Chapter 3: Something has been born*
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As I pull myself up, my strength slowly returning, Destroyer whispers to me that my next adversary is a fierce combination of speed, strength, and agility, surpassing even my previous foe. AIDO hesitates, his mind swirling with doubts as he questions the intentions of his opponent - a reaction natural to any man caught in such a perilous situation. "Why?" he questions, wary of any ulterior motives masked as goodwill.

Lucifer spins around, a mischievous grin on his face as he replies

-Lucifer: What if I told you that what you see is the truth? Your weapons may wound us, but they lack the power to extinguish our existence. Even at your peak strength, you pale in comparison to the life force of an entire world. While you clashed with Leviathan, I was conducting my own affairs.

AIDO's eyes widen in realization as the meaning of Lucifer's words sinks in. In that moment, he comprehends the limitations of Destroyer's sensors and the eerie absence of life in the usually bustling region of the Middle East. The truth is crystal clear - there is no trace of life to be found, leaving AIDO stunned and speechless.

Destroyer initiates the nano regeneration protocol, analyzing residual energy and implementing design changes to enhance its mechanisms for energy attraction. Just like a silent, confident Lucifer, Destroyer skillfully utilizes its powers and seeks outside assistance to elevate the circumstances

-Lucifer: It appears that I have not only extinguished the lives of humans, but also of every living being on Earth. Did you not suggest that positive energy was sustained by aural energy?

-AIDO: For what purpose was all this done? Why have you manifested yourself in this existential realm? I am left with nothing, what is it that you seek from me? While aural energy may be boundless, it cannot create life out of nothing, much like electricity cannot.

AIDO recalls all his contingency plans, none of which accounted for this outcome. Are the survivors now deceased?

-Lucifer: Your protective armor is a prime example of the technology upon which your knowledge is founded. When you come to understand the truth of the universe, of reality, of creation - what you refer to as aural energy, I recognize as primordial positive energy, or what you may call god.

AIDO recoiled in horror

-AIDO: You are a demon! What is your purpose here? Those who were supposed to intervene have not appeared, and I have nothing to offer except myself.

A grim smile played on Lucifer's lips as he unveiled the dark alchemy of their shared knowledge.

-Lucifer: The technique I have imparted to you is akin to a selective solvent, leaving behind only what is necessary. Souls tied to the universal system can be challenging to consume or utilize, thus only lower beings subsist on them. However, the energy they are composed of proves beneficial for our purposes. Much like my brethren, I am burdened with a vast amount of negative energy at an almost infinite level. Does this ring a bell to you?


AIDO reflects on the teachings from Lucifer, which he struggles to grasp fully. He employed the same technique to refine those humans whom he deemed responsible for his suffering and believed would bring about destruction. In that moment, he comprehends a truth observed in his experiments with molecules and cells.

-AIDO: The disintegration is due to the absence of the opposite element.

-Lucifer: Indeed, you are correct. It is not that I have become stronger, but rather by absorbing positive energy, my body can now exert more strength. In truth, this form is not my true body but more of an avatar. I am a player utilizing a third party to exist in a realm where my true body should be present but is not. By drawing from this reality, I am able to heal my wounds in small increments. The higher the reality, the greater the healing, likened to attempting to extinguish a forest fire with a mere cup of water.

For a moment, AIDO glimpses sadness, hopelessness, and resignation in Lucifer's eyes, a fate seemingly unalterable.

-Lucifer: This is a primordial soul. You say they exist outside of time because no matter how reality changes, they remain unchanged. However, all primordial souls exist in the true timeline. In fact, they form barriers that prevent the infinite energy of good and evil in their purest forms from affecting what's inside. They cannot be damaged or altered by external forces, with the exception of one. Even I, in all my splendor, wouldn't be able to harm a single primordial soul. These souls can be as vast as containing an infinite number of universes or as small as the one you see in my hand. I am one too. This body in front of you, the avatar, is composed in a similar manner, but it follows the rules of this reality. If it were my true self, I wouldn't be limited by it being damaged, as nearly half of my energy was taken from me. I had to replace it with this ridiculous bundle of emotions. My appearance is human, but I should be more like that which is untouchable, beyond concepts and abstract ideas. Everything that exists depends on me.

