Chapter 4 Why is it so easy?
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Kyoutarou couldn't see anything in the darkness, but he could sense that someone or something was there. His heart raced with a mix of excitement and creep.


"They are real!" He exclaimed.




The ghost repeatedly chanted, its voice filled with resentment and malice. 


The ghost's hatred seemed to consume every inch of its being. Kyoutarou could feel the malevolent aura radiating from the ghost, making his blood run cold.


But he refused to let fear paralyze him. He used his telekinesis to fight back against the ghost.


His body was glowing in rainbow colors as he channeled his power. The ghost, taken aback by Kyoutarou's display of power, recoiled momentarily. 


However, its resentment and malice only seemed to intensify as it unleashed a barrage of haunting screams and aggressive movements. 


Kyoutarou stood his ground, intent on banishing the malevolent spirit once and for all.


"Ho, you're approaching me. Instead of running away, you are coming right to me?"


Kyousuke's hair stood up from his power making him look intimidating. The intensity of the situation grew as the two locked eyes.


The book on the shelf started to vibrate, floating around. It was a sign that the battle was about to begin.


The ghost felt that it wasn't right. Wasn't it supposed to be him scaring the boy away? Not the other way around.


Kyoutarou power could suppress the ghost's presence, leaving it feeling scared for the first time in its ghostly life.




The ghost muttered, a sense of frustration and confusion evident in its voice.


"Begone from this realm! Go to heaven or hell, whatever, but do not linger here any longer."


Kyoutarou used his telekinesis to forcefully crush the ghost. It struggled and tried to fight back, but it was all in vain. It felt like it was caged in a glass box, unable to escape or harm anyone.


Its power was reduced a lot when it was suppressed, and it would disappear completely in a matter of moments.


"H-Hateful Hateful!"


The ghost couldn't say any other words. But Kyoutarou could understand it just by looking into its eyes. It pleaded for his forgiveness.


Kyoutarou stopped compressing it with his power, feeling a sudden surge of empathy towards the ghost.


The ghost acted pityful, but inside its head was full of murder and revenge. It would strike him when he least expected it. Then he would eat his soul, consuming every last bit of his essence.


"You look so pitiful, but I am not stupid. You are an evil spirit, not a normal ghost. You have done unspeakable things when you were alive. So banishing you from this realm is the only way to make my heart at peace."


Kyoutarou would stick to his way. If he let the villain go out of pity, then when they hurt someone, it would become his responsibility.


He didn't have a luxurious life to spare for such guilt and regret.


Kyoutarou crushed it with his telekinesis. Even though he could only lift objects that weighed less than 20 kg, it was still enough to crush the ghost into oblivion.


His telekinesis was super effective against supernatural entities.


The ghost burst into a million pieces, disappearing completely. Then he got a system notification.


[Mission accomplished]


[Level up]




Lv. 3 Ichikawa Kyoutarou (Novice)


Exp: 0/150


Body: 0.75(+0.25)


Mind: 2.50(+0.50)


Spirit: 2.50(+0.50)




Quirk: Telekinesis (F-Rank) could lift and move living or non-living objects not more than 25(+5) kilograms in weight.




Money: 15400 yen ($105)


"I am becoming stronger again and have more money!"


Kyoutarou felt happy about his progress. He thanked the system. And, of course, the system didn't reply back. It wasn't sentient, after all. It was like A.I. without emotions or consciousness. Only able to process data and provide automated responses.


Kyoutarou looked at the time. He didn't have curfew, and there was no one home as his sister was staying in the dorm. His mother worked the night shift at the convenience store near his house.


So only he would be home, and it felt very lonely.


"Should I go to the arcade? I have some money with me."


Kyoutarou thought about it and shook his head. They wouldn't let a middle schooler like him in without an adult accompanying him. 


No, they might even mistake him for an elementary schooler, given his small stature and youthful appearance. He decided to save his money for something else instead.


Kyoutarou went home with a simple meal from the convenience store. He ate it alone in his room while reading a book, feeling a sense of contentment and solace in his own little world.



Next morning.


Kyoutarou ate breakfast with his mother, then got a mission to go to school on time.


He met Anna along the way and he got a mission to make her happy. He was troubled by it as he didn't know what to make her happy at that moment but Anna helped him again with this mission.


"Ne, Ichikawa. Are you free after school?"


"I am free—"


[Mission accomplished]


[Level up]




Lv. 4 Ichikawa Kyoutarou (Novice)


Exp: 0/150


Body: 1.00(+0.25)


Mind: 3.00(+0.50)


Spirit: 3.00(+0.50)




Quirk: Telekinesis (F-Rank) could lift and move living or non-living objects not more than 30(+5) kilograms in weight.




Money: 20,000¥ ($135)


'Why is it so easy to make her happy?'


Kyoutarou started to question the system. He didn't use any cheat code, but why was it so easy?