chapter 1: f*ck my life
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"Ah, the author didn't finish the story. What a disappointment! However, I am still curious about what happened afterward. I first read the story about Fang Yuan when I was 15 or 16 years old. Currently, I am studying medicine in school."... and a few years later I died in an accident..

Upon my rebirth, I found myself in the form of Fang Zheng. The Fang family was an embodiment of adorableness and compassion. They showered us with their affection and attention and made our well-being their top priority.

"I was only three years old when my parents passed away. That's what's written in the book, and I don't intend to change that. During my early years, I had a lot of time to think. I realized I don't have any lofty aspirations such as becoming invincible or something like that. All I want is to live a peaceful life where I can be rich and lazy, with enough power to ensure compliance."

I certainly don't want to die, but I know this place is a fucking death trap. Hell, this mountain itself is a death trap, and that brother of mine is the worst.

However, I have used this time to think of a rough plan. I also considered showcasing my intelligence, similar to Fang Yuan, but I quickly dismissed the idea as it may draw unwanted attention and hinder my plans."

Some years passed and my parents passed away, just as it was written in the novel. My aunt and uncle adopted my elder brother, Fang Yuan, and me. However, they only provided us with the bare necessities to survive and hired a maid to take care of our needs.

As predicted in the novel, some children tried to bully me, but I didn't provoke them in any way. Perhaps, their insecurity towards Fang Yuan made them see me as an easy target. Although the bullying didn't bother me, it was fascinating to see Fang Yuan stand up for me, protecting me from name-calling and backstabbing. But one kid suddenly came and pulled my hair back and punched me in the head. It was over for him then and there. Children don't know how to fight. It's pretty easy—just knock them down and beat the living shit out of them.

"I got into trouble for that. My aunts and uncles were very mean to me and didn't give me anything to eat that day. But Feng Yuan, on the other hand, shared his meal with me. I noticed that he was genuinely kind to me, which was interesting because in the novel he was portrayed as a ruthless demon who would kill people without any hesitation. He wouldn't even think twice before stabbing a lover in the heart if it helped him achieve his goal."

"I come from a different culture than the one here. It is normal in this world to wear a plain gown that is breezy and leaves everything dangling around, but for me, it feels a bit shameful. It is like wearing a long skirt without anything underneath. People here usually wear something under their long clothes, but my aunt decided not to give me anything to wear under it. I feel like she was being way more cheap than how it was described in the novel."

In my previous life where my religious beliefs restricted me from eating certain types of food, particularly meat. However, I doubt I would follow those beliefs in this world. In my previous life, I was a medical student and cleanliness was something I was proud of. This world is also clean and hygienic, but some cultural trends throw me off.

Additionally, using a willow branch to brush my teeth was strange, but it gave my breath a minty flavor which I loved. However, not having a proper toilet and having to clean myself with leaves made me feel caveman. After a few years, I discovered that our house had sanitary toilets, but my hateful uncles and aunts had restricted us from using them. I often wonder what fang yuan and I did to make them hold such a grudge against us. Anyway, I would repay this. a thousand times back to them.

A few years passed by...

when I was around 10 to 11 years old, they allowed me to access their library filled with books and scrolls on various topics. As Fang Yuan was recognized as a genius, they didn't restrict me from entering the library, thinking I could have the potential to be a genius as well. I took this opportunity to learn about the world, how to refine and nurture gu, and the different types of gu available. However, there were simply too many of them for me to comprehend at such a young age."

"In the clan, a youngster attends the awakening ceremony at fifteen and enters the academy. At sixteen, they graduate from the academy, form a five-person group, and complete the clan's missions while at the same time inheriting the family fortune. From the age of sixteen, they will fight and compete while continually raising their cultivation.

As the missions get more dangerous, their status will also increase. Some die, and some live. Some get injured, and their cultivation level drops; they live a plain life thereafter. Some become Rank 3 Gu Master after all the hardship and advance to clan elder, being one of the higher-ups." This was the way the clan Nourished youngsters to be part of the clan in the future.


When I was 12 years old, I had already planned everything out. However, I knew that my plan would only work if I met certain conditions, which were:

  1. Safely obtaining the inheritance of the flower wine monks.
  2. Tricking the clan leader into thinking that I had an exceptional physique and was relaying Gen 1 Gu Yue's order to him.
  3. Obtaining the inheritance of the Flesh Bone Scholars and giving it to Gu Yue Bo, the clan leader, to prove that I could follow Gen 1's commands and that I had an extreme physique.
  4. Acquiring the mud skin toad from the gambling den in the caravan.
  5. killing Jia Jin Shang without getting caught, so a divine investigator has to come here, and the same things as in the novel happen here.
  6. I have to( by the age of 17 )inherit my parents' assets. However, if I fail to achieve a rank of at least 4 by the age of 18, I plan to leave this mountain after stealing everything I can. This decision is based on the past crane disaster, blood calamity (Gen 1), and the expected fight between divine investigators 3 and 5 in this area.

The villagers who once looked down at me stopped doing so eventually. I assumed it was because of the confidence I radiated. In my previous life, I was a confident man, and I had an overwhelming advantage over my peers in this life as well, so in this life, I am a confident man again.