Deep within AIDO, lies a realm of thoughts so elusive, even he struggles to comprehend them. It seems as though the ancient Soul he beheld has imparted mysterious knowledge into his consciousness, knowledge that eludes the Destroyer's understanding. A sense of unease fails to grip AIDO, for in the midst of this enigmatic exchange, the Destroyer, while listening intently, is moved to action. Yet, through the intricate dance of their minds, a glimmer of comprehension dawns upon him, allowing him to decipher fragments of the enigmatic information swirling within AIDO's psyche.

-AIDO: What part do I play in this grand design? What is it that you truly desire?

-Lucifer: Your wisdom shines through, I see that you grasp the essence of my words. Your aspiration was to craft a world free of pain, a utopia akin to the folklore of old. What drew me to you was your belief that if paradise does not exist, we must fashion it ourselves, that all things are within reach.

-AIDO: Yet, creation requires the right components; one cannot conjure from nothingness.

-Lucifer: Ah, but it is not about ability, for example, many believe only their chosen one can perform miracles, yet I possess that power within me without the need to rely on others for validation.

These words resonate deeply within AIDO, who had pondered the writings of ancient thinkers that suggested we need others to maintain our sense of self, a notion that often led to mental anguish through enduring endless epochs.

-Lucifer: My aim is not to usurp our primordial father's throne but to stand as an equal. There are two vacant seats metaphorically speaking, yet even with my vast existence, I have yet to discover them. As the eldest scion of creation, I am destined to hold the middle seat.

These truths strike a chord within AIDO, a blend of confusion and understanding swirling within his mind. The concept of good possessing consciousness is rare, often confined to the realm of fiction and insanity. Lucifer is neither pure evil nor mere void; the enigma lies in his existence. -

-Lucifer: Have you noticed that they do nothing? This is the inevitable truth of omnipotence, omnipresence, and omni-consciousness. Being everything ultimately means being NOTHING! This is my father's fear, to prevent me from taking control. I, the perfectly balanced being representing natural order, stopped due to the fear of Nothingness. I could encompass everything but conceal it, bringing forth the beauty of perfect order. However, for the first time, he intervened, stripping away my wings, draining most of my energy, and leaving me crippled.

Then AIDO understands Lucifer's goal because he also fears the reality he has seen in the theories of other great minds.

-AIDO: The perfect order, as well as perfect chaos, only has one end - Nothingness! Remembering the sayings of philosophers throughout the ages. --

Lucifer: But you are mistaken! No matter what we do, we can never harm the two unique beings. The only way a primordial soul dies is if its ability to sustain itself is exceeded. A primordial soul cannot be all good or all evil; rather, it is a collection of colliding energy forms from emotions, memories, desires, and fears, like a living body, blood circulating on it, is galaxies, universes, sustaining the body, with their own emotions and energies. This is what makes mortals like us. We are all the same, including the angels, demons, and even the androids still under production in factories, devoid of purpose since their owners no longer exist. AIDO understands what is happening; he too desired that power. He will not be alone; he will not have to comply with Lucifer's demands. It is like looking at a reflection in the mirror.

-AIDO: So, if we fail to balance the energy, are we condemned to an eternal cycle?

-Destroyer: Analysis complete, procedure executed successfully. Running project End Game.

As he gave his speech, he held a projection of a primordial soul in his hand. Turning to AIDO with a look of satisfaction, Lucifer said, "See, you just needed a little push to find the answer to your question."


The Destroyer underwent a transformation, signaling an imminent battle. The cannons positioned in the planet's orbit were upgraded with quantum and nanotechnology, allowing for a swift reconfiguration by the Destroyer utilizing the processing power available from military facilities and AAA companies. This adaptation effectively altered the Celestial Judgment technique into a new form, capable of attracting and storing the lingering negative and deadly energy of the deceased, now housed within the cannons. Descending towards AIDO's location, the intention is to utilize this energy in combat and recover the energy absorbed by Lucifer, mirroring his absorption of the energy from the other six princes. A fear lingers that their plan may be thwarted, yet to their surprise, Lucifer engages in dialogue akin to a villain in children's and teenage cartoons, providing an unwelcome response.

-AIDO: If your ultimate goal was to create an equal adversary in this world, why not propose that to me from the start?

-Lucifer: I do not seek an equal, but rather an answer. Rest assured, I will patiently await your actions.

