~ Chapter Thirty One : Preparation ~
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Ekaterina briefly wondered why Selene didn't just teleport them across the oceans to the Oceanic Dominion State's mainland, but everyone's sense of excitement at traveling was more apparent this time they got ready to go.

"Lady Ekaterina, do you need anything?" A maid, as Ekaterina couldn't think of her as anything else, bowed slightly and asked, yet her distinctly human scent made Ekaterina wonder why she was chosen to work for the Starikov Family

"I'm fine, I'm just trying to find something to wear." Ekaterina had hardly paid attention to style and clothes, and now that she had a variety of options, with exquisite hair ornaments and priceless jewelry at her finger tips, she couldn't help but stare blankly.

"I can assist you, Lady Ekaterina." The maid walked over with quick but nearly perfectly spaced steps, looked at Ekaterina closely, and although she was just a human who posed no threat to Ekaterina, such a blatant stare made Ekaterina feel a bit embarrassed.

"How about something more casual? Lord Valentina hasn't had the time to transport her jet over and will be flying on a commercial airline." While the maid nodded to herself, she began to sort through the walk-in closet with an area that could be considered a small room.

Watching the maid dutifully at work, Ekaterina took some time to observe the maid, who didn't seem too old. Ekaterina's best guess put her somewhere in her twenties, yet she carried herself with a sense of grace that made her seem older.

"Kat! Look!" Selene ran into the room and made a beeline straight for Ekaterina, hiding behind her with an object Ekaterina couldn't quite make out in her clutches.

"You damned gremlin!" A flustered Sabine rushed in shortly after, her blazing eyes so intense, Ekaterina wondered if Sabine would attack Selene out of anger.

"I just wanted to show Kat this cool thing I found in your room." While Selene said so, Ekaterina looked at the object she clutched in her hand and gave Selene a look with her expression somewhere between helpless and confused.

"Why are you running around with Sabine's underwear in your hand?" Ekaterina's question made Selene's pure silvery eyes stare up innocently, but after spending time with Selene, Ekaterina knew how mischievous she was.

"I didn't know it was underwear! I thought it was a bathing suit, so I wanted to ask if you wanted to go swimming!" Although Selene's voice and expression were flawless, as an eight thousand year old demon, how could she with all her knowledge not understand what she held?

"Now that I look at it closely, where is the rest of the cloth-?" An embarrassed Sabine yanked the cloth out of Selene's hand and growled as she looked at the silver haired girl who stared back with a pitiful expression.

Ekaterina couldn't help but wonder if the world had changed dramatically in the past few days. Selene, an eight thousand year old demon with powers that could be said to be god-like, constantly teased Sabine.

And Sabine, despite being three hundred years old, never ceased to be infected by Selene's ability to cause mischief, and the duo had become quite at odds, with both parties who trying to one up the other.

"Kat, do you want to try it on?" Sabine's angry expression quickly crumpled into one of shock, then anticipation at Selene's sudden question, while Ekaterina rolled her eyes with a smile.

"The only time you two actually stop fighting is when you try to drag me into something..." Ekaterina mumbled with a look of discontent, but she wasn't upset.

In fact, she had tried most clothing after arriving at the Estate, so as to familiarize herself with wearing them, including swimsuits and lingerie.

"That's natural, Kat is so beautiful and pure it makes people want to defi-" Selene's rather scary words made Sabine clamp a hand over her mouth in shock.

"No one asked you! Go away, you old woman!" Sabine's retort made Selene angry, and in a flash of silvery light, a more mature Selene appeared, pressing a finger on Sabine's forehead.

"I'm not old, am I? Ekaterina, am I old?" Selene's tone was distinctly different from her younger form, a bit more formal and reserved, but a hint of teasing still remained.

"No, not old at all!" Ekaterina dutifully shook her head while looking at the ceiling and inwardly calculated the numbers in her head.

If the average human lifespan was eighty years, then Selene could be said to have lived over a hundred times the natural lifespan of a human being, but if she said she wasn't old, Ekaterina could only agree.

"Ekaterina is so sensible, unlike this brat." Selene's silver eyes held a hint of maliciousness that didn't escape Sabine's perception, and so she immediately tried to run.

"Since you called me an old hag, as an 'old hag', I need to discipline you thoroughly..." Selene pointed at the escaping Sabine, and then a flash of silvery light filled the room.

