Chapter 1: Plausible Deniability
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Nodoka Saotome smiled as she left the cafe, waving goodbye to Akane Tendo, Akane’s cousin Ranko, and Ranko’s strange pet panda. The amber haired woman waited until she was out of sight of the group before she let the smile drop and gave a resigned sigh while shifting the weight of the wrapped katana she always carried with her. Another opportunity to reunite with her son missed. First, the previous week when she visited the Tendo home where Ranma was staying, and now today. Her son that she had not seen for more than a decade now, ever since he went on his training journey with her husband, Genma. A training journey that should have been well finished by now. So where is he then? Does he not want to see me?

Once again that thought, that cruel malicious traitorous thought seeped into the recesses of Nodoka’s mind. What if Ranma has not grown up to be manly? What if I have to-

She shook her head trying to break loose the icy grip of her worries. No, she couldn’t give in to her doubts. Not now. It wouldn't be proper. She almost let herself succumb to them at the start. Almost outright refused to let her husband take her son on that trip, even after it was explained how important it was. How, as the heir to the Saotome School of Martial Arts, as their son, it was necessary for Ranma to get the proper training. There was still that worry. That doubt. That whisper in her head that wondered if the training would cause her only son to become like Genma’s old master. To become a scoundrel. A thief. A chaser of women he was not formally engaged to. She worked so hard to free her husband of the influences of that fiend and make him a man she was able to fulfil her society duties with. Could she dare risk the possibility that her precious child would fall prey to that same dark path?

Her husband was able to assuage those fears by making that pledge which appealed directly to her love of her samurai heritage. The promise that he would raise Ranma to be a man among men and if he failed, they would both commit seppuku. Him being able to make such a declaration, and with such enthusiasm as well, cemented in Nodoka’s mind that her husband had finally mended his ways and was now on the true path of honor. He even went to write out a document with the pledge, sealed with a thumbprint from him and several handprints made happily by her young son. It impressed her so much that she declared right then to be the one who would act as their second before following them both to the afterlife with the same sword.

That contract was more than enough to sustain her at the beginning as she awaited the return of her manly son. However, over time the doubts started to seep through causing cracks in the foundation. It didn’t help that Genma’s letters keeping her updated on her son’s training progress started to come in less and less frequently until they stopped completely, which was what caused her to seek out the Tendos in the first place. And her son still was not there. What happened? Could he possibly be-

Nodoka shook her head again. No, Soun Tendo assured her that her son was on an important mission. The fact that he was off somewhere helping people should be proof enough of his manliness. And the Tendo sisters were quick to confirm that also. Well, Akane was at least. But yes, she was just being silly. Soon, her son would come back home and show how brave and honorable and manly he has become. And then she could finally make the nightmares stop.

She reminded herself to look at the other positives of going to the Tendo’s home. She finally got to properly meet Kimiko’s daughters after all. Hopefully, that would start to make up for not going to see her childhood friend in person before her untimely death. They were quite lovely girls too, even if the middle one was a bit rough around the edges.

Actually, if she was going to talk about someone being rough, it would have to be the girls’ red haired, tomboy cousin Ranko. That girl could definitely use some instruction on how to be a proper refined young lady. Still, there was something about her that piqued Nodoka’s interest. Poking in the back of her mind. It was probably that the girl reminded her of herself at that age. She could tell that under that rough exterior was a noble and honorable soul. Perhaps the next time she visited, she could offer her guidance to the poor girl. She would need all the help she could get if she was indeed from Soun’s side of the family. After all, Kimiko didn’t have any siblings and-

Wait. Soun doesn’t have any siblings either.

Nodoka froze in her tracks as the pinprick in the back of her mind started to expand out. Maybe I misheard her? No, she definitely called herself Akane’s first cousin. And just Akane specifically. Why did she lie? She must have a good reason, right? She seems like such a nice girl after all. Oh, she must be protecting someone in need. That would be a very honorable thing to do. Yes, that must be it. But, why did she have to lie to me? 

Who is this girl?

Nodoka quickly sat down, hoping to gather her thoughts. Unfortunately, the sudden burst underneath her didn’t allow that to happen. While she was deep in thought, she managed to unknowingly wander into the construction site for a new hot spring and accidentally sat on the release lever for the water pump. The resulting hot water geyser shot her several dozen meters in the air. As she started to plummet to the ground below, her thoughts went to her beautiful young son and how she would never see him-


Nodoka felt a pair of strong arms grasp onto her. Through the haze of the falling water, she could barely make out the face of her rescuer. The striking crystal blue eyes came through as clear as day though. Blue eyes that reminded her of a little boy from so long ago.


