Chapter 4: New ways of live.*
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AIDO and Destructor proceeded to their designated base of operations. Over the following days, they issued directives to the androids for the restoration of the ecosystem, in the factories, several species still stored in the database can be given birth. The energy obtained from Lucifer's body proved to be highly versatile, unlike an aural reactor, which can be lethal if the organism is not acclimatized to it, or electrical energy.

The surviving individuals, totaling 120,452, have congregated at a military base, comprising 95% infants, 1% adults, and 4% elderly. Some survivors possess genetic or mechanical enhancements, with certain individuals displaying animalistic traits.

Among the survivors, 40% are demi-humans modified with characteristics from various species including felines, canines, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and others. Despite their diverse traits, they are able to interbreed due to their shared human-like genetic makeup. Only a small fraction of the survivors are adults, with the majority being infants. 35% are genetically enhanced humans, while the remaining individuals have received mechanical enhancements, enabling them to live for centuries, though their lifespan is comparatively shorter than other groups. Upon my arrival, they did not exhibit hostility but rather fear and apprehension regarding their uncertain future. Some among them, particularly the elderly, revered me as a potential savior, expressing reverence and awe towards my presence.

-Aido: I have instructed the androids to establish and secure the base within the city limits, so there is no need to worry.

The androids have reassured the people that they will assist them in rebuilding their lives. Although things may not return to exactly how they were before, a new beginning is possible.

-Aido: I understand that there may be apprehension towards me, but I am not a deity or a demon. I am simply a product of circumstances.

-Destroyer: The resources of our world have been replenished, and with the advances in technology, the world may not be the same as it once was at its peak. However, with proper planning and direction, it could potentially be even better.

- Aido: I, Aido, am here to involve you in a new narrative.

People are taken aback as they listen to the message conveyed by me and Destructor through the androids who have been assisting them thus far.

-Adult: What are our next steps?

-Aido: The androids have prepared cargo planes filled with supplies to sustain you.

Fortunately, much of the food that is essential for survival was spared during the Celestial Judgment.

-Adult: Did all of this occur due to our transgressions?

-Aido: Yes, your actions, whether intentional or not, have led to the events that transpired. It is my duty to intervene and steer things towards a better path.

-Infant: Are you our savior then?

I retorted with unwavering conviction

-Aido: Maybe, or maybe not, but it's far from easy. Many were so accustomed to the luxuries they had, they took them for granted. Only a handful felt the effects of the energy shortage that disrupted our lives, realizing something was amiss. Yet, authorities turned a blind eye, seeking external solutions or a magical fix. And in the midst of collective inaction, I lost everything that could have alleviated everyone's suffering. Now, all you've endured is due to my actions, though not my wrongdoing.

The adult challenged

-Adult: But there's no guarantee things won't worsen.

-AIDO: NO ONE! No one can guarantee it, but if you are willing to try, I will not be the one to stop you. Do not worry about the future, even if the times ahead seem tough and challenging. This beginning is clearer and more promising.

People are starting to accept the situation—not everyone, but there are no longer any options. Some still hope that things will improve, but AIDO has a lot to ponder, as he can perceive what is happening to everyone, including those not with him. Therefore, he decides to go talk to them.


Most people still fear AIDO, but like scared puppies and offspring without parents, they are willing to follow the elders, who have accepted the situation they find themselves in.

-Destroyer: The anticipated guests have decided to maintain their distance, their energy resonating with that of our mysterious benefactor.

-AIDO: This is why I have refrained from retrieving my child and summoning Carilora anew. We must observe their movements carefully.

Weeks later, AIDO leads a group of 20 adults and 20 children beyond the confines of the city, venturing outside the base. The world before them has transformed into a vibrant green landscape, teeming with wildlife sounds that both startle and captivate the group. These sounds evoke a sense of nostalgia in AIDO, a reminder of a time long forgotten, tinged with difficulty. The group's perception shifts from the meticulously planned city to an untamed woodland, shrouded in mystery and fear of the unknown - a fear deeply ingrained in human nature.

-AIDO: Today, we stand here to witness the current state of our planet. Though this area blooms with life, do not be deceived; our world languished in despair. We did our best to preserve what little biological resources remained, yet vast swathes of land still remain lifeless.

