chapter 9: Bai Gu Mountain’s Inheritance-3
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The Flesh Sac Secret Chamber was a peculiar place, with walls made of flesh that contained many mouths. These mouths were open and had tightly clenched white teeth, which emitted strange waves of laughter. The laughter was unsettling and made one shiver all over. Number Five readied himself for battle, anticipating danger at every turn.


Hwang Gu patted Number Five's shoulder and reassured him that the strange laughter was the effect of the flesh laughter Gu, which was similar to the Earth Treasury flower and was used to store Gu worms. He advised Number Five not to worry too much, as this was not a dangerous situation.


Suddenly, the teeth of an open mouth fell off, and a scarlet tongue extended from it. The tongue was over a meter long and curled up at the front. When it was fully extended, the tip straightened, and a small bone book was revealed.

This was a bone book too, except it was many times smaller than the Grey-Bone Huge Book; pocket-sized, about half of an adult's palm.


Hwang Gu took the book and started reading it. The book contained the message that the successor's presence in the Flesh Sac Secret Chamber was proof of their pure nature, and they could now inherit the true inheritance of the 'Grey Bone Scholar' and 'Flesh Bone Master'. The Flesh Sac Secret Chamber held many Gu, and if the successor was fated, they could try knocking the teeth. If they were lucky, they could open the teeth and take the Gu worm hibernating inside.


Hearing this number six bent his forefinger and lightly knocked the teeth. These teeth were like musical instruments and would produce some kind of clear musical tone when they were hit.


He had just randomly knocked, and this mouth suddenly stopped its laughter; its teeth completely fell off and its long scarlet tongue extended out from it, revealing within it a Gu.

He gave that gu to the clan head.


"What Gu is this?" After looking at this Gu, a pleasant surprise emerged on the clan head's face as soon as he recognized it.

This Gu looked quite peculiar as it looked like a set of dentures; spotless white teeth with an exceptionally neat set of upper and lower teeth, and gave off a pearl-like luster.


Hwang Gu looked at it and immediately, a pleasantly surprised expression appeared on his face: "Great!, this is the famous rank three healing Gu —Flesh-bone Gu!"


" Raising the dead, flesh white bone ..." battle Gu master(number five) mumbled after hearing this.


Rising dead Gu was accepted as the number one healing Gu among rank four. Even if a Gu Master died, as long as the time of death didn't cross fourteen hours and their whole bodies were intact, one could use this Gu to resurrect them.


However, this Gu could only be obtained by chance and not by seeking it as it was too valuable and rare. It was also a one-time-use expendable Gu, with high demand but no supply.


Flesh-bone was a rank three Gu, but it wasn't an expendable Gu and could be used repeatedly. It was often used together with the rising dead Gu. 

If a Gu Master's corpse wasn't intact, one could first use flesh-bone Gu to reconstruct their flesh and then use rising dead Gu to resurrect the Gu Master.


Throughout history, this pairing was quite common and had benefited a lot of big shots; among them were even rank nine immortal venerables and demon venerables.

This was an ideal healing gu!


During a specific instance, member number six submitted a highly valued Gu worm, earning him a substantial number of mission contribution points. This triggered a sense of envy among most members of the group.


 I had already informed the clan leader to safeguard the Gu for me as I will require it in the future. I was confident that he wouldn't betray me for a simple special gu, as the benefits it could provide were minimal compared to what I could bring to the clan. 


After attempting various combinations of knocking on the 10 pairs of teeth for a while, the entire group decided to give up on the task and leave it for later. 


"Everyone will explore the other tunnels and gather as many Gu worms and materials as possible," commanded the clan head. The group collected everything they could, except for the Gu worms in the flesh sac secret chamber. Because the amount of Gu that could be collected from the flesh sac secret chamber was purely dependent on luck.


As we waited for a few hours, Number 7 confidently took charge of preparing or just reheating our food while the rest of us patiently looked on. As Gu Yue Bo commended the group for their hard work, he specifically mentioned my name, saying "You all have worked hard till now, especially you Fang Zhang." The rest of the group members also praised me for my contributions to the group's profits. However, I knew that their words of appreciation were hollow. They were merely praising me for the profits I had brought in, and I had no doubt that if I had the power, I wouldn't even share a penny with them. 


I was fully aware that all of them would be dead in three years or less, so I let them enjoy their momentary pleasures. It did not matter much to me. What mattered was my ultimate goal of becoming as strong as possible and leaving this death trap of a mountain. To achieve this, I knew that creating a good image of myself in their minds was a necessary step. So I acted in the best way I could, showing that I was a good and dutiful person who knew how to repay kindness and was worth investing in.

After some time…

Bai Sheng, Bai Hua, and another girl named Bai Cha, who was of a similar age to the other two, were brought forward by Number 4. The clan head questioned whether or not every piece of evidence linking them to Gu Yue village had been eliminated.


In response, Number 4 assured the clan head that, except for Bai Cha's mother, no one could link them to the crime. They also mentioned that Bai Cha had lived as a spy for many years and had an unwavering loyalty to the clan. Gu Yue Bo glanced at the unconscious twins and the kneeling Bai Cha, and then expressing his satisfaction, praised their efforts, saying that their contributions to the clan would be well remembered.


Bai Cha timidly asked when her mother would be allowed to return to the clan. The clan head's expression softened, and he assured her that it would be soon.


Even the clan leader was surprised by Bai Cha’s mother, she was the luckiest person he knew.

Bai Cha's mother was a spy who had been planted by the Gu Yue clan many years ago. Despite being a mere mortal, she was trained by the clan and used to gather information. The Gu Yue clan had no expectations from her and believed that if she could provide even one useful piece of information, she would be worth the effort. To achieve this, the clan arranged for her to become a concubine to a rank one Gu master named Bai Man, who was the son of a rank three elder.