-AIDO: I shall demonstrate my capabilities. If you find them lacking, then I have exhausted my efforts, even in this eleventh hour.

-Lucifer: Do not disappoint me.

Thereafter, AIDO takes flight to intercept the modified cannons turned containers, noting the growth of connecting branches forming a multi-winged technological angel-like structure behind them.

-Lucifer: Let us witness the outcome of our legendary battle!

-Destroyer: Commencing energy transfer and reception. Energy injection at 3, 2, 1, 0. Following the countdown, AIDO undergoes an unexpected and overwhelming influx of negative emotions from the deceased, encompassing untold suffering, desires, perversions, madness, and rage, sufficient to drive a person insane countless times over. The combined aural energy produced by each cell of AIDO and Destroyer rapidly depletes. Amidst AIDO's anguished cries, Destroyer strives to maintain AIDO's physical integrity, seemingly unaffected by the corrupting influence of negative energy as an artificial intelligence. However, both entities share incomprehensible visions reminiscent of cosmic horror tales depicting ancient deities. Entering a state where he absorbs the negative aspects of the departed lives, AIDO feels an unexpected connection to these experiences, instead of being shattered by them, as the nightmarish transformation happen, Lucifer looms closer.

AIDO Screams of pain and suffering, torturing his body, spirit and soul, can be echoing in the vast emptiness of the sky.

-Lucifer: There was a time when I dared to tread this very path, a daring move, which can hurt a primordial soul though penetrate the depths of a primordial soul. Yet, seldom do emotions not of your own making delve so profoundly. So why now do they intertwine with your essence? The system remains passive, celestial beings observe in silence. Though the scale may be modest, the outcome holds significance.

He had seen this phenomenon before in his experiments, the heavens and hells called him Apocalypty, a mostly evil beast whose purpose is to destroy everything, dominated by only its nature of lust, anger, gluttony, pride, laziness, greed, and envy. But this time it is different. Doing the same thing to obtain a different result is something that is only experienced very rarely in existence, even if it is eternal.

-Lucifer:Finally, after so long, I have found the one who will sit on the other throne or maybe not, but I will make him sit on it. This is not an Apocalypty! This is not a failure.

Lucifer's facial expressions are of someone achieving what they have desired but have never been able to attain. With a look of success that he had not experienced before, Lucifer knows something that others do not. That is why he has planned all this, and the result has been as he expected.

Meanwhile, AIDO finds himself in a trance, confronted by the spirits of those he has crossed paths with - not in anger or vengeance, but with an eerie familiarity. They see him, they know him, as if he has been a silent companion on their journey all along. A presence denied by some, embraced by others, guiding their fates like a celestial force. And in this surreal moment, AIDO realizes the interconnectedness of all that exists, a revelation that transcends the bounds of time and space.

Time is not a mere passage; it is a timeless memory, a captured moment of eternity. Nearly everyone bows before him, their eyes glistening with tears as they utter their gratitude. "Thank you for standing by us, for sharing our journey," they express.

Within that amalgamation of energy, flesh, and metal, Lucifer senses a peculiar presence, neither angelic nor demonic, but undeniably alive. It resonates with the profound mysteries of the universe and ventures even further.

-AIDO: grant me your strength.

A plea echoes through the gathered entities

-AIDO:I shall reclaim what was stolen from you. I yearn to restore what was lost and pave a path for the future of this realm I promise it.

They all lift their eyes to him; you can discern eyes in human and animal forms, even within the insects and ethereal clouds. Their gaze holds no malice, only a deep acknowledgment of his words. AIDO grapples with an unsettling truth he cannot bring himself to confront.

Kneeling before them, he beseeches, "With your might, let me achieve what seems unattainable. Even if I cannot grant you new life, let me witness a smile on your faces one last time. I shall reclaim your lost existence, defy death itself if need be!"

All the people and beings begin to walk towards AIDO, who receives them with open arms. He feels his body dissolving but rebuilding itself in a cycle that continues for an eternity in his perception, but only a few minutes in reality where the Destroyer continues to reform his body. Similarly, consuming the materials that were the cannons orbiting the earth, apparently nothing has changed. Time has stopped, now again AIDO and Destroyer look as they did moments ago. The monstrous form has ceased to exist; it has recovered its previous form but at a different level. In front of Lucifer, there is someone as strong as his avatar but less so in other aspects. The Destroyer himself can perceive beyond what he was previously capable of and feels that he has a greater capacity for movement and strength. Upon waking up, AIDO has a hard time moving, but despite that, the Destroyer still supports him.

