~ Chapter Twenty Nine : Selene’s Genius ~
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Selene picked herself up and mumbled a string of what Ekaterina could only assume to be curses she couldn't understand in an ancient language.

"Why is the world such a mess? First, someone killed a vampire, Heidi fixed that, but then a Demi tried to attack one of the Four Houses?" Selene's bright eyes looked incredibly pitiful as she complained to Ekaterina.

"Oh! But your control of your Phantasm was really good for your first try! You did a good job. As a teacher, I'm proud!" Selene crossed her arms and nodded her head with a sagely demeanor incompatible with her young appearance.

"She gave the theoretical knowledge, it's why you could open your Phantasm like you did without learning magic~" Eliana chimed in, her voice full of laughter, which Ekaterina could somehow tell was directed at her skill with magical abilities.

"Why are you laughing? I haven't learned magic at all! Selene just explained something and then left it at that!" Every time Ekaterina read a novel with a long-lived race that sucked at learning, she would scoff.

But now, she could understand the protagonist's pain. Selene rolled her eyes, not minding Ekaterina's split attention, but Sabine curiously poked Ekaterina's cheek with a questioning look.

"Are you going schizophrenic?" Sabine's seemingly innocent question made Ekaterina huff, relieved that Sabine hadn't asked her such a question in a child form or she'd take double the emotional damage.

"I'm talking to the squatter in my Phantasm." Ekaterina's words had barely left her lips, but Eliana had quickly taken control of her magical energy and condensed it in front of Ekaterina.

"Squatter?! You are the squatter!" Seeing the girl who looked like a younger version of Ekaterina appear in a flash of yellow and orange sparks with a visibly different personality, Sabine's eyes lit up.

"Yes, yes." Ekaterina rolled her eyes. When her Phantasm opened, Eliana could appear inside of the space freely, but she hadn't appeared from beginning to end.

"I'm more than a little curious as to where you went." Ekaterina's words made Eliana's small face contort into an expression of anger and rage.

"I was looking for Heidi! Since you chose to open your Phantasm, I had to call Heidi so you didn't end up getting killed by accident!" Eliana's angry retort pulled Ekaterina back to reality.

It was as Eliana had said she had done something she would have never done as a human, hurt others, and risked her life, and she hadn't thought very much of it.

"It's not like you could help it, though." Selene ran to Eliana and patted her head to calm her down, although Eliana wrinkled her nose and moved her head away shortly after.

"Vampires are predators, and because vampires lack a real sense of danger, we act before we think more often than not." Selene then tapped her forehead and squinted.

"When you think of the moon, it's never any real emotion such as anger or joy. The moon is mostly just calm or serene." Selene then gestured to Ekaterina.

"The sun is often used for a variety of emotions, and you... Well, your overall emotional state was heightened?" Selene tapped her flawless index finger to her chin in thought.

Honestly, she wasn't sure what Ekaterina's emotional state was at the time. It was several emotions, but the most dominant one was her arrogance.

"Do you want to fight with me?" Selene's question made the three people present besides herself, Sabine, Ekaterina, and Eliana look at her with confusion.

"It's kind of dull to just end the night like this. Let's do something fun!" Selene held Ekaterina's arms her arms and shook while giving her the puppy eyes.

"I don't know? What... I don't even know how I'd go about that." Ekaterina mumbled. A vampire she could fight as long as she had magical energy, but a demon was different.

How could a demon eight thousand years old not have skills far beyond hers and the strength of an eight thousand year old vampire?

She doubted she could resist one of Selene's punches, much less have a battle with her. Selene's eyes widened as she observed Ekaterina's face.

"No, I said fight, but not like that! Not like an actual fight between you and me, I meant, use your Phantasm and come with me to do something fun." Selene's smile became a sneaky one.

"I'd rather Ekaterina not do anything dangerous for the rest of well, forever, but Selene, you'll still try to sneak around, so if you do anything, take good care of my youngest daughter." Christabel knocked on the door and entered carrying a tray with several glasses of blood, placing it on the table.

"You're adorable!" Christabel handed Ekaterina and Eliana a glass and then handed one to Sabine and Selene, then she returned her attention to Eliana.