-Adult: But you once mentioned that life begets more life.

AIDO: We will see what we can do; recovering any of my children from orbit would greatly increase the possibility of improving this world. However, we still have no information about the outpost on Mars with 1 million inhabitants, as they have not communicated with us. Similarly, the other travelers from the stars, we are unsure whether they would bring more life or harm to us.

Historically, the global population was capped at 450 million individuals, governed by strict regulations on procreation and adoption. Those who did not meet the established criteria faced severe repercussions, including expulsion from society, effectively resulting in a death sentence. Isolation from the benefits of technology and societal connections left individuals marginalized and vulnerable. Reflecting on the struggles of the past, AIDO pondered his ultimate objective: to create a utopian existence where past and present generations could coexist in harmony. Arriving at a secluded area on the city outskirts, the tranquil atmosphere signaled the animals' instinctual wariness of human presence. AIDO addressed the assembled crowd, with the formidable Destroyer positioned behind him in his canine form. Observing a large tree at the opposite end, AIDO noted its subtle movement as he began to address the audience.

-Destroyer: It is a type of canine.

-AIDO: Coyotes, both small and large, appear to be wolves from this region. I wonder why there are so many in one place when they are usually solitary animals.

The canines emerge from the tree and do not show aggression.

-Adult: What are they doing?

-AIDO: They are presenting themselves to our group. Even though they may be created in a factory, their instincts still sense strength in both me and the Destroyer. Perhaps they are capable of understanding the situation. So we take advantage of their good disposition and observe their behavior.

One of the adults, named Juan, who was chosen for this outing because he used to live in this area, approaches and starts talking to me.

-Juan: My Lord, we have no plans to bring anything back, but even if we wanted to domesticate these animals, it's unlikely to happen.

It's interesting that they now exhibit pack behavior, show no hostility towards us, and are attentive to the androids and to me, but they can't seem to take their eyes off the Destroyer. Could it be because of its canine appearance? The Destroyer approaches the tree and starts scratching at a rocky surface.

-Destroyer: Master, I found something. The group gathers around to see. Juan: What is it?

The group gathered around in curiosity, their eyes fixed on the mysterious object before them. Juan, the bold one in the group, dared to speak out,"What is it?"

Gone were the days of fear and apprehension towards me; now, the group oozed with nervous excitement and cautious confidence. Juan had effortlessly assumed the role of leader in mere moments, his voice echoing in the stillness of the surroundings. As I reached out to touch the seemingly ordinary piece of stone, I felt a strange energy emanating from it, as if it held a life force of its own.


AIDO chimed in, pondering the object's artificial appearance and the strange glow that surrounded it.

-AIDO: Could this be what the elusive pack of coyotes and wolves had been guarding?

Suddenly, a creature emerged from the depths of the forest, its massive form shrouded in black and white fur. Resembling a wolf but larger and more imposing, the creature moved towards us on both four legs and two, as if mimicking our own movements.

AIDO speculated on the creature's origin, while Destroyer mused on the possibility of mutation and the planet's enigmatic ways of evolution. The strange rock and the creature seemed to be linked in some inexplicable manner, beckoning us to delve deeper into their mysteries.

With just that gesture, the destroyer has captured my intention, but as always, he has already taken measures to analyze everything we found outside of our expectations.

-Juan: My Lord, tread carefully; the creature poses a threat.

-AIDO: Alas, you speak true; should we act, the pack may not stay dormant, and I am hesitant to disrupt the course of life.

-Destroyer: With all due respect, inaction may prove more unfavorable. The lack of information on the coyotes and other species leaves us unaware of potential implications. I have identified various life forms resembling those documented in our database, some of which were once deemed inconsequential by humanity.

-AIDO: Let me guess, rats, cockroaches, and mosquitoes?

-Destroyer: Affirmative. I recall that following the pandemic and subsequent wars, China and other nations came together to establish clean zones, known as biomes, where only humans and approved creatures were allowed. All nations then started to create such zones and utilized nanotechnology to eliminate insects and animals considered dangerous to public health.

I am mesmerized by the unexpectedly clean air surrounding us, a refreshing change from the usual city smell. Could it be that things we consider useless in society serve a greater purpose? I've never understood the existence of mosquitoes, except for their annoying habit of biting people.

