“Atomic Might”-Power’s of Captain Atom used logically(DC comics)
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Trigger Warnings:Human trafficking, brief mentions of rape, and violence of the murderous variety. You have been WARNED!!


I plopped down at the computer in the library, still reeling from the fact I woke up in BROCKTON BAY. Which shouldn't even exist! And I woke up looking like a young Nathaniel Adam from DC comics!  Like what the fuck!? 

Thankfully, I hadn't been left naked and defenseless. For instance, I was still wearing my black hoodie, light blue muscle shirt, and cargo pants. I also had my phone(which didn't work) , my keys, and my headphones which I just plugged into the computer. I had Captain Atom's powers too, all of them, and I knew how to use them like I had been using them for decades, the sensation was weird.  

I began typing away on the computer, looking up a general outline of American history. 'Revolutionary War... Civil War..World War One and Two....Scion?!...Heroes?...PRT?.. Endbringers!?!.....OH GOD, ATLANTA..Okay, so, I'm in a doomed universe that was a work of fiction in my own. Fucking SPECTACULAR! Okay, calm down, everybody here are nothing more than chumps compared to the power I'm packing..except Scion, he might be able to hurt me. So this is good, I'll operate as an independent cape here in Brockton, wipe out the ABB, kill Lung and Lee and burn the Farm to the ground for starters! I have no money, so I'm sure the slaving chinks won't mind me taking some of their hard earned green and putting it in a dimensional storage space. Then I'll hunt down Coil, shouldn't be too hard, just show up at the PRT after publicly wiping out the ABB, and demand to see.... Thomas Calvert, I think that's his name? Eh, doesn't matter, overwhelming fire power solves most problems. Well, no use having an internal monologue, just gotta look up then head to ABB territory and start blasting to draw Lung out, simple!' I type away on the computer, getting a edited map of Brockton Bay showing gang territories, memorizing it, then logging out of the website and-'oh, music video by Canary...well...I'm sure I can listen to one of her songs.' 

I click on it, and........beautiful, so beautiful, I want to hear that voice all the time~, and the song ends way too soon. I'm left blinking and shaking out of a trance 'W-what..what the hell was that?! I-I...I've never heard something so...perfect before. Her voice was beautiful. Well, I'm definitely not letting her end up in the Birdcage.' My fist clenches at the mere thought of letting her end up in that shithole. 'I'm definitely going to interfere with the convoy, and there's not a damn thing anyone can do to stop me! I want(Need) to hear that voice in person, and anyone who tries to interfere is getting a one way ticket to atomisation!' I snap myself out of my odd train of thought, then quickly look up anything I can about Canary 'Dammit, trial is currently underway-I know she got transported with Lung, so I guess I can leave him alive...as much as it ticks me off to let that honorless bastard live.' 

I look up a few more important things, then unplug my headphones from the computer, get up, say a warm goodbye to the tired looking librarian as I leave, go across the street to a nearby alley and ACTIVATE my powers. 'Man, that's a rush I'll never tire of! Hello world, get ready for Atomic Might!'  I think to myself as I swiftly fly into the air, ready to take on the world-but first...the ABB.


Gunshots, screams of the dying, and shouts fill the air as I take my time in dealing with Lung's gang of honorless, slaving fools, blasting a hole through one with a low intensity beam of energy, then sweeping that beam across the street, killing anyone with a weapon drawn and wearing green and red, cutting them in half horizontally at the waist , and generally making a nuisance of myself as I wait for the dragon knock off to arrive in all his scaley glory. 

I've been doing this for about fifteen minutes now, creating big, loud show, fully aware of the PRT drone hovering above that arrived and began watching my altercation with the ABB around five minutes ago. I roar in put upon rage, twisting my metallic features into a snarling visage. Truly an Oscar worthy performance, if I do say so myself! 'But seriously, where the fuck is the overgrown lizard? I'm almost sure he would show up personally to deal with me, and I've already wiped out two blocks of these bastards!' A minute later, I get my answer when somebody teleports behind me and pointlessly suicide bombs themselves. I blink and turn around, face still radiating rage as I spew "To afraid to fight me one on one, huh Lung!? Well, once I deal with your lackey and gang, I'll hunt you down and skin you myself!!"  





Oni Lee teleports again, right in front of me and my arm flickers faster than he could ever hope to comprehend, grabbing his neck and crushing it between my palms-and suddenly Oni Lee is no more. The grenade goes off, shredding into his corpse and leaving me entirely unaffected, except for some blood splattering across my metallic form. I sneer as I drop what's left of his corpse on to the pothole covered road below, "Pathetic."

I then notice no more bullets are pinging off my form, and swiftly turn around, slightly confused. 

'Oh, there running away. Huh.' I blur and quickly kill those trying to retreat before they get any further. Probably going around 500 miles per hour in that couple of seconds it takes to kill all fourteen of them. 

I move on to the next block of ABB territory and continue the massacre, killing close to another nineteen people before I hear a roar of fury behind me, hearing stomping footsteps as I quickly turn around, "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!" Lung shouts in utter rage as he approaches, already close to nine feet tall and quickly growing scaley. I zip forward and grab him by the throat,simultaneously halting his power from getting stronger with some carefully applied atomic manipulation, squeezing hard enough for him to know I could break him in a second, his eyes widening as he chokes, grabbing at my forearm, kicking me innefectually. I look at him coldly, a matched-if put upon-fury filling my voice as I demand "Where. Is. The. Farm. Where is my sister, you son of a bitch!" He continues choking as I slowly ease up on my grip, enough for him to talk as he looks at me in a mix of rage, shock and dawning realisation,he wheezes out "S-sister? Oh...oh Kuso." His eyes flit about wildly for a couple seconds, before firming and sneering "Sucking dick like a good little-AAAAAAHHHH!!!"I shoot a beam through his crotch, causing him to squeal and scream like a stuck pig, his body locking up in abject agony, then healing him through my atomic manipulation, delicately creating the atoms necessary to restructure his crotch at a rate that appears near instantaneous. He sags in relief, and I let him recover from the shock of losing then regaining his genitals. I point my glowing hand at his crotch and say coldly. "Try again."