"I..." Eliana's palid skin was around the same as Ekaterina's, but Christabel's heartfelt comment made Eliana's face light up with a layer of pink, shocking Ekaterina who had a mental image of Eliana as being a capricious child of in her mind.

"Shut up!" Eliana disappeared into sparks of orange and yellow, leaving her untouched glass of blood on the low coffee table she'd stood next to.

"Thank you..." Eliana's whisper made Christabel smile faintly, slightly different than the usual gentle smile she wore normally.

"You're welcome, Eliana. Are you sure you don't want to drink anything, Ekaterina won't cause any trouble for you, okay?" Christabel's soothing words actually drew Eliana back out, and Ekaterina wondered if Eliana had been swapped due to her two vastly different demeanors.

"I-" Ekaterina wanted to say something, but Christabel's overly gentle smile returned, and Ekaterina very wisely chose to sip her drink, playing with the liquid in her mouth silently.

"Mom's scary..." Sabine bumped Ekaterina's shoulder softly and murmured, and while Christabel undoubtedly heard, since Sabine hadn't directed the words to her, she didn't respond.


Christabel's presence seemed to turn Eliana from a hooligan into a demure child, as Ekaterina was left staring speechlessly and wondered if Sabine felt the way she did now towards herself, looking at Christabel's pampering of Eliana.

"Are you jealous?" Sabine's question caught Ekaterina by surprise, but after a moment of consideration, Ekaterina nodded, realizing she was jealous.

As for why, she wasn't sure exactly. Was she jealous of Christabel's motherly pampering, or was she jealous of Eliana's good behavior, but then she shook her head.

"Not in a serious way. I was just shocked, Eliana isn't  normally so..." Ekaterina trailed off when Christabel hummed softly and then offered Ekaterina another glass.

"Tonight, Selene's probably going to cause some chaos, and so, you should make sure you have enough energy to keep up." Christabel found herself smiling genuinely at Ekaterina.

On the surface, she seemed to favor Eliana over her two daughters, but Eliana's sense of belonging was different to Sabine's and even Ekaterina's.

Christabel was the strongest empath in the world, and although she usually didn't pry, she 'glanced' at Eliana and felt a surge of motherly compassion welling up.

Eliana, despite her seemingly 'bad' attitude with Ekaterina, truly existed for her and would only do things that benefitted Ekaterina, with little thought of herself.

"She'll stay here with me, okay?" Christabel's words didn't surprise the other three, and then she stood up and brought Eliana out of the room.

"I... I was there... But I don't know what happened..." Selene's clear silver eyes rolled around in confusion, while Sabine just laughed and looked at Ekaterina.

"Well, mom's always happy to have someone to pamper, and Eliana doesn't have any parents, either, right? They'll get really along well." Sabine's sense of jealousy was low.

She'd had three hundred years to bask in Christabel's motherly affection, and she actually enjoyed seeing someone else on the receiving end, as lately, she'd left home more and more often, leaving Christabel alone.

"And when we have a child, we can let mom babysit?" Sabine's grin preceded Ekaterina's head blurring as she whipped it to stare open-mouthed at Sabine, her clear red eyes wide with shock.

"Why are you dating?! I'm still single! This is unfair!" Selene threw a proper tantrum, kicking and rolling around, but controlling her strength to avoid destroying the estate and the land surrounding it for several miles.

"Didn't you say you wanted to do something fun? Let's do that?" Ekatinera hopped up, trying to distract Selene, and although the hasty attempt was obvious, Selene hopped up with a smile.

"Heidi is bad at tracking, and I'm better at it! That Demi that teleported away, I spent a little time to track them, so let's go ruin their day too!" Selene's excited silver eyes made Ekaterina scratch her cheek in confusion.

"You want to go to the... Central Continent and fight one?" Ekaterina's hesitant words made Selene's face scrunch up in distaste, and she couldn't help but skip over and squeeze Ekaterina's cheeks into different shapes.

"Listen, a Demi can't really fight a demon. They can only cause us to use more magical energy than we normally would. In a fight with one Demi, I could easily tear their head off, okay?" Ekaterina hurriedly nodded to spare her cheeks the torture of being kneaded by a displeased Selene.