Juan and others have also taken notice of the unusual pleasant scent in the air. It's a new sensation, both intimidating and comforting, a stark contrast to the usual stuffy city atmosphere they're accustomed to.

As we head back, Destroyer mentions the stable climate after the trial, but points out the rapid reproduction of microorganisms. Despite their presumed harmlessness, their presence triggers memories of humanity's historical struggles against deadly pathogens. The cleaning bots continue their operation, a reminder of the danger posed by microorganisms if left unchecked. The mention of pre-Hispanic tribes untouched by pandemics until the arrival of Europeans serves as a chilling reminder of the potential consequences of unchecked microbial growth. As we prepare to leave, a mysterious wolf approaches, observing us from afar.

It stands before me and Destroyer, its gaze intense. Destroyer identifies it as the "little wolf," showing interest in the peculiar stone we discovered earlier - resembling hardened slime from a VR RPG. It seems the journey ahead holds more than just clean air and pleasant scents.

-AIDO: Ah, Little Wolf, is it not so little after all? Or perhaps you mean it in terms of age? Do you desire what I hold in my hand?

I murmur, observing our not-so-little companion. Approaching the wolf, she allows me to scratch behind her ears. Eventually, she saunters towards the tree, marking the spot where the stone once rested, then shooting me a beckoning gaze with her eyes.

-Aido: Ah, go on then! This belongs to you, doesn't it?

It dawns on me that this stone must hold some significance for them, perhaps tied to their transformation. Thus, I return it to its spot, and the little wolf promptly sets about burying it just as before. Taking a seat on a nearby rock, I am soon joined by the wolf, her head nudging towards me. I offer a gentle pat, sensing her contentment at the return of the stone.

Destroyer notes that she seeks my company, I mention casually. "It appears she is forming a bond; her instincts suggest I may be seen as the leader of our pack, and her submissive nature surfaces. So few animals remain in the wild, most as pets to humans," I reflect.

The Destroyer looms nearer, a silent observer of the unfolding scene; the wolf, however, meets his gaze with stoic indifference.

-Destroyer: In the grand scheme of things, the elite sought to dictate the very essence of life, eliminating all that eluded their grasp or failed to serve their interests.

The wolf nudges me gently, nuzzling against me in a display of affection, though she can be a tad persistent.

-AIDO: NOW! Calm, behave yourself!


The young wolf, craving attention, exhibits endearing traits of a playful creature, beckoning for affection. I reciprocate, enfolding her in a warm embrace, reliving nostalgic memories of frolicking with Destroyer and my other animal companions in my youth.


the Destroyer interjects.

-ADDO:Yes, I have noticed that the others still do not have the confidence to approach, and the group is waiting for our actions; however, I see that both groups look calmer than before.

-Destroyer: Perhaps we should relocate her and her kin to our company, allowing us a closer observation of their conduct.

The Destroyer suggests.

-AIDO: No, we must not.

AIDO objects.

A long-forgotten Phrase resonates within me: Life always finds a way.

The young wolf nestles against me, seeking solace in our bond, heedless of my human form. As we part ways, I bid her farewell, urging her return to her family.

-AIDO: Goodbye; return to your family.

As I signaled for her to leave, I acknowledged my curiosity about various matters. The destroyer has successfully acquired genetic information and demonstrates cognitive capabilities. While he may not comprehend my verbal communication, he appears to grasp my intentions.

-Destroyer: As I absorb the knowledge you've gathered, I can't help but ponder the vast intelligence that may lie within life itself. Nature, in all its glory, might just hold the key to solutions we've never even imagined.

Destructor and I reunite with the group, all of us enchanted by the wonders of nature and the mysteries it holds.

-AIDO: When we return, we will have a meeting to elect representatives from each cultural group. I have decided that everyone will need to learn to speak Spanish and English as they will be the official languages. People are very accustomed to AIs translating their languages and idioms for them, but that will have to change. Additionally, children must learn basic skills, similar to what was taught in schools seven centuries ago. Even though civilization's infrastructure and androids are still operational, they cannot rely on them indefinitely.