He gulps, then collects himself and glares at me "Shine!" He spits at me. I blast him in the balls again, he screams in agony. I don't heal him until he goes limp, after which I promptly send an incredibly painful shock through his system, which quickly wakes him up. I let him collect his dignity as he chockingly sobs from the phantom feeling of everything held in between his hips being burned away. After I believe him to be sufficiently recovered, I squeeze his throat, causing him to choke. "Last chance to get sent to the PRT Lung, or I deal out my own brand of justice, and continue my search." I let up on the pressure to his throat, letting him get enough air to talk, and boy does he talk, "It's on the east side of m-my territory, it's the uh-the fourth warehouse on the s-second to last block before you reach uh-Merchant territory. I swear, that's where it is!!" I gaze at him intensely, looking for any sign of falsehood, then nodding and saying, "Have a horrible nap Lung." Before squeezing his throat until he can no longer breath, slowly suffocating him as he writhes and claws at my immovable arm. At the ten minute mark, he stops struggling and his eyes roll into the back of his head. I drop him on the sidewalk five seconds later, before quickly heading east, arriving to see....a block of largely abandoned warehouses, likely used to hold and transport various goods back in The Bay's prime. I sharpen my hearing, quickly hearing what sounds like...sexual intercourse, sobbing, whimpering, and muffled groans coming from the fourth warehouse down the road from where I'm floating, I also hear the sound of two motorcycles fast approaching. 'Gotta do this quick.' I quickly blitz into the warehouse, killing any oriental man with a gun, or fucking one of the poor people('Is that a-JESUS! OH that bastard deserved worse than getting atomised, you don't-kids should be off-limits-') trapped here, basically all but one who was taking a dump, I knocked him out. 

I quickly found an empty room, the zipped around the warehouse, grabbing an empty bed, some empty needles, and handcuffs.' Now for the acting.' I think grimly as I hear the bikes get louder, probably no more than three blocks away. I create a corpse of a human women who could pass as a sibling, structure her atoms just so, as to create a very similar genetic structure to my own. I give the corpse a lethal cocktail of drugs, then create needle marking on her arms, and signs of severe sexual assault, a busted lip, and several bruises in the shape of fists all along her abdomen, then I add the four pairs of handcuffs, locking one of each around her legs and arms, and restructuring the corpses flesh as to make it appear she was fighting against he constraints. I aged the corpse two hours and fourteen minutes, lastly adding the appropriate amount of bloodstains and....fluids... around the body.

 I resume to the normal flow of time, then drop heavily to my knees,and begin to wail in 'horror' and 'grief' as I remove the cuffs from the body, gently pulling the body off the now stained bed and into my lap, cradling the body close and begin to rock back and forth, forcing ugly tears to my eyes as I return to normal, sobbing  'uncontrollably' as I hold the body close. 'The bikes have stopped, and I hear sirens in the distance..wonder who will show to my little show?' I think as I continue the act of a broken man who failed to save his sister from the most horrifying fate possible. I continue the act for nearly thirty minutes, long enough for the emergency vehicles and PRT to show up, the (I assume) two capes having taken all of the trafficking victims outside of the warehouse. Eventually, someone does enter the room I'm holding the corpse, hesitatingly approaching me as I play my part. "Sir?" I don't respond, just continue holding the body and sobbing my hear out. "Sir, can you hear me?" I slowly halt my tears, then begin to glow and I shout in a animalistic, unhinged, grief stricken tone at the person behind me "Get AWAY!! YOUR NOT TAKING HER! I WON'T LET YOU!!" I then create a bubble of cyan blue light around me and the body. Whoever they are quickly leaves the room, double timing it for the stairs. The running boots fade.

Close to an hour later, three sets of footsteps enter the hallway. I hear murmuring as they approach. Meanwhile, I've just slowly stopped sobbing, then stopped blabbering about how I'm sorry, that it should've been her that got powers, typical traumatised and guilt ridden words. And as they approach, I'm just gently rocking the body back and forth, emptily humming a lullaby, giving a hollow, slightly tormented look at the bed, my eyes never leaving it. The three people-one of them likely Armsmaster based on the clunking sounds of power armor-walk inside to witness my little play. They don't do anything for several moments, until I feel something-a unseen wave-push against the bubble, I allow it and-.....'I'm a goddamn moron.'- and I feel a sense of calm wash over me. 'Seriously,why the fuck did I do this little scene? I could've simply played the morally righteous homeless dude who couldn't take seeing people suffer anymore and gone out for a quest of *righteous* justice with my recently gained powers. Fuck me.'

(End of Part One of "Atomic Might")

(Might be continued, might not, my muse is a absolute tease.)


Feel free to give me suggestions of other short stories/oneshots to write!

In fact, I ENCOURAGE it!

--- Story imagined by John Wolfie(the name of the person who gives me an accepted suggestion will go here)

Written by John Wolfie, The Coolest Dumb-Ass in America.