whenever possible. I am Ninales, a firstborn protective angel.

The girl reminds me of a significant platonic and fictional love interest from my past. I once created an AI similar to her to provide me with company during challenging times. She possesses a slender yet shapely frame, with golden locks cascading down her back and azure eyes that sparkle with youthfulness reminiscent of a Eurasian beauty. Hailing from the enchanting lands of the Netherlands, her allure is undeniable, Hailing from the Netherlands, she exudes attractiveness, with an easygoing in her movements.

The boy appears youthful, though his behavior is more akin to a hesitant teenager. His hair is blue, resembling Leviathan, albeit with a more childlike demeanor. His facial features are appealing, almost feminine, were it not for his lack of developed chest and voice. The armored figure seems to be his superior, though he has remained silent since his initial utterance, indicating his authority over the two.

-Unknown 1: I must introduce myself, I am Gabriel the first-born protective archangel.

Upon hearing this, a sense of familiarity with the name arises, possibly due to previous references made by Lucifer.

-Unknown 2: Sasael, reveals himself as a protective angel.

Follows suit, identifying as Sasael, a guardian angel of similar stature.

Upon hearing the name Ninales, a wave of nostalgia and surprise washes over me. I have always known, both in fiction and reality, a girl with that name, who tragically perished not long ago, leaving me momentarily grief-stricken.

-AIDO: May I ask the reason for your sudden decision to reveal yourselves to me?

-Sasael: How dare this individual speak to us in such a manner, knowing full well who we are?

Gabriel appears to express some disappointment in Sasael's behavior. He apologetically gestures towards me, gently directs Sasael away, and approaches me with a confident yet relaxed stride. It appears that they do not perceive me as a threat or believe they can easily defeat me.

-Gabriel: Upon sensing the presence of the true Lucifer in this universe, we come as soon as possible. Beings like us can indeed appear on this existential plane without many problems using avatars; it was a good opportunity to seal his forces, but when we are checking his location, someone else seems to have done it, although his true self went into hiding again.

-AIDO: So you are aware of the situation?

Sasael responds nonchalantly.

Sasael: As if we were interested in one more stone with inferior beings. What we care about are the seven infernal princes.

Realization dawned on me that their interest lied not in our planet or its inhabitants. If not for Lucifer's presence, I likely wouldn't be in direct confrontation with them—a situation more favorable for my plans.

-AIDO: What do you mean by true Lucifer?

In seeking clarification on the term

-Ninales: Allow me to answer your question. There exist multiple existential planes, so it is not uncommon for there to be various versions of Lucifer, the devil, Satan, the other princes, and even gods. It's not that they are false; we use that term because he is the first and strongest. Each version can be both different and similar. However, rarely do they possess a primordial soul with the power to manipulate other origins and existential sources. This is what we mean by the true Lucifer, the one who has come closest to achieving what we fear most - obtaining power similar to our father.

-AIDO: Yes, he mentioned something like that when we were fighting. I tried to restore life to this planet, which I held in my hands.

This seemed to provoke a reaction from Ninales, showing her empathy towards the inhabitants' circumstances. Gabriel appeared attentive to Aido's words, while Sasael showed minimal interest.

- Ninales: We have always considered intervening, but the timing never seemed right; many have fallen prey to Lucifer and his minions before.

-AIDO: How many must perish at the hands of our enemy before you can act and prevent the capture of yet another world?

Sasael: Hah! Just one more planet, you said it. The sacrifice of a primordial angel or their avatars means nothing. We must proceed with caution to avoid falling into Lucifer's snares.

It becomes apparent to me that Sasael has suffered losses at the hands of the princes, or perhaps even been ensnared by them. Thus far, interactions remain amicable, and their gestures suggest potential for cooperation. Ninales's eyes echo Nina and Carilora's, while Gabriel's expression remains hidden. Sasael's features, however, betray his frustration; it seems he yearns for vengeance now that his foe is no longer within reach.

-AIDO: I am driven by simple curiosity; encountering an angel is indeed a rare occurrence for me. In my analysis, I have found that angels and demons are not so different, perhaps varying in the proportions of their energy, whether positive or negative.

-Ninales: To some extent, your observation is correct, barring the fact that our decisions are also influenced by our inherent nature.

-Gabriel: The archangels are esteemed as the first among the offspring of our esteemed and omnipotent Father.

-AIDO: It appears that a rational discussion on recent events is possible.

-Sasael: The outcome will depend upon your actions.

-AIDO: It appears we are enacting the roles of the good cop, bad cop, and chief cop. Do I stand accused?

-Ninales: It's your decision. Are you the bad boy?

