Soooooon. This chapter is driving me nuts!! I have re-written it about two and a half times in total. It is still not perfectly acceptable...but it passes the test. I will be posting it tomorrow...sorry for the delay!!
Hmmm base on your message here i know you are quite busy with your study and i wish you good luck. But i just cant stop myself from asking if there are any info for the next chapter. Really like this novel
Hahaha I apologise...I was just busy with the classes starting a week ago. Now that everything has settled down. I had another interesting situation. My apartment frequently had positive cases of corona(Especially in the last two weeks).
The corporation decided to test all of us. Thankfully, my whole family has been tested negative...yet they still decided to lock the place down for the next two weeks(Which really sucks). I will post the chapter by tomorrow morning or the day after morning. Sorry for the delay!
Hm try adding indian elements to the novel as natural as possible aur forced karne ki bikul jaruraat nahi take your time to make the chapter good love your btw
I have plans for it too..though it will be in the latter parts of the story. But I don't think it is what you expected it to be. The only India I know is Tamil Nadu. And as you already, India is soooooo diverse, that we don't even have the same menu nor the language common. I will be adding parts of India I know, don't worry