When the silvery light faded, Sabine's body had noticeably shrunken down, and from the expression of shock, she hadn't expected such a situation either.

"Sabine, you can still apologize for being a willful child." Selene said so, but from her smile, Ekaterina felt Selene was simply waiting for Sabine to jump into a pit of her own making.

"You're the child! Why am I so small?! Selene, you hag!" Sabine immediately retorted, but then corrected herself, and hearing her, Selene smiled and reached out towards Sabine.

Ekaterina sighed as Selene placed Sabine over her lap and raised her palm, not minding Sabine's ever increasing struggle as she realized what Selene intended to do.

"Selene! Selene! Stop! I'm not a kid!" Despite her struggles and squirming, Selene didn't shake at all, as the gap in their strength was so great, Sabine was rendered helpless.

"Hmm? Didn't you say I was an old hag? I should have the right to spank you, right?" Selene's smile was one of victory, and Sabine found she could only throw the towel in. 

"You're young and beautiful! Don't! I didn't mean it!" Sabine squirmed when Selene raised her hand, and even Ekaterina felt the scene was too shocking.

"It's good kids can learn in this day and age." Selene spoke in the tone of an old wizened person, then dropped her palm, and a crisp smack sounded.

"Who is a hag! I am a beautiful and angelic person whose beauty is number one!" With each word, her hand fell, and even the maid who had chosen to turn a blind eye to the situation couldn't help but feel a bit flustered.

"That... Lady Sabine..." The speechless maid wanted to say something, but Ekaterina stepped forward and swiftly pulled Sabine out of Selene's clutches.

"Seems the embarrassment was too much?" Selene chuckled as Sabine's green eyes stared at her like a wild beast promising revenge, her small body trembling from the urge to rush over and fight Selene.

"Selene... Since you chose to discipline my daughter, then you should be ready to be spanked as well, right?" Christabel's smile, which seemed really gentle, made Selene's gloating expression visibly wilt.

"Christabel, I'm a demon!" Selene's words didn't deter Christabel, whose brown eyes sparkled with amusement, then she sat down on the bed and gestured to Selene.

"If you run, don't come back for a decade. If you resist, you'll be banned from the estate for a century." Christabel's ever so gentle smile made Selene, a person whose strength could be considered at the top of the world, shiver.

"I just wanted to-" While Selene desperately tried to save herself, Sabine, who found a chance to inflict damage to her enemy, buried her head in Ekaterina's shoulder, and muffled sobs came shortly after.

"M-mom! She spanked m-me!" As someone with a severe maternal streak, Christabel's gentle smile condensed into something akin to a mask, yet her smile couldn't hide her displeasure seeing her daughter crying.

"Selene. You have three seconds to get on my lap." Christabel's voice was light, but Selene looked as if she'd suffered some unspeakable torment as a second ticked by.

At the second second, Selene gave Sabine a bitter glare and walked over to Christabel with elegant steps, her chin raised as if she disdained Christabel's presence.

"I'm not afraid of you! I just felt like this spot has a better view of outside..." Selene's words made Christabel smile, and even Sabine, who had pretended to cry to inflict damage on Selene, shivered.

"Of course not, Selene. You're so strong and beautiful. You're beyond anyone's restrictions." Although Christabel answered as such, Selene shivered and quickly changed her attitude.

"Christa, I'm sorry? You're actually really scary!" Selene's words were the thoughts in everyone's heart, as Christabel seemed to be the person who would kill you with a gentle smile on her face.

Ekaterina helplessly looked as Christabel patted her knee lightly, and even the mischievous Selene looked as if she had swallowed a bitter pill.

"Anything but that? I don't want to get spanked..." A familiar scene replayed itself. Only the diologue was slightly different, as were the speakers.

"I'll be gentle?" Although Selene looked extremely resistant, she shot a bitter glance at Sabine, who turned her head and gave Selene a conniving grin.

When Christabel's palm landed, Selene squirmed slightly, and her pale skin flushed in shame. As a being whose actions could easily affect hundreds of millions of lives, when had she ever been so embarrassed?

Yet, the palm lifted again and slapped down, and a loud smack filled the room. The maid looked at the helpless expression and flushed face of Selene and struggled to quell her shock and keep the emotion of her face.

