hello everyone. so, a friend bought me diablo 2 resurrected the other day as a early birthday present and I've been a bit obsessed with that for the last couple of days. I'm about to enter the catacombs on my necro and plan to get back to writing after i kill Andariel. sorry for the delay hopefully the chapter will be out tomorrow evening. have a nice day.
hello everyone. I'm still alive. I've been having a rough few months and a even rougher last few weeks. i lost my insurance and was told that i was no longer eligible because my grandparents that i live with make too much money on retirement and according to the government we can afford paying for other insurance. then less than a week later was the election and i have a hearing in like two weeks for my ssi claim. (part 1)
(part 2) so, yeah I've been having a time, especially when all my d&d campaigns fell apart and all my friends have been busy on top of that. anyway, I'm planning to get some writing done soon. hopefully, I'll have something out by my birthday on the 25th. thank you for your patience and have a nice day
Sounds rough. If you're an adult and not taken as a dependent by a guardian or someone else then you're your own household of one, even if living with someone else. I'm not a lawyer, but I have adult children living with me on SSI and Medicaid with no consideration of my income. It may take some time and effort to show you meet the requirements for SSI, but that would take care of your medical insurance. DM to let me know how it goes.
hey everyone sorry there was no chapter yesterday. i got freindzoned and kinda shut down for a bit. chapter will be out by Friday if not before. thank you for your patience and have a nice day
hello everyone. I've had a hell of a last few months. hopefully I'll have something for you all on ether Friday or Saturday. most of the stuff is dealt with now so i should be back up to speed in a few weeks. thank you for reading, commenting and favoriting and have a nice day.
Hi everyone. I've got some stuff going on in my personal live right now so i won't be able to get the chapter out for another few days but i have been writing again so that's a start. I've already got 700 words of the next chapter and should be at at least 1000 by the end of today.
Hi everyone. I'm working on something. It's taking longer than I had hoped, but it should be out in the next few days. Sorry for the wait. I hope you enjoy what I have planned.
Hi again. I got distracted by surprise late-night d&d and screwed up my writing plans for the week. I'll have the chapter out as soon as I can. on a different note, I might be stepping away from bound in steel for a few weeks to continue September Swords. I've been struggling with bound in steel for a number of reasons and a lot of ideas have built up for September swords. anyway, thank you for reading, and have a nice day.
Hi everyone. I may have gotten a bit ahead of myself when I said the chapter was coming out today. The cogs have started turning again just not as quickly as I would have liked. I already have about 1000 words but I want to take a bit more time to finish it off. Chapter will come out tomorrow evening.
hi everyone. so the day after my last post. my chair broke again. I was able to get some money from my family to buy a new one, so it's taken care of now but I lost a day of writing dealing with it. I don't feel satisfied with what I have managed to write so I'm going to delay the release to Friday. sorry for the delay.
Hi everyone. chapters going to be late again. I kinda got hyper focused on a story I was reading and have been having a bit of trouble writing. it should be out tomorrow or Sunday. sorry for the resent inconsistency.
Hi everyone. Chapters going to be coming out tomorrow. it should be at least 1500 words by the time I'm done. I got a bit distracted form writing because my uncle and his kids stayed with us for most of the week.
hi everyone. chapters going to be a bit late the week. I forgot that my uncle was going to be visiting from Luxemburg for the next like two weeks and got distracted visiting with him. the chapter will be out tomorrow evening even if I have to chain my self to my computer till it's done. have a nice day.
Good time with an uncle sounds like it's filling your soul. That's more meaningful than forcing a chapter out on schedule. I hope chaining yourself to the computer doesn't detract from time with your uncle.
Do what's most important and meaningful. We'll happily wait for you because we know it won't be too long.
hey everyone. sadly I wont be able to get a chapter out this week. my minds been locked onto other things and I wasn't able to get much writing done. sorry for the lack of a chapter this week. hopefully we'll be back to normal releases on Friday. have a nice day.