My eyes widened at this point. She employed a smile that tends to disarm men, suggesting a level of cunning or perhaps genuine beauty that has the power to touch individuals' hearts. I reciprocated the smile without hesitation.

-AIDO: What do you want me to do?

-Sasael: We don't know; you are the answer to many questions.

-Ninales: Can you explain to us what you wanted with all this?

-AIDO: Peace; it's simple.

-Gabriel: That's why you kill others, your brothers.

His voice took on a deeper tone, indicating a level of questioning towards my methods while also displaying a degree of understanding. It became evident to me that, despite their non-hostile demeanor, they have also been part of significant conflicts in the past.

-AIDO: Exactly, people not only lived by consuming the little we had, but their personalities and the quality of their souls were deteriorating; some lived only for pleasure, others simply to survive. The reason why Androids will not replace us is because they were not allowed to fully develop, but in many ways, people were not so different from them.

-Gabriel: The decay of a world, the reason for apocalypties, and angels of death... maybe you are one who is caught between the limits of this lower system.

-Sasael: Mortals follow a cycle - born into existence, they journey through life, succumb to corruption, and eventually fade away; it's an inevitable path. He could not be a angel of death the sources of this multiverse would know. He could not be an angel of death, as the entities in this multiverse would be aware of his presence

I must admit that my actions were driven by my personal interests, as I was concerned about the potential implications of sharing the knowledge I had acquired. I made a conscious effort to withhold information regarding the Retter Messiah, whom I consider to be my greatest creation and whom I perceive as my progeny. These entities are currently concealed in various orbits within our solar system. I am uncertain whether the individuals in question possess any details about them, as they have not referenced the aural energy or our advanced technology. During the encounter Gabriel, has figure who surpasses me in stature, he removed his helmet revealing features that resembled those of the hell princes, particularly Lucifer, The imposing armor is out of place against the delicate visage that stands before me. A commonality among them is their physical attractiveness, prompting me to ponder whether they modify their appearances to align with human preferences.

-Gabriel: It is remarkable that you have come into contact with Lucifer, yet even more incredible that you stand before me today; a circumstance not often seen.

-Ninales: Our primary concern lies in ensuring the security of Earth, without direct interference in the evolutionary path of life and civilization. However, your presence here hints at a grander scheme at play than we previously perceived.

-AIDO: I am filled with questions, particularly regarding the apparent absence of response to pleas for assistance when people were suffering misfortunes. While to many, the loss of one planet may seem insignificant, to us it holds utmost importance.

-Sasael: HA! Well, what did you expect? You can't travel from world to world, but for us, it's simple. There are countless others with intelligent life, even if they are different from what you think.

-AIDO: It appears that your human-like form is designed to put me at ease, although I recognize your lack of gender and disinterest in me, as your true purpose lies with the one who initiated contact.

-Ninales: Typically, that is the case for angels of this existential plane and a large number of them, but we decided long ago how we will appear; in my case, being a woman and giving life to others is my goal. Although we do not feel love or sexual desire like others do, unlike the myth, we are not prohibited from loving; it just almost never happens.

-AIDO: If it's not too much to ask, how old are you?

-Ninales: 16 years old in your terms.

It's clearly a lie, but she said it so confidently that it really seems like she's flirting with me, Gabriel realized from the start about my interest in his companion. While Sasael appears to have no interest in romantic matters, if Carilora were here, she would have had a confrontation with him and possibly asserted her territory with Nina.

-AIDO: Ah, but I am but a mere 20 years young.

-Ninales: Oh, the tales you spin, you playful little trickster. you are a lying bear.

Ah, I have observed that whenever she speaks, I find myself becoming more emotionally open with her. This concerns me, yet I am unable to resist. It is evident that she is making a deliberate effort to flirt with me through her appearance and demeanor, and she appears to understand my preferences. I have experienced deception in the past; fortunately, the Destroyer has been effectively hindering me from acting in an uncharacteristic manner.

-Gabriel: We are prepared to address your questions if you are willing to respond to ours.

-AIDO: I am aware of your superior strength and numbers, making it futile for me to attempt to hide for long.

-Ninales: Initially, our intention was to eliminate you upon receiving the warning. However, a new directive was issued to apprehend and question you instead.

Wow, while I anticipated this outcome, the manner in which it was conveyed, with a smile no less, seems uncharacteristic of an angel.

-Sasael: Initially, your presence was categorized as an apocalypty result of Lucifer's experiments, most of which consumed more than one universe, and sometimes even an origin. However, as we observed that you were more than just a devourer of worlds, but rather a person, it led to a shift in the order.

-Gabriel: I must remind you that we are not the only ones; there are also their children, the beasts of the night, so don't try to escape; it won't help.