Thanks to our leaders, the general population enjoyed a leisurely existence but also relied heavily on them. Access to knowledge was restricted to a select few, and there was a lack of foresight regarding the possibility of sudden collapse of civilization. As a result, adequate measures for preserving access to knowledge in such scenarios were not prioritized.

-Destroyer: My Lord, I understand that humans are very intelligent; it can be assured that they will learn.

-AIDO: Exactly!

Upon encountering each other, the adults still exhibit a certain level of apprehension in my presence, although they now appear more composed compared to earlier instances. I understand their reluctance, as they hold vivid recollections of my past actions and current demeanor.

-Juan: How will this ensure equality for all of us? Don't believe me that that would be enough.

While I understand your point, I am also concerned about the presence of racism and discrimination. It is true that prejudice is inherent in human nature, and not all of it is detrimental. However, certain biases can indeed cause harm.

-Juan: Could the androids potentially dominate us?

-AIDO: It is unlikely; with the absence of governments, law enforcement, and military forces, we now possess complete control. This, in turn, safeguards us from harm at least within our immediate surroundings.

-Juan: I am not entirely convinced; this seems implausible as we still have the capacity to harm others.

-AIDO: That is precisely why I am diligently working towards finding a solution that will enable us to coexist without fear of any individual or entity.

-Juan: I certainly hope so; for the time being, we appear to be secure.

-AIDO: It is the most assurance I can offer at present.

As the group progresses on their journey, the humans relish the newfound freedom to explore their surroundings, shielded by the androids. People appear to be enjoying the experience. Perhaps next time, I will include a group of Demi-humans, although predominantly consisting of infants and teenagers. After several hours of traversing the forested areas on the city's outskirts, the group expresses contentment and boards the buses for their return to the military zone that now serves as their residence.

-AIDO: How are our guests behaving?

-Destroyer: They are at a safe distance, outside the detection of the androids; it seems they are still observing us; the scanners confirm they have a constitution similar to ours.

-AIDO: And there are three, as you told me?

-Destroyer: Affirmative.

-AIDO: It seems that they will confront us sooner or later; if they came with peaceful intentions, they would have already presented themselves; perhaps I should greet them myself.


Upon my return to the military zone, it has been validated that all urbanization initiatives are proceeding as planned. The populace still regards me with a mix of fear and reverence, reminiscent of the emotions felt during Carilora's invocation. I fear my ability to fulfill my promise to protect them will falter, leaving them to fend for themselves.

-Destroyer: All systems in the military zone are operating at 100% capacity; the operational and logistical systems of the factories worldwide are working at maximum capacity; they will remain operational for at least 97 years. However, the bioenergy recovered will be distributed in less than 2 months; wildlife is estimated to be repopulated in approximately 1 year, 2 months, and 3 weeks, once most species complete their first seasonal cycle.

-AIDO: So little time. I had hoped we would only have to face this dilemma once; maybe I could reason with them, but I'm afraid that won't be the case.

-Destroyer: I must inform my Lord that we do not trust them much, and if they present themselves as a threat, we will not follow the rules.

However, this is exactly what I want to avoid: violence is a form of leadership and control, and fear is the foundation of that power. Meanwhile, finding a will stronger than fear is rare, but I need it to achieve my goal. Perhaps this time they will do the right thing.

-Destroyer: Despite this, I do not believe that most humans stop being selfish and doing as they please without considering others.

-AIDO: You are correct; not only will they act childishly due to their ages, but also because it is the nature of the human species.

I observe the facilities for the last time, watching the movement of people who have not fully adapted to their new life. It is akin to scenes from well-known zombie apocalypse movies or aftermath of a major natural disaster that, despite their technology, could not prevent the aftermath of a severe earthquake.

While the elders attempt to guide the children, it is evident that groups have formed based on the language they speak, rather than race or creed, but out of the necessity for communication. Those children who do not yet comprehend the language follow sounds they recognize, while newborns only weeks or months old are cared for by the androids in facilities adapted for childcare. What future will they create? I should bear responsibility for the consequences of my actions, although I truly hoped that was not the case. They never intervened before; why are they doing so now?

-Destroyer: Whether they are forces of hell or forces of heaven, negotiation appears to be the best course of action because, in all myths, angels are messengers who rarely interfere in human lives.

-Aido: The issue is that I do not believe they perceive me as a person.