-AIDO:"Now I'm on equal terms!"

-Lucifer:No, you will have the power to fight me, but while I lack an adequate body, you lack life.

That resonates in the mind of AIDO; he himself as the Destroyer seems barely in shape. The energy is incredible, but it is as if they are not themselves, like they are in a body that does not belong to them.

-AIDO: I am a container about to explode, but you are an incomplete being.

-Lucifer: Aha, in front of you is the real deal, no one of my many alternatives, copies, or similar forms stood, they would depend on the system. It would be as strong as allowed, you might even be able to destroy it without leaving a trace, with no effect on me. You could send them to another reality where they could only manifest a fraction of their power or none at all, becoming as fragile as a snowflake. But not your children, you designed them such that regardless of location, they can exist, invulnerable, independent, capable of drawing energy from the origin itself. You created something akin to a primordial soul, small in size, but with intriguing characteristics.

-Destroyer: It seems in the end he wants what Saul wanted.

-Lucifer: You were the only one; you managed to balance the energy in a way that wouldn't lead to the death of the soul. A body is nothing without consciousness.

-AIDO: Energy, movement, time, speed, matter, force - they are the six fundamental constants of the universe.

-Lucifer: Let's dance.

Thus, a battle begins between the two. The maximum speed AIDO previously achieved was Mach 10, risking his life. At this moment, they move at much higher speeds, close to Mach 20, yet their bodies do not seem affected by the G forces their movements generate. The earth around them shakes in response, and even the heavens seem to change color between light and shadow as the negative energy AIDO emanates clashes with the light of Lucifer's energy like equal forces

-Lucifer: That's right, this is a fight that you can not lost but neither win.

-AIDO: But you still haven't been able to recover your power, right?

-Lucifer: What are you implying?

-AIDO: I always thought that fights like in anime were pure, bullshit.

-Lucifer: Language! Hahahahaha, in truth the fights of beasts are not very different from those of a superior being, it is always a question of strength, you can use tactics, as the weak, or tools like the smart, but in the end  if you can not harm your enemy, nothing at all.

-AIDO: And that's why I can't harm you, eh! As I can neutralize your attacks you can too, both of us are the power of this planet reincarnated.

With a confident look in his eyes Lucifer says:

-Lucifer: Anything is possible, and if you want to achieve your goal, you have to surpass me.

-AIDO: I understand.

AIDO and Lucifer engaged in a fierce battle, their powers seemingly matched in an endless standoff. AIDO's energy abilities were useless against Lucifer, as he couldn't get close enough to strike. While Lucifer was undoubtedly stronger, he found himself unable to harm AIDO. Both combatants refrained from using powerful energy attacks, knowing it would only deplete their reserves unless they found a direct hit. AIDO and Lucifer understood that superficial injuries would not bring about an end to their epic showdown.

-Lucifer: Do you want some advice?

-AIDO: Tell me.

-Lucifer: Everything that exist has a base like a lower reality, the ones you call virtual reality also fall into it, you want to overcome the system or use it in your favor, your goal is simple but you like others understand meanwhile there are a third party with the power to change your little paradise would be always danger.

-AIDO: The system?

-Lucifer: I am not your enemy, some say exchanging blows it is a form of conversation. I know you are able to understand me, there are only 2 people here, you and me, your emotions are real,your fears are lost what little you have, you can't do anything to me using simple methods but they can give your a hint, That's why I'm not the enemy.

In that moment, AIDO had a sudden flashback to the exaggerated energy wastage in anime fights. The battle against Leviathan served as a perfect example. Perhaps Lucifer was onto something - true combat wasn't about sheer strength, but rather about skillfully manipulating the opponent's state. A mere bullet couldn't harm someone with altered molecular density and bodies they had acquired. What was required was a precise force that didn't just harm, but completely annihilated the opponent's body, leaving no chance for regeneration. Alternatively, one could utilize methods to extract the energy stored within the opponent's body

-Lucifer: The devil, more seasoned by age than by his devilish nature

smirked with a sense of amusement that belied the gravity of the situation.