His reputation was that of a cruel man who took pleasure in drinking to excess, abusing his spouses and staff, and physically assaulting them. However, what truly made him notorious was when he killed his concubine in a fit of rage. After discovering that no mortal was willing to become his concubine and that he was unable to force anyone to do so because of his father's objections, he began scouring village hamlets in search of a woman who met his preferences.


Due to this development, an opportunity arose to monitor Bai Village, resulting in Bai Cha's mother being sacrificed without delay. She was married off to Bai man. 

On the wedding night, he was ready to take out all his anger on her. After seeing her crying face, he smirked in a malicious manner.

She believed that obtaining information from him was crucial. Thus, she concluded that the fastest way to achieve this was by getting close to him. Thinking that, she said, "I love you." 

These three words had not been spoken to him in years; all he ever heard from women were condemnations of his pathetic nature. However, her words somehow reminded him of his mother.

“Bai Man viewed his own situation as quite tragic, as his mother died when he was young. All he could remember of her was her tearful expression as she held him close and said "I love you" over and over again.

His father was a cruel individual who would frequently abuse his mother with physical violence. After losing his mother, the man's father became even more violent and started to beat him as well.

After the clan awakening ceremony, it was discovered that he had only a D-grade aptitude. Life became a living hell for him afterward, his father beat the living shit out of him whenever he saw him alone.”


During one of Bai man's father's missions outside the clan, he was able to find a special gu worm that helped him reach rank 3. As time passed, the old man transformed into a kinder person, burdened and haunted only by the guilt of how badly he treated his son and late wife. Although he greatly helped his son on his cultivation journey, Bai man developed a cruel nature despite his father's efforts.

He fell to his knees and wept upon seeing his mother's face in his wife's face. The words she spoke melted the coldness in his heart, and he vowed to change his ways that very night.


In those four years, she fell in love with Bai Man and with his help, Bai Cha was able to unlock her potential and was found to have a pseudo-B-grade talent. Her husband, Bai Man, was also able to become a rank two but unfortunately died during one of the Bai Clan missions, leaving behind a three-year-old child for Bai Cha to care for. As a rank-1 middle-stage battle gu master, Bai Cha's mother faced many challenges and had to put her life on the line in every mission. This caused her to slowly fall into depression.


One day, envoys from the Gu Yue clan visited the Bai clan for an unknown reason. Thinking that they had come to assist her, a woman from the Bai clan followed the envoys into the woods and explained her situation, asking for help. The envoys gave her false assurance that they would help her, but instead, they reported the situation to their clan.


She suddenly started to notice that she was finding the clan missions easier and discovering more gu worms. She assumed that the Gu Yue clan was helping her in secret. However, it was actually Bai Man's father who felt sorry for her and was secretly assisting her. She mistakenly believed that another Gu Yue clan spy was helping her, which increased her loyalty to the clan. As a result of her hard work, she was able to reach rank two upper stage battle gu master in the Bai clan.


A few months ago, a different group of rank three envoys arrived at Bai Mountain. Bai Cha’s mother followed them into the woods and told them everything. They nodded and told her to wait for further instructions. However, they were skeptical of her identity, suspecting that she had been bribed by the Bai clan to betray the Gu Yue clan.


Over the past few months, they tested her loyalty. They were surprised to find out she was actually loyal and that she had become a rank 2 Gu master. When they married her to Bai man, the members of the Gu Yue clan who knew about her and Bai man's reputation realized that it was all over for her.

A few days before Gu Yue clan left for Bai Gu mountain inheritance,

Then the clan assigned her the most important mission of her life. 

She completed it flawlessly.

She also informed number four about many secrets only Bai clan members would know including the fact that the twins had no cultivation, but Gu Masters hid around them, protecting them from danger at all times.


Bai Cha’s mother coerced her daughter into taking the twins to a desolate path in Bai Gu mountain. To keep the guarding Gu master occupied, she caused distractions while starting a fire in the village.

Only because of this, number four was able to kidnap them without getting killed.


Bai clan leader was no idiot, in fact, she was wiser than ordinary people. 

In Fang Yuan's first life, she was the one who led the Bai clan on the resettlement and set the foundation for the next generation's prosperity.


In the tent, the other Gu Masters were panicking when they looked at this scene.

The situation was terrible, everything happened in a flash, who would have thought that someone would have the guts to kidnap the two young masters, kill the Gu master’s protecting them, and start a fire in some of the tents.


Bai clan leader forced herself to calm down. She was the birth mother of Bai Hua and Bai Sheng, her worry and anxiety far surpassed the others.

She could relate to the sadness shown in the expression of Bai Cha’s mother.

However, as someone in power, she had to have her strengths.

Other than her identity as a mother, she was also the clan leader!


She handled the situation perfectly, She gathered the clan people made arrangements to protect everyone, She made everyone assign a post, so that if they were under attack they would be able to handle the attackers well, She sent the investigation who masters to find the attackers and arsonists and find her children as well.


Investigation Gu master’s were trying their best, but they could not find the attackers or the arsonist, and after a few hours, they figured out that the twins were led into the Bai Gu mountain.


No one considered that a traitor was in the clan and even if they thought of that possibility they would not say it. Bai clan literally was the first to consider a traitor might be inside the clan, but she did not say it, The last thing she needed was an internal conflict going on in the clan, When the clan is under attack.

Even if they were absolutely sure that there is a traitor in the clan, Bai Cha’s mother would have been the last one to be suspected of treason, as she had a very pitiful identity and her daughter was also kidnapped along with the twins.