Our dear turnip can you please please please provide a basic character description for at least the main characters we know no one description but thera's???
Dear author why in the infinity hell is Ben soo bad at board game and chess stuff if he had literally 4 mind plus parallel mind at hand how come he lose to thara every time when even their intelligence state doesn't differ too much
...previous experience? Not saying she is an actual grandmaster but int doesnt mean suddenly gaining more knowledge. idk man I never read the book im jus bored
Nah that's fine good theory by the way taking in the fact the author didn't say what int point do but it was just really that frustrating every single time they play he lose miserably that it started to get on my nerves
I suppose int just means faster, more memory. but like, if you have a mid elo player vs 4 players that just started, the mid elo person is gonna win usually