It was clear to AIDO that Lucifer played this dangerous game with a hidden agenda, a purpose that was yet to be reveled. In moments of tranquility, the Destroyer's mind worked like a well-oiled machine, offering AIDO calculated options while never allowing him to evade an attack. The penetrating stare of his opponent seemed to suggest an understanding of AIDO's thoughts.

-Lucifer: To move with the swiftness of both light and darkness is a gift reserved for those who transcend the boundaries of existence or are intertwined with the cosmic system.

-Destroyer: Perhaps we can strike in an instant!

During a brief respite to exchange blows, the battle transformed into a strategic dance akin to a game of chess, with neither side revealing a vulnerability. In a heartbeat, a surge of potent negative energy concentrated within AIDO's being surged into the palm of his hand. The energy manifested as a growing sphere, expanding with a weight that appeared to bear the burden of the world itself, reminiscent of the ominous allure of a black hole. And in a single heartbeat, that formidable energy vanished, leaving behind a sense of foreboding in its wake.

-Lucifer: Of course, you can't avoid what you don't see, what you don't feel, what doesn't move. Teleportation? Nope!, It's not more like reality obeyed you and placed everything in me. How do you know that this wouldn't make me stronger?

-AIDO: Because if that were the case, then you would have also taken it from the beginning.

-Lucifer: I told you that we don't have any enemies, it's just you and me, you and me, there's nothing else.

-AIDO: And for that reason, you are not my enemy, right? Why are you my benefactor? Which is your real goal?

-Lucifer: You think you have things in your favor. You don't understand how special you are to me, not yet, this is just the beginning, like when you said being immortal is only the first step. Keep moving towards your goal.

Lucifer gazed at his hand, watching as it disintegrated before his very eyes. The damage inflicted by the negative energy implanted by AIDO was beyond his control. It was as though his essence was being devoured from within, not by pain or fear, but by a strange sense of satisfaction.

-Lucifer:This sensation... it's exquisite. Something so familiar, yet so foreign. I find joy in this transformation, and even more so, in the fact that it affects you.

-AIDO: Aren't you afraid?"

Lucifer chuckled

-Lucifer:You possess the power to shatter everything. Imagine a world where nothing is indestructible. Pure malevolence... The last time I felt this was in battle with Gabriel. My essence, my very being, was torn asunder. Primordial entities like us are a blend of positive and negative energies, shaping our emotions and memories. Without them, we are nothing. In that moment, I lost more than you could ever imagine.

-AIDO: You seek my healing touch to mend your wounds, to make you whole again."

AIDO deduced. Lucifer's eyes gleamed with a mysterious intensity.

-Lucifer: Only a fraction of it. You are now intertwined in my existence, and our paths shall cross again. Have you gazed into the abyss, or perhaps it is I who have gazed into it...

The body pulsates with the merging energies, as AIDO steps forward with a mixture of confidence and doubt swirling within him. The energy he collects feels alive, akin to the primitive essence of stem cells - perhaps a glimpse into the origins of life itself.

-AIDO: t appears he has kept his promise after all, though that thought infuriates me. What was the true purpose behind all this, if not entirely benevolent?

-Destroyer: Seemingly, his aim is to aid us. Yet, his true intentions remain shrouded in mystery.

-AIDO: Nothing is free in this world, huh.

Now with the accumulated energy I will be able to recreate the world again, using terraforming technology, the energy is not bigger than a human size but it feels like containing it own will.

-Destroyer: Master, I can report that the people who survived the Celestial Judgment are still alive, in the shelters that we had prepared.

-AIDO: I know, and now we have everything we need to terraform the planet again and sustain life on it.

- Destroyer: Yes, but it will not be the same. Although I do not understand it, they will not have what they had before.

-AIDO: It couldn't be the same anymore. After this, everything will improve for life, but for people, it will be a trial period. Difficult times make tough men, and tough men create wonders that new generations will enjoy.

-Destroyer: Also, I detect disturbances in the master's psyche and aura.

-AIDO: I will never be alone again, my dear companion. All the fallen must always accompany me.

-Destroyer: Understood.

In space, a figure floats among the stars, a black angel with wings of emerald energy, red eyes of fire, heading back home to a base that awaits his return.

- AIDO: I will return to where they need me, even if they hate me.