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As I opened my eyes, I tried to look around my unfamiliar surroundings. I was surrounded by trees, likely in a forest, and judging from the soft light filtering through the green leaves, it was still fairly early in the morning.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I called out, but after a minute there was no response, so I assumed I was alone. "Welp, I guess I'll have to get up before I do anything else..."

I shifted my weight onto my arm to stand up and that's when I noticed them: I was certain that I've never seen those things on my chest before, but alas, I couldn't remember not having them either.


That's when the panic set in. I couldn't remember my name, my family, nothing. I've managed to somehow forget my entire life until now. No matter how hard I think about it, I can't even remember my own name. I feel like there's... something there, but... I just can't remember. 

I stand up and dust myself off, wondering what exactly I'm doing sleeping naked in the woods like some kind of exhibitionist. I can hear the sound of running water in the distance, so I decide to start heading in that direction. 

As I come across the source of the sound, a small creek, all the tension leaves my body.

"Hah... At least water's something I don't have to worry about..."

Whatever twisted god put me here really needs to do a better job next time, like, at least give me something to wear!

With nothing better to do, I followed the stream towards the source, hoping I might be able to find something else to help me figure out where I'm at, or more importantly, who I am.

After what felt like hours, I take a break from walking to rest a short while. My feet are already blistering like crazy, I really hope I don't have to do this for long. 

I let the cool, refreshing water work its magic for what I assume to be around half an hour, i start moving again.

The day so far has been hell for me. It feels like it's been several days now. At least, I'm pretty sure I've been walking for a few hours now at least. I can't really see the sun, but there is still some light coming through the forest's canopy so I know there has to be some time left before nightfall.

Not long after those thoughts, I step into a clearing. I've apparently been quite wrong about my guesses of the time, because as I break through the treeline, I'm nearly blinded by the sun directly overhead. Correction: The two suns! 


Well, it's about noon. Seriously, nothing could've prepared me for this strange sight. My suspicious origin becomes even more so when I think about why it would even feel weird to me if I've been here before.

The strange sight above me aside, I focus my attention to what's in front of me: A beautiful, clear blue lake. The suns reflecting off the surface only add to the stunning view ahead.

However, my mind isn't on the lake itself, but on the other side of it. Relief fills my body when I see the fantasy style village in the distance. Satisfied that I've finally found civilization, I let out a small sigh and stroll to the water's edge. 

Figuring that I'm going to be fine now, I look down at the water. It's time to see what I look like. The woman looking back at me is absolutely gorgeous by all aspects of the phrase. 

"No way..."

The woman's body wasn't quite alluring, but she had a definite mature look to her that may be considered good looking to many. Her bust wasn't too large, maybe slightly more than what would be considered 'average', and her waist was about the same: Not very wide, but enough to make a few heads turn when they see her walk by. The beauty of her face, however, was the real attention-getter. Her lips were a soft pink, and seeing that mouth smiling was an amazing sight to behold. Above her nose, which wasn't special on its own yet served to complement the rest of her good looks, she had a pair of sparkling, emerald-green eyes. It felt as if I could get lost staring into that mesmerizing gaze. Other than that, the only noticeable feature was her hair; it hung down to the middle of her back and its color was similar to her eyes, yet it didn't have the same shine, almost the color of a jade. 

The most spectacular part about it all? The woman was me. I was looking at a reflection of myself.


I was too distracted looking at myself to notice the footsteps behind me.



I turned around to meet the speaker.

"I haven't seen you before Miss. What are you doing out here with no clothes?"

I was almost too shocked to speak. I've already been surprised so much today, however, that I managed not to lose my composure in front of this girl. Yes, a girl. From my reflection I could tell I might've been a little taller than an average woman but this girl must've been half my height. Her height wasn't the issue though. The first thing I noticed when I saw her was the pair of long, pointy ears sticking through the sides of her short blond hair. The outfit she wore - a sort of bikini made entirely from various leaves which didn't match her childish look at all - only added to the confusion.

'So cute!' I thought.

"Um, Miss? You're staring..."

"Oh. Uh... sorry about that. Are you from that village there?"

"Ngh..." The girl pouted. "You still never answered my question! You can ask after!"

"Sorry... what did you ask again?"

"Meanie... I asked why you were out here naked!"

Seriously, she's too cute when she puffs her cheeks out like that.

"Oh, that... I woke up this morning in the middle of the forest here and I didn't have anything to wear. I don't really know why..."

"You're really silly Miss!" Was she really making fun of me right now? This kid... "Why didn't you have the trees make you some?"

"... What?"

"Oh, you must be a human! You're not from around here! I'll show you!"

She started walking to have it 'make clothes' or whatever she just wanted to show me. Meanwhile I was utterly confused by all this. Trees making clothes? What is all this?

When the kid reached the tree she put her palm to the tree and closed her eyes. Suddenly there was a soft green glow from the place between her hand and the tree, and the limbs starting moving. As I stared at this spectacle I wondered... is this some kind of magic?

After a minute, she turned around to face me.

"See! All done!" 

In her hands she was holding a bunch of leaves.

"Are you... sure those are clothes?"

"Yeah! Mom always tells me not to wear them but they're really comfortable!"

I took her word for it and decided to wear them. Surprisingly, she was right that they were comfortable, and they at least covered me enough that I didn't feel embarrassed anymore. Well, not as much as before in any case.



"Have you been to my village before? Come on, follow me!"

Oh. Right. I had completely forgotten to ask about the village. Ah well, no harm in going with her.

"Well... okay."

"Yay! You're gonna love it!"

'Can this girl be any more energetic? Jeez...' Can't say I'm not excited though. As we walked she told me all about her village. Supposedly, she was an elf,and the village was full of people like her. She said that all elves had the ability to control nature like she did, but some are better at it than others. She can only do small things like 'ask' a tree to make clothes, but her father can apparently use an entire forest to fight if he wanted. He honestly sounds a little scary to me.

"Hey, Miss, what's your name anyway? I'm Tahli!"

Oh. How do I... You know what? I'll just tell her.

"Um, Tahli, I- I don't have a name."

"Then I'll give you one! Let's see... you're wearing the same clothes as me, so you're kinda like another me! Hmm... another me... a clone... reflection... a mirror... Aha!"

"Did you think of one?"

"Yup! You're like my reflection in a mirror, so I'm gonna call you Mira!"

"Hmm, Mira. I like it. Thanks Tahli."

It's strange. I feel like I don't belong here. Everything I see is really strange, like none of it should be real, yet I can't shake the feeling there's some reason I'm here and I just don't know what it is yet. Ah well. For now, I'll focus on getting settled into my new life as Mira.

Hey everyone! Let me just say thanks to everyone who clicked on my story and decided to read until the end this chapter. I've never done anything like this before, so I wanted to try my hand at writing and this is what came out of it. If anyone wants to see me continue this story please let me know in the comments. The same goes if you have any suggestions for what I could do better with grammer, spelling, storytelling, or anything like that. I'm always open to suggestions and even if I don't respond I'll probably still at least read all the comments I can. Once again, thank you all for reading and I hope you come back for future chapters!