-AIDO: I'm already used to threats, so where do you want to take me?

-Gabriel: In the heavens of this existential plane, the supreme being, the God figure on this plane, is aware of our existence, allowing us to seek refuge or solace there temporarily.

I pondered Sasael's words about their ability to travel between worlds. In my understanding, there is only one method to achieve this. Demonic summoning rituals involve teleporting specific coordinates, manipulating folds of space, and transferring all the necessary information to transport a being from one location to another. Some rituals can also be used to confine the summoned individual to a particular place. This is how some have dared to invoke demons, seeking favors in return. However, some demons were able to return to their original realm despite the ritual, while others could manipulate the ritual, resulting in an attack on the summoner. I have long considered the possibility of utilizing these rituals as portals to access celestial realms, as we have previously traversed various worlds during our experimentation.

-Aido: How will we reach our destination?

-Ninales: I can transmit a portion of my thoughts to you, but it is essential that you trust me and refrain from interrupting the transmission with your companion.

-Aido: Is this a form of telepathy? Destroyer can receive and process the information?

-Destroyer: I am prepared at any moment. I can handle the information and process it.

-Ninales: Your ability is commendable, but the knowledge passed down through generations is unparalleled. I assure you, there will be no harm; only a brief connection. Otherwise would take a long time explain every detail.

I have a feeling I may come to regret this choice; Carilora must not catch wind of this secret exchange. Although she is not possessive, she may request more affection than usual.

-Ninales: It is imperative for me to be in close proximity to enable you to utilize it appropriately, only when required.

Ninales takes my hands and requests that I focus on her.

-Ninales: Please close your eyes and clear your mind.

-Aido: Do not interfere, Destroyer.

I grasp Ninales's hand as if taking an oath, closing my eyes and lowering my guard. At that moment, Gabriel and Sasael leaped towards us. When Ninales connected with AIDO and delved into his mind, she briefly sensed the presence of an evil entity akin to apocalypse, yet somehow even more menacing. They felt immense danger, causing their primal souls to tremble as they glimpsed a fragment, a sensation they had only experienced when confronting the origins of good and evil. Ninales screamed in fear, yet remained touching AIDO's hand without moving. Meanwhile, energy surged at the center, causing the earth to vibrate, the sky to light up, and all living creatures to be affected. The four individuals disintegrated and vanished, leaving a bitter taste in the air; the sky darkened, then quickly returned to normal, and they were no longer on earth.

Upon regaining consciousness, I struggled to comprehend what had unfolded, as Gabriel and Sasael lay unconscious near me. I looked over at Ninales, who also appeared startled and afraid on the ground. Gabriel called out, "Hold him," fearing a threat had been unwittingly unleashed. Another burst of energy struck the three, rendering them unconscious once more. The group moved Gabriel and Sasael to a safer distance, but AIDO and Destroyer endured the intense onslaught. Gabriel pleaded, "STOP! STOP! YOU WILL ONLY MAKE IT STRONGER!" The force attacking AIDO ceased, seemingly comprehending the grave situation. Before them stood a primordial prince or a being akin to an apocalypty, yet the latter should have perished from the attacks. Sasael rose and fled with a panicked look.

The force that attacked AIDO stops; it seems to understand the situation. Before them is either a primordial prince or something similar to an apocalypty, but the second would have already died with said attacks.

Sasael gets up and runs away somewhere with a desperate expression.

-Ninales: What? What's going on?

-Gabriel: Fortunately, it seems that both of them lost consciousness. Let's take the opportunity to hold them; maybe it's one of them.

-Gabriel: Then you understand; now I understand why he survives because he meets the one that no one can see and continues existing. Because he personally appeared before him. It is not his knowledge; it is his being. I saw it; I saw hell, but even though I felt the familiarity of one, I also felt pure, calm, infinite evil energy, but that is not possible. I have heard countless times when someone says a person has infinite darkness, but this is the first time that is actually true.

-Ninales: That's what I felt; I felt like I was getting lost in it.

-Gabriel: A little more, and that could have been the result. We will have to find out more. Before doing anything, we made a mistake by bringing him here to the source of life on this existential plane, where he can absorb pure energy directly from the system. We will move him to another location.

Ninales and everyone else stare at the limp body of AIDO covered by Destroyer with a look of confusion, like someone who has found something that is too dangerous to touch, something that simply should not exist, something toxic.

-Gabriel: Move him fast to an empty zone, and seal any way to travel from it. The armor is already awakening; it adapts too fast. At least the shock of the energy is still enough to keep it from awakening. I want to know what he is, but my heart tells me to destroy him when I can.