Selene was considered the oldest demon and, by extension, the strongest demon in the world. Physically, there was no other creature that could compare to her, and her magical attainments were also just as exaggeratedly high.

Christabel patted Selene's back softly and then set her upright. Apparently, Selene couldn't deal with the shame and swapped back to her younger self, and her expression could only be described as pitiful.

"We'll need to be ready to leave in a few hours, Lumi. Please help my daughters with anything they may need. I'll be with Val." Christabel gave Selene a warning glance that made the latter puff out of her cheeks.

"You..." Because of their hearing, Selene's mumbled words caught Ekaterina's and Sabine's ears. Sabine stuck her head she'd buried in Ekaterina's shoulder out and smiled slyly.

"You! You made Christa spank me!" As if she had regained her spirit, Selene exploded into a fury as she lunged at Sabine and tackled her, causing them both to collapse into a tangled pile.

"You did it first!" Sabine retorted with a smile that made Selene's eyes narrow. Ekaterina wondered how the two were 'friends', as the two were as incompatible as fire and ice.

"Is this suitable, Lady Ekaterina?" The maid named Lumi Ekaterina returned with a rather seemingly simple blouse and pants, with a pair of matching bracelets.

"You can call me Ekaterina if you want to, calling me Lady makes me feel... uncomfortable." Ekaterina mumbled at first, but then increased her volume because Lumi was human.

"If you prefer it, La- Ekaterina." Lumi bowed her head slightly in apology and then placed the clothes down on the large bed, and then excused herself from the room.

"Is she always so diligent?" Ekaterina's words made Sabine's sparkling emerald eyes turn to herself, then Sabine shrugged because she also wasn't sure.

"I've never paid much attention, and I've rarely been here recently since I became old enough." Sabine's small stature could almost make one forget she lived for three hundred years.

"Selene, what is this spell? I can't change my body!" Sabine's cry mixed with a tinge of helplessness made Selene, who had plopped into Ekaterina's bed, lift her head with a sagely expression.

"I think I the spell lasts for a day..." Selene didn't explain the spell, but instead told of the duration, but before she dropped her head, she smiled maliciously.

"Or it might last a thousand, I forgot, since I'm an old hag..." Selene then buried her face into the covers, trying to ignore the stunned Sabine who quickly climbed on top of her to make a racket.

"They get along as well as they ever do~" a familiar voice spoke. Looking to the right, Eliana sat sipping on a glass full of juice, looking at the two girls tumbling on the bed.

Eliana's playfulness was only ever visible away from Christabel, as she seemed to act like a properly well-behaved child.

"We'll be going to school soon~ and I'll return to your Phantasm~. I don't want to go to school~" Eliana pouted, feeling Ekaterina's silent mirth.

"Christabel obviously treats you like the daughter she can pamper. Do you think she'll let you sit around in my Phantasm?" Ekaterina's words made Eliana's picturesque features scrunch up in distaste.

"I'm smart enough! I'm not going!" Eliana didn't see why humans would waste their lives in school. To her, it was better to do something more practical.

"Tell Christabel that." Ekaterina mumbled with a sigh that made Eliana's determined expression wilt slightly. 

Eliana wasn't afraid of Christabel. Far from it, she admired Christabel, and so, she wanted to make Christabel happy.

"Fine~ If someone tries to hit on you in school~ I'll burn them~" Eliana spoke glumly, then pushed a glass of blood into Ekaterina's hands.

"You need to stay fed~ Or your control might slip and you could hurt someone~" Eliana's chiding voice hung in the air as Ekaterina looked at the red liquid in the glass cup.

"I know. Blood tastes really good, but I don't think I'll attack someone, I didn't see Lumi as walking food..." Ekaterina's instincts were triggered by Lumi, who was human.

"Don't be too complacent~ If you attack someone, you'll blame yourself~" Eliana shook a finger back and forth in front of Ekaterina's face in admonishment.

"I know, don't worry. Blood tastes good, too, so I won't deliberately avoid drinking it. I'm fine with drinking blood, after all." Ekaterina didn't have any disgust towards the act a human might have because she survived on blood as a vampire.

"Hmph~" Eliana's eyes narrowed into crescents as she inspected Ekaterina's side profile, then she clicked her tongue and vanished.

"I need to do something inside, I'll come out before you travel~" Eliana's words hung in the air as the orange and yellow sparkles faded away.