Chapter 36: Happiness?
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Aqua mutters something under her breath as she watches this scene, there are a total of five goblin burrows far from the group.

-Hehehe, trust me, I, Megumin, will soon show you why I am an archmage.

Saying those words, a familiar scene flashed before Ye's eyes, Megumin casting a large explosion spell where magical, glowing pentagrams of a large size glowed above and near one of the goblin burrows.


After slight deliberation on Ye's part, Megumin cast an explosion spell.

Indeed, the explosion was magnificent, an area of at least a hundred meters in diameter was razed to nothing but scorched earth and ash, even being a spell that can only be used once, Isn't this explosion spell too powerful?

Also, the pentagrams that appeared on the ground and in the sky reminded Ye of Ainz Ooal Gown when cast one of his great super level spells.

The slight shock only lasted a few seconds, for not long after Megumin fell to the ground and several goblins, alerted by the explosion, came out of their burrows like ferocious beasts.

After being surrounded, Kazuma is kneeling while praying to a non-existent god and Aqua has already been captured by several goblins.

At this moment, Ye simply smiles as grabs the small goblin that approached him by the head, then, Ye forcefully throws the small goblin that came to attack him.

The small goblin's body made an arc in the air before exploding into a pile of bones and flesh just like a watermelon as it hit the ground.

There was a slight silence.

-Didn't I say I'm here?

Ye says, Ye's body moves quickly, Ye hits the three goblins killing them on the spot, these three goblins that had Aqua quickly are thrown away and Aqua falls into Ye's arms.

Using his agility to get back to Megumin, Ye calmly lays Aqua on the ground and begins to hit the goblins that come to attack them as easily as if he were cutting Tofu.

After a few minutes, Ye with his fists covered in the blood of several goblins smiles at Aqua, Megumin, Kazuma and Mirko.

Kazuma swallows saliva before kneeling down and bowing his head strongly to Ye.

-Please be the leader of our team!

Kazuma pleads as he rubs his head against the dirty dirt.

-Hehehehe, well, you can say that I've been thinking something similar too....

Ye says, then, the group started to retreat in Axel's direction to claim the reward for this mission.

On the way, Kazuma gives Megumin occasional glances, which makes Megumin a little nervous and she can't help but ask Kazuma why he's looking at her so much. Then, the truth comes out.

-Why did you fall to the ground like a doll after using a single spell?

After Kazuma's question, there was a slight silence.

-The... explosion magic consumes a large amount of mana, so it's a spell I can only use once a day....

Megumin hesitated for a moment while on Ye's back and said in a somewhat muffled voice.

-That's inconvenient, could you use other spells?

Megumin shakes her head at Kazuma's question.

-I can't, the blast spell is the only thing that keeps me sane in this world and it is the only spell I have learned....

There was a slight silence in which only the sound of footsteps on the grass can be heard.

-That's why I don't have a group, the other adventurers just point their fingers at me and laugh out loud, while some despised the explosions.....

Megumin began to lower her head as her voice becomes softer and more clipped.

-And what's wrong with that?, you use the explosions because you like them, I think it's a good idea...

Ye smiles as speaks.

-Look at this Megumin, these adventurers who share the day to day hunting monsters and using magical abilities are like a new sight to me, it makes me feel familiar and at the same time I feel like a foreigner, however, I can tell at a glance that this is the world I belong to. That is why I have decided that I will stay and live a good life in this world.

Ye licks his lips as speaks and looks at his surroundings.

-Isn't that what we are all looking for?, Happiness!, it's quite simple, if you are happy doing what you do, then do it, smile or just live a miserable life where you are angry all the time, of course, whether you can make a living and live a good life doing what makes you happy or live a life of begging is another story, Hahahaha!

Ye started to laugh out loud at his own words, however, Ye's words are like music to Megumin's ears.

Megumin smiles as her eyes become bright, Megumin rests her head against Ye's back and can hear a heartbeat that sounds especially soothing.


Megumin started mumbling words that are hard to understand, Kazuma although doesn't agree with Megumin joining the group, he still has to admit that Ye's words make some sense.

-Didn't I read this before in some book?, What was the name of it?-

Kazuma began to wonder inside his mind while lightly licking his thumb.

Once they arrived at Axel, the group went to take a bath and everyone gathered to split the money from the mission and have dinner together.

At dinner, Aqua ordered some cheap beer and Megumin is eating with delight, all while Kazuma smiles at the sight of the tens of thousands of Eris in his hands.

-By the way, hmm, What did I want to say?, ah, yes, become my sons and daughters...

Ye smiles as speaks calmly in the direction of Kazuma, Aqua and Megumin.

In his happy state Megumin nods her head while looking at Ye with shining eyes, Aqua accepts while waving her hand, it seems Aqua didn't even hear Ye's words, and Kazuma mumbles some words while saying yes without paying attention to Ye's words.

At this, Ye smiles while a familiar notifasión of the system appears in his mind.

Ye leaves a few tens of thousands of Eris in Kazuma's hands and asks Kazuma to find a good inn for Aqua and Megumin to spend the night, then, Ye disappears leaving the bar.


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