Aunt and uncle began to care for me when they saw some benefits in me, or maybe it was Fang Yuan's constant arguments for my betterment.  I had a habit of exercising, which I continued in this life as well.


From the age of 12, I started going near the mountains for a walk, and by the age of 13, it was almost a daily routine. Though my uncle and aunt never asked why, they eventually got curious and inquired about my daily routine. I replied with a smile, saying that I walked to breathe the fresh air and find inspiration for poems so that I could be like my older brother. A few months back, I had written a poem of a genius level, which my aunt and uncle praised me for. They even said that I was indeed Fang Yuan's brother.


When I was 13 years old, I discovered the location of the flower wine monk's inheritance. Upon entering the cave, a recording began to play. I spent almost a week trying to catch the liquor worm and finally succeeded. I stored it there and fed it every week with wine.

The wine was something that I stole from Uncle; he does like wine, I guess, considering he has like 5 to 10 vats that are filled with wine stored under the storage room and his room. I mean he has a wine tavern in the village, so it's pretty obvious that he will have a lot of wine in his house as well.

It has been 100 days since then, and now I want to see what the future holds for me at the Rock Cave.

As soon as I entered the cave, the wall on which the video was playing crumbled before my eyes. I walked for about 30 meters and found a rock wall blocking my route. The red-colored powdered soil inside the cave emitted a strong dark glow, making it easy to navigate without a light. The soil was strangely bright red, unlike the green-colored Quing Mao Mountain soil.

In the novel I had read, Fang Yuan broke the rock wall by slowly chafing it off with his moonblade so no one could hear the noise. However, I didn't have a moonblade, and I hadn't even started cultivating it yet. So, I used pickaxes and tools to break the wall. I often went out on rainy nights when it rained heavily and broke the rock wall. My aunt and uncle didn't worry much about me and didn't come or send someone for me, thinking that I might just get a cold.


When I was 14 years old, I found myself digging in a cave during a heavy rainstorm. Suddenly, the hole I was digging in expanded and the wall broke. However, the air inside the rock wall was stale and I knew that if I entered, I would likely die of carbon monoxide poisoning.

I left the cave and returned the next day to find that the air inside had become breathable.

As I ventured deeper into the cave, the path became wider and the ceiling became higher. When I reached the end of the path, I found a passageway that was approximately 300 meters long.

At the end of the passageway, I encountered a huge round rock blocking my path. It was man-made and crafted by a flower wine monk, as I had read in a novel.

The ground was smooth, the walls were red, and the soil emitted a red light. I noticed a patch of darker soil near the giant rock, which turned out to be wet and contained the Earth Treasury Flower Gu, as described in the novel. I dug up the flower stored in it my liquor worm and sealed it again. After covering my tracks, I left the cave and returned home.

Over time, my uncle and aunt's treatment of me improved and I grew closer to Fang Yuan, who had become like a brother to me.

I remember it as clear as the sun

Let's take a trip down memory lane to a time when I was just eight years old. I remember the day when Fang Yuan asked me, "Are you from this world?" I replied, "We are the same," and his face lit up with a wide smile. After that day, Fang Yuan treated me better than anyone else, even though most people would have struggled to figure out that I was an otherworldly demon.

Fang Yuan and I would often talk about our world and past lives. I told him that I might be from the same world as him, but a future version of his world. We would often exchange stories about our previous lives and adventures. However, I never mentioned that I had read about him in a novel, as I didn't want to lose the only advantage I had over him.

One day, Fang Yuan asked me why I loved going into the mountains so much. I replied, "Because there were no such mountains in my previous life. Their beauty is breathtaking," with a somber look on my face. Fang Yuan then asked me if I wanted to walk with him on the mountain trail in the morning, and I happily agreed. We would often take walks together on the mountain trail, enjoying the beautiful scenery and each other's company.

I greatly admired Fang Yuan, my brother, whom I had lived with for 15 years. He was a naive, kind, and smart individual, but also ignorant, careless, and arrogant at times. I couldn't help but wonder what sort of harrowing experiences he had gone through to become the frightening being that were depicted in the novel. 

If it was his first life, I didn't care. I had no intention of becoming a thorn in his path, especially since he had Heaven's will on his side. But all his. But for all his fortuitous encounters, I wanted them for myself to achieve great success or use his experiences in the novel to my advantage and carve out my path. The choice was mine, but I knew that whatever I did, would determine my fate and the course of my life.

There are two possibilities: -

  1. If it's his first life, then he will be easy to manipulate and use for myself as a pawn. It's because I know that in his first life, after living for 500 years, He was able to cultivate a spring-autumn cicada and travel back in time. If I remember correctly, Fairy Zi Way She had a method that could send her consciousness back in time, latching on to Fang Yuan's spring-autumn cicada. If it is truly his first life, then I can take away all. his fortuitous encounters. find a method to bring my consciousness back in time, along with Fang yuan, while raising my knowledge of gu and attainments, and also formulating the perfect plan to walk on in time.
  2. If it's his second life, I have to kill him. Otherwise, he will kill me or make my life worse than death. The only two advantages I have right now are that I know I have a good aptitude and that I know a few things more accurately than that demon of a brother knows, and by no means would I be negligent to think that I am smarter or know more than him. There are only a few advantages that I have, and I intend to use them to kill Fang Yuan.