After being embraced by darkness for so long my mind left its carnal cage, and began to read the very roots that reality is formed by.
"A thousand stories are few and an infinity of them are not enough"
Words spoken in the crypt by a man abandoned in his darkest place where the most ancient and primordial are sealed
Last Active: | 13 hours ago |
Birthday: | -- |
Gender: | Male |
Location: | In the darkest corner of the crypt |
Homepage: | -- |
After being embraced by darkness for so long my mind left its carnal cage, and began to read the very roots that reality is formed by.
"A thousand stories are few and an infinity of them are not enough"
Words spoken in the crypt by a man abandoned in his darkest place where the most ancient and primordial are sealed
Series: | 0 |
Total Words: | 0 |
Total Pageviews: | 0 |
Reviews Received: | 0 |
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Followers: | 3 |