"Doesn't the Central Continent have a lot of Demi, though? I don't think it would be a one on one fight for very long." Ekaterina wasn't unaware of the idea of banding together to defeat a very strong enemy, and Selene definitely wasn't either.

"Sure, which is why we need to pop over to the Southern Continent and grab Safiya." Sabine was shocked by Selene's solution, then her face gradually turned helpless.

"Your idea isn't to teleport Safiya, who is undoubtedly asleep into a Demi's Field, right?" At Sabine's question, Selene's eyes squinted, and she looked like a little imp whose plot had been seen through.

"Safiya is too strong to be in any trouble, but the backlash on the Demi when Safiya wakes up is gonna be memorable!" Selene snickered and then tossed an orb of silvery light through the wall, and Ekaterina could feel a sense of stability.

"I'm going to spend an absurd amount of magical energy to keep Eliana in reality while we get revenge! So let's make sure it's worth it!" Selene's magical energy washed over them, and then the surroundings were different.

The air was more humid than it was in Iistrovia, with the sun not having risen yet despite the vast distance between Iistrovia and the Cizene Tropics.

"Found her!" Selene's delighted eyes would have been heart-warming to behold. If Ekaterina wasn't aware, she was sending her fellow demon into a Demi's Field with bad intentions for the Demi.

"Do we need to do anything?" Sabine asked, half curious and half with visible anticipation on her face. It seemed she'd gotten quite invested in Selene's revenge plot, too.

"Nope, Safiya will do it! Just be ready to run, I won't teleport us immediately so we can see it happen." Selene's smile widened, and then they were on the Central Continent, Eliria.

Selene suspended a pajama wearing Safiya in the air, but her eyes were closed and her face peaceful. Selene tried to hold back a laugh as she teleported Safiya away, and then she finally couldn't contain herself.

"Oh my God! This is gonna be great! She's going to be so furious!" While Ekaterina couldn't help but worry about Safiya, Selene seemed incapable of thinking anything could happen to Safiya, and a moment later, she understood why.

"Who's waking me up? Wait, where is this!? A Demi?! How dare you appear before me, you weakling!" Safiya's voice wasn't carried via sound, but by magical energy, and while it rendered her words inaudible to humans, every vampire, witch, demon, and Demi, could hear her words on the Elirian Continent.

A monstrous wave of magical energy, so condensed, it formed transparent waves that raced away from some part of the inner Elirian Continent, then without warning, Selene, Ekaterina, Sabine, and countless other non-human creatures were suddenly enduring cataclysmic waves.

Ekaterina couldn't see them, but she seemed to be unable to balance herself on land as the earth shuddered, and then a wall of vibrant blue water stretching high into the skies appeared on the horizon.

"Tsunami?! That isn't even a tsunami anymore. It's higher than the clouds!" Sabine retorted in shock, tilting her head back to look up at the wall of water formed from magical energy stretching high into the sky.

Magical energy impacted the giant mass of magical energy and forced it into the air, preventing it from touching the ground, but the magical energy was distinctly different from a vampire's or a demon's magical, energy. 

"Safiya won't use the magical energy to attack, but the Arch Witches and Demi will have to dissipate all the magical energy Safiya threw out suddenly while keeping it off the continent." Selene smiled as an angry Safiya appeared in a flash of blue light.

"I should have known that my sleep was too good to be true! Selene! You... You... Just wait!" Safiya wasn't able to threaten Selene, and so she could only glare viciously with her aquamarine eyes and then teleport away.

"They're checking. Let's go!" Before Selene finished her sentence, they were back in the Starikov Estate, with Selene extremely proud of herself, her silver eyes full of mischief.

"They'll have to erode Safiya's magical energy bit by bit, and it will occupy their time for at least a month or two!" Selene wiggled two of her small fingers and then beamed.

"Peace for two months! I'm amazing, right?" Selene's question made Ekaterina nod absent-mindedly, and she couldn't help but scratch her cheek in embarrassment.

Rather than peace, Selene simply put a mass of magical energy enough to submerge a continent courtesy of Safiya above their heads and simply forced them to deal with that instead.

"It works..." Sabine nodded, and while it seemed wrong somehow, when she replayed the events in her head, she wasn't sure exactly what it was that seemed wrong morally.