The young man holding onto her gave a smile and a reassuring nod. “Yes, it’s me.”

“Ranma!” The amber haired mother held her newly found son in a tight embrace before the shock of still falling finally got to her and she passed out.

Nodoka woke up to the feeling of cold water on her face. From her spot lying on the ground, she could see some rain clouds just passing by. She quickly sat up and turned so she could finally properly look upon her brave and manly son who rescued her. 

“Ran-” Her happy cry froze in her throat as she saw the person next to her was actually little Ranko. Ranko, who still seemed familiar to her for some reason. Ranko, who was looking at her with sad eyes.

Sad eyes that were a deep crystal blue.

The exact same eyes that belonged to…


“Ranko?” Nodoka asked cautiously. “You were the one that saved me?”

She was confused as the girl who was more and more likely to be her own child nervously tried to put together some form of denial. Why would she though? She should be proud about risking her life to save someone like that. She was so courageous. So noble. So honorable.

And so much not a man among men.

Nodoka paused for just a moment, then gave a gentle smile. Deception to protect one in need. “Oh, that must have just been a dream then.”

“A dream?” both Ranko and Akane asked.

“Oh yes,” Nodoka continued, constructing an aura of wonder around her. “I dreamt that Ranma rescued me. He was such a fine young…man.” She carefully and properly got to her feet and grabbed her wrapped katana from the ground, making sure to ignore the tiny flinch from the young redhead, then turned and bowed to Ranko. “That was a very brave thing you did, young lady. Thank you. Now, I should probably hurry back home before I cause any more trouble. Goodbye.”

As she started to head out, she heard Akane start to say something before she was quickly cut off. Ranko must have thought her whispers to Akane were quiet enough. However, the wind managed to carry her words over to Nodoka’s ears.

“It’s okay being a dream for now.”

Nodoka did not stumble or break stride, nor did she lose her serene mask. A starving samurai walking through town would have a toothpick in his mouth to make sure everyone would think he just ate. So it would surely make her ancestors proud that she was able to make it safely inside her home before the first tear fell from her eyes.

As she collapsed to the floor and let her tears flow, her mind went back to the events of the previous week. Ranko’s own words were confirmation enough, but plenty of clues were there already. The deep blue eyes. The red hair. The fact that the girl looked almost exactly like herself when she was younger. That was even casually pointed out by the middle Tendo daughter when she was at the Tendo’s home. Along with…

No, she really didn’t mishear, did she? Nabiki really did refer to her child as a crossdresser. It seemed that girl wanted to get the truth out. Maybe she wasn’t comfortable with lying? At any rate, crossdresser was probably not the correct way to refer to her child. During Nodoka’s own youthful indulgences, she was able to learn there was a difference between a man that liked to dress like a woman and a woman that used to be a man. There was even a separate term for it. Newhalf, she recalled.

Yes, a person that was being true to themselves despite what the ignorant might say. A very honorable pursuit. Some would even go and take a new name that would better match their true spirit. Like her own child must have. Ranko. A very lovely name, even if she considered Ranma to still be a good name for a girl. Her child probably even kept the same first kanji and added the ‘ko’ to make it a bit more girlish. Wild Child. Yes, a very appropriate name for that girl. 

Her child.


She waited for so long for her son to come home and instead a daughter came back to her. An honorable daughter she was fully ready to accept.

But the contract specifically said ‘man among men’.

Nodoka looked over to the shelf where the seppuku pledge was currently resting. The contract that for so long was a charm to ensure her son’s safe return, but now hung over her as a curse forever separating her from her daughter. She wanted so much to tear that paper to pieces. To burn it until there was nothing left but ash. However, that wouldn't be proper. To do such a thing to an honor made vow, even one made erroneously, would surely place a curse upon her poor daughter. Maybe it would be best if she stayed away for a while?

No. No, she saw the look in her daughter’s eyes. The girl needed a mother’s guidance. And she would need to be the one to play that role. Even if she couldn’t be her mother at the moment. Deception to protect someone in need. Yes, for now she would take the role of Aunt Nodoka as she helped guide the newhalf girl into her proper womanhood. And then, when the time was right, she would be able to properly reunite with her daughter.

And without having to chop the girl's head